Web interface for spreadsheet in, embedded code out
What is this
A Web interface used for building components for The Reporter Taiwan.
Published as an npm package.
How to use this
yarn add @twreporter/sheet2code-ui
1. Use the React component
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import BuildCodeUI from '../src'
ReactDOM.render(<BuildCodeUI.Component />, document.getElementById('root'))
* @export
* @param {Object} props
* @param {string} props.codeLabel -The label of form text field for result code
* @param {string} props.codePathInAxiosResponse - The path to the returned code string in axios response
* @param {string[]} props.description - The description of the form
* @param {Function} props.errorToClientMessage - The function that take axios response error and give client error message
* @param {Function} props.formValuesToRequestConfig - The function that takes form values and returns axios request config
* @param {Function} props.getCodeFromAxiosResponse - The function that retrieves code string from axios response
* @param {number|'dynamic'} props.nOfSheetFields - Set how many sheet fields showed. 'dynamic' will showed at least one field for sheet.
* @param {boolean} props.previewAllowCustomWidth - Should UI contain a customizer of preview width
* @param {boolean} props.previewAllowToggleDisplay - Should UI contain a toggle of preview display
* @param {boolean} props.previewDefaultDisplay - Default value of displaying preview or not
* @param {number} props.previewDefaultWidth - The default width of the preview (percentage related to preview container)
* @param {string} props.previewOverflow - The CSS overflow property of preview. Should be one of 'hidden', 'visible', or 'scroll'
* @param {string} props.title - The title of the form
* @returns
App.propTypes = {
codeLabel: PropTypes.string,
codePathInAxiosResponse: PropTypes.string,
description: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
errorToClientMessage: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
formValuesToRequestConfig: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
getCodeFromAxiosResponse: PropTypes.func,
nOfSheetFields: PropTypes.oneOfType([
previewAllowCustomWidth: PropTypes.bool,
previewAllowToggleDisplay: PropTypes.bool,
previewDefaultDisplay: PropTypes.bool,
previewDefaultWidth: PropTypes.number,
previewOverflow: PropTypes.oneOf(['hidden', 'visible', 'scroll']),
title: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
App.defaultProps = {
codeLabel: 'Embedded Code',
codePathInAxiosResponse: 'data.data.records.0.code',
description: ['Compile your Google Spreadsheet into magical HTML Code'],
errorToClientMessage: error => error.message,
formValuesToRequestConfig: () => {
throw Error(
'The prop `formValuesToRequestConfig` passed to @twreporter/sheet2code-ui should be a function. But is undefined.'
nOfSheetFields: 'dynamic',
previewAllowCustomWidth: false,
previewAllowToggleDisplay: true,
previewDefaultDisplay: false,
previewDefaultWidth: 100,
previewOverflow: 'hidden',
title: 'Sheet2Code',
2. Use renderPage
helper to build the HTML string
const sheet2CodeUI = require('@twreporter/sheet2code-ui')
export server = function (req, res) {
if (/* route condition to client js bundle */) {
// Serve the js bundle, and pass the public path to `scriptSrc` of `sheet2CodeUI.serverRender`.
// Or you can pass an existed CDN to `scriptSrc`.
res.status(200).send(/* js bundles in ./node_modules/@twreporter/sheet2code-ui/dist */)
} else if (/* route condition to html */) {
const appProps = { /* ... */ }
const bundles = require('@twreporter/sheet2code-ui/dist/webpack-assets.json').bundles
const rootId = 'root'
const html = sheet2CodeUI.renderPage(appProps, rootId, bundles)
} else if (/* route condition to api */) {
res.status(200).send(/* built embedded code */)
parameters of renderPage()
* @param {*} [appProps={}] - props which will be passed to the app component
* @param {string} [rootId='root'] - root HTML element ID
* @param {string[]} [bundles=[]] - the urls of bundles
* @param {ReactElement|ReactElement[]|null} [headReactElements=null] - React elements that will be appended to the bottom inside the <head>
* @param {ReactElement|ReactElement[]|null} [bodyReactElements=null] - React elements that will be appended to the bottom inside the <body>
How to develop this
There are two dev modes:
We use
to render a mock article with all elements for development.# Start the webpack-dev-server make dev
Or use
babel --watch
to compile the source file if there's any change happenedmake dev
How to build this
# Build the distribution files
make build