AT业务组件 - 引导相关
- 产品介绍弹窗-ProductDialog
- 功能上新弹窗-ChangelogDialog
- 页面缺省引导-PagePlaceHolder
- 全屏引导-FullScreenLead
- 气泡-highlight
- Highlight Single Element
- Highlight With Popover
- Highlight With Steps
Quick Start
npm install --save @teamix/lead
| 参数名 | 说明 | 必填 | 类型 | 默认值 | 备注 | | ------ | ---- | ---- | ---- | ------ | ---- | | visible | 是否显示 | false | boolean | | | | logo | 左上角logo图片地址 | true | string | | height: 20px | | title | 标题 | true | string | | | | subTitle | 副标题 | false | string | | | | buttons | 按钮props | true | array | | 参考示例 | | slides | 幻灯片数据 | true | array | | 参考示例 | | onClose | 关闭按钮回调 | false | func | | |
import { ProductDialog } from '@teamix/lead';
props: {
visible: boolean
logo: string // 左上角logo
title: string // 大标题
subTitle: string // 副标题
buttons: { // 标题下按钮
text: string
type: 'primary' | 'normal' | 'secondary'
dance?: boolean // 按钮是否跳动
onClick(): void
slides: { // 幻灯片
src: string;
text: string;
onClose(): void
| 参数名 | 说明 | 必填 | 类型 | 默认值 | 备注 | | ------ | ---- | ---- | ---- | ------ | ---- | | visible | 是否显示 | true | boolean | | | | onOk | 确定按钮回调 | false | func | | | | onCancel | 取消按钮回调 | false | func | | | | onClose | 关闭按钮回调 | false | func | | | | cancelText | 取消按钮文案 | false | string | | | | okText | 确定按钮文案 | false | string | | | | dialogProps | 弹窗 props | false | object | | | | title | 标题 | false | string | | | | description | 描述 | false | string | | | | contentDataSource | 内容 | false | contentDataSourceType[] | | |
contentDataSourceType: {
title?: any;
subtitle?: any;
substance?: any;
import { FullScreenLead } from '@teamix/lead';
props: {
title: string; // 标题
prevButtonText?: string;
nextButtonText?: string;
prevButtonVisible?: boolean;
nextButtonVisible?: boolean;
prevButtonProps?: any; // 按钮接收的参数
nextButtonProps?: any;
onPrevButtonClick?: (e: Event) => void;
onNextButtonClick?: (e: Event) => void;
tabHeaderTitle?: string; // Tabs 上方的标题
useCardTab?: boolean; // 是否启用卡片类型的 Tab
defaultSelectId?: number; // 默认选择的 id
dataSource: dataSourceType[];
onSelect: (selectedId: number | string) => void;
useLoop?: boolean; // 是否启用轮播
speed?: number; // 轮播速度,默认 3000
className?: string;
stopLoopingWhenHover?: boolean; // 是否在点击 Tab 后停止轮播,默认为 true
customContent?: any; // 自定义内容,将不展示卡片
dataSourceType: {
id: number,
tabTitle: string,
tabDesc?: string, // 仅在 useCardTypeTab 为 true 时生效
img: string,
imgDesc: string | ReactNode,
Lead Definition
const lead = new TeamixLead({
className: 'scoped-class', // className to wrap popover
animate: true, // Animate while changing highlighted element
opacity: 0.4, // Background opacity (0 means only popovers and without overlay)
padding: 10, // Distance of element from around the edges
allowClose: true, // Whether clicking on overlay should close or not
overlayClickNext: false, // Should it move to next step on overlay click
nextBtnText: '下一步', // Next button text for this step
prevBtnText: '上一步', // Previous button text for this step
doneBtnText: '完成', // Text on the final button
closeBtnText: '跳过引导', // Text on the close button for this step
showButtons: true, // Do not show control buttons in footer
keyboardControl: true, // Allow controlling through keyboard (escape to close, arrow keys to move)
scrollIntoViewOptions: {}, // We use `scrollIntoView()` when possible, pass here the options for it if you want any
onHighlightStarted: (Element) => {}, // Called when element is about to be highlighted
onHighlighted: (Element) => {}, // Called when element is fully highlighted
onDeselected: (Element) {}, // Called when element has been deselected
onReset: (Element) => {console.log('close', Element)}, // Called when overlay is about to be cleared
onNext: (Element) => {console.log('next', Element)}, // Called when moving to next step on any step
onPrevious: (Element) => {console.log('pre', Element)}, // Called when moving to next step on any step
| 参数名 | 说明 | 必填 | 类型 | 默认值 | 备注 |
| ------ | ---- | ---- | ---- | ------ | ---- |
| className | className to wrap popover | false | string | null | |
| animate | Animate while changing highlighted element | false | boolean | true | |
| opacity | Background opacity (0 means only popovers and without overlay) | false | number | 0.4 | |
| padding | Distance of element from around the edges | false | number | 10 | |
| allowClose | Whether clicking on overlay should close or not | false | boolean | true | |
| overlayClickNext | Should it move to next step on overlay click | false | boolean | false | |
| nextBtnText | Next button text for this step | false | string | "Next ->" | |
| prevBtnText | Previous button text for this step | false | string | "<- Prev" | |
| doneBtnText | Text on the final button | false | string | "Done" | |
| closeBtnText | Text on the close button for this step | false | string | "Close" | |
| showButtons | Do not show control buttons in footer | false | boolean | true | |
| keyboardControl | Allow controlling through keyboard (escape to close, arrow keys to move) | false | boolean | true | |
| scrollIntoViewOptions | We use scrollIntoView()
when possible, pass here the options for it if you want any | false | {} | {} | |
| onHighlightStarted | Called when element is about to be highlighted | false | func | (Element) => {} | |
| onHighlighted | Called when element is fully highlighted | false | func | (Element) => {} | |
| onDeselected | Called when element has been deselected | false | func | (Element) => {} | |
| onReset | Called when overlay is about to be cleared | false | func | (Element) => {} | |
| onNext | Called when moving to next step on any step | false | func | (Element) => {} | |
| onPrevious | Called when moving to next step on any step | false | func | (Element) => {} | |
Step Definition
Here are the set of options that you can pass while defining steps defineSteps
or the object that you pass to highlight
const stepDefinition = {
element: '#some-item', // Query selector string or Node to be highlighted
stageBackground: '#ffffff', // This will override the one set in lead
popover: { // There will be no popover if empty or not given
className: 'popover-class', // className to wrap this specific step popover in addition to the general className in lead options
img: 'https://xxxxxx.png', // Img on the popover
title: 'Title', // Title on the popover
description: 'Description', // Body of the popover
showButtons: false, // Do not show control buttons in footer
doneBtnText: 'Done', // Text on the last button
closeBtnText: 'Close', // Text on the close button
nextBtnText: 'Next', // Next button text
prevBtnText: 'Previous', // Previous button text
onNext: () => {}, // Called when moving to next step from current step
onPrevious: () => {}, // Called when moving to previous step from current step
For example, here is how it would look when highlighting a single element:
const lead = new TeamixLead(leadOptions);
When creating a step by step guide:
const lead = new TeamixLead(leadOptions);
API Methods
const lead = new TeamixLead(options);
// Checks if the lead is active or not
if (lead.isActivated) {
console.log('Lead is active');
// In case of the steps guide, you can call below methods
lead.defineSteps([ stepDefinition1, stepDefinition2, stepDefinition3 ]);
lead.start(stepNumber = 0); // Starts leading through the defined steps
lead.moveNext(); // Moves to next step in the steps list
lead.movePrevious(); // Moves to previous step in the steps list
lead.hasNextStep(); // Checks if there is next step to move to
lead.hasPreviousStep(); // Checks if there is previous step to move to
// Prevents the current move. Useful in `onNext` or `onPrevious` if you want to
// perform some asynchronous task and manually move to next step
// Highlights the element using query selector or the step definition
// Reposition the popover and highlighted element
// Resets the overlay and clears the screen
// Additionally you can pass a boolean parameter
// to clear immediately and not do the animations etc
// Could be useful when you, let's say, want to run
// a different instance of lead while one was running
lead.reset(clearImmediately = false);
// Checks if there is any highlighted element
if(lead.hasHighlightedElement()) {
console.log('There is an element highlighted');
// Gets the currently highlighted element on screen
// It would be an instance of `/src/core/element.js`
const activeElement = lead.getHighlightedElement();
// Gets the last highlighted element, would be an instance of `/src/core/element.js`
const lastActiveElement = lead.getLastHighlightedElement();
activeElement.getCalculatedPosition(); // Gets screen co-ordinates of the active element
activeElement.hidePopover(); // Hide the popover
activeElement.showPopover(); // Show the popover
activeElement.getNode(); // Gets the DOM Element behind this element
Do not forget to add e.stopPropagation()
to the click binding that triggers lead.