The Reporter scrollable image component
What is this
A React component built by The Reporter Taiwan.
Published as an npm package.
It has been used in the news articles of The Reporter Taiwan
We also provide a component generator as a web service, see the User Guide(zh-tw).
How to use this package
yarn add @twreporter/scrollable-image
or you can use npm:
npm install --save @twreporter/scrollable-image
Scrollable Image Component
import scrollableImage
under the component you want to have a horizontally scrollable image.
import scrollableImage from '@twreporter/scrollable-image'
export default class YourComponent extends React.Component {
// Provide image links
const testingImageSrcs = ['https://test-image-1.jpg', 'https://test-image-2.jpg']
// Use it with other components
const someWhereInYourComponent = (
<OtherComponent />
<scrollableImage.Component imgSrc={testingImageSrcs} />
<OtherComponent />
// Or just use it standalone
const standalone = (
<scrollableImage.Component imgSrc={testingImageSrcs} />
render() {
return (
| props | type | default | description |
| -------- | ------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| data | Array | | Array of string which is image link and will be the src
of <img>
. |
| lazyload | Boolean | false | Whether to enable lazyload to load scrollableImage
component only when its top edge is within 300 viewport height to viewport |
Build Embedded Code
In rare cases, you want to build embedded code and make it embed in <body>
element of a HTML document.
import scrollableImage from '@twreporter/scrollable-image'
import scrollableImageAssets from '@twreporter/scrollable-image/dist/webpack-assets.json'
// Provide image links
const testingImageSrcs = [
const embeddedCode = scrollableImage.buildEmbeddedCode(
data: testingImageSrcs,
How to develop this package
We use
to render a mock data for development.# Start the webpack-dev-server make dev-server
Or use
babel --watch
to complie the source file if there's any change happenedmake dev
If you need to update the embedded code, there is an embedded code testing server serves a html document with injected embedded code
# Build testing embedded code and start express server to test it
make test-embedded-code
How to publish this package
# Babel transpile es6 and above to es5 at lib/
# Build webpack bundles, chunks and webpack-assets.json to dist/
# Files in lib/ and dist/ folders will be published to npm
make build
yarn publish
# OR
npm publish