TxStreet Wiki
TxStreet Wiki
Welcome to the TxStreet Wiki. Please consider contributing to the content.
Anyone can contribute to the core English Wiki by editing the (.md) files directly on GitHub or on your own computer. Take the following steps:
- Sign up for GitHub and login.
- Click the "Fork" button at the top right of this page.
- (Optional) Clone your fork to your computer to edit locally.
- Edit any (.md) files in your fork, and commit your changes.
- Create a "Pull Request" to submit your changes back to main branch.
- Wait for an editor to review and approve your changes.
Please keep the structure of each page intact unless you ask for permission beforehand. Most pages will have a "Summary" section which will be ELI5 (Explain like I'm five).
Every h2 header (##) needs to have an id to maintain linking consistency across locales. This is done with the following format: ## Title{#title}
Translations are being done with crowdin here: https://crowdin.com/project/txstreet
If you think you can help out with translating, please join the TxStreet Discord here and ask about translating in the #wiki channel.
We are currently targetting the following langauges:
- Chinese Simplified
- Chinese Traditional
- German
If you want another language added, please ask!