User-context OAuth2 access token auto-refresher for twitter-api-v2
Automatic OAuth2 user-context access token refresher plugin for twitter-api-v2
Twitter API v2 introduce a new way to handle user-context with OAuth2. It gives access to simple tokens, named Bearer tokens, having a dedicated lifetime (usually 2 hours).
If your Twitter app uses user-context more than this time-range, you'll need to handle token refreshes.
A token refresh is a dedicated call to have a fresh, new couple of access+refresh tokens.
To smoothen usage of API v2, this plugin allows you to completely overpass this limitation and handles the refresh for you! When a 401 or a 403 error is received from Twitter, it will refresh token automatically and restart the pending request.
- Request retry, if a request fails because your token isn't up-to-date, plugin updates token then makes the request again!
- Concurrency, be sure that only one token refresh is made at a time (in a single-process context only! no support for concurrency within multiple processes)
- Preventive token refresh: When a request is about to be made, but the plugin knows that stored token is expired, token refresh is made immediately
- Hook to detect when tokens are updated, to ensure your database is always synced with current tokens
- Hook to log refresh errors
import { TwitterApi } from 'twitter-api-v2'
import { TwitterApiAutoTokenRefresher } from '@twitter-api-v2/plugin-token-refresher'
const credentials = { clientId: '<oauth2 client ID>', clientSecret: '<oauth2 client secret>' }
// Obtained first through OAuth2 auth flow
const tokenStore = { accessToken: '', refreshToken: '' }
const autoRefresherPlugin = new TwitterApiAutoTokenRefresher({
refreshToken: tokenStore.refreshToken,
refreshCredentials: credentials,
onTokenUpdate(token) {
tokenStore.accessToken = token.accessToken
tokenStore.refreshToken = token.refreshToken!
// store in DB/Redis/...
onTokenRefreshError(error) {
console.error('Refresh error', error)
const client = new TwitterApi(tokenStore.accessToken, { plugins: [autoRefresherPlugin] })
// use {client}, if needed, token will be refreshed with {refreshToken}
Full usage within a OAuth2 auth-flow
- Client ID and Client secret (if applicable), obtainable from Twitter developer portal
- We will refer to them as simple variables,
- We will refer to them as simple variables,
- A web server, even the simpliest one like an
one, but we need one to "welcome back" the user after its redirection to Twitter- We suppose that you use
- You will need to have an absolute URL used to "welcome back" the user, we will refer to it as
- We suppose that you use
- A store to handle login credentials and temporary tokens, it can be a simple JS object, a SQL database, a Redis server, etc
- In this tutorial, we will use generic function calls.
setLoginVerifierForState(state, verifier)
getLoginVerifierFromState(state): verifier
setLoginCredentials(twitterUserId, credentials)
getLoginCredentials(twitterUserId): credentials
- In this tutorial, we will use generic function calls.
Get user credentials with a 3-legged process
Generate a login link
First, obtain access to user credentials by redirecting the user to Twitter portal, in order to "accept" your app to be linked to their profile.
import { TwitterApi } from 'twitter-api-v2'
const loginClient = new TwitterApi({ clientId, clientSecret })
// Don't forget to specify 'offline.access' in scope list, you want to refresh your token later
const { url, codeVerifier, state } = loginClient.generateOAuth2AuthLink(callbackUrl, { scope: ['tweet.read', 'users.read', 'offline.access', ...] });
// Store {state} and {codeVerifier}
setLoginVerifierForState(state, codeVerifier)
// Redirect user to {url}
Get access token after user approval
Once user has clicked on url
, approved your app, they will be redirected to callbackUrl
This should match a route on your web server.
We will suppose you use /callback
here, adjust with your configuration.
import { TwitterApi } from 'twitter-api-v2'
// We still need a client with same credentials as in step 1
const loginClient = new TwitterApi({ clientId, clientSecret })
app.get('/callback', async (req, res) => {
// Extract state and code from query string
const { state, code } = req.query;
// Check if a verifier is associated with given state
const codeVerifier = getLoginVerifierFromState(state)
if (!codeVerifier || !code) {
return res.status(400).send('You denied the app or your session expired!')
try {
// Get tokens
const { client, accessToken, refreshToken } = await client.loginWithOAuth2({ code, codeVerifier, redirectUri: callbackUrl })
// Get user ID
const concernedUser = await client.v2.me()
// Store credentials
setLoginCredentials(concernedUser.data.id, { accessToken, refreshToken })
} catch (e) {
return res.status(403).send('Invalid verifier or access tokens!')
Use user credentials and auto-refresh token
You now have credentials for user {id}
. We will now use them.
import { TwitterApi } from 'twitter-api-v2'
import { TwitterApiAutoTokenRefresher } from '@twitter-api-v2/plugin-token-refresher'
const { accessToken, refreshToken } = getLoginCredentials(id)
const autoRefresherPlugin = new TwitterApiAutoTokenRefresher({
refreshCredentials: { clientId, clientSecret },
onTokenUpdate(token) {
setLoginCredentials(id, token)
const client = new TwitterApi(accessToken, { plugins: [autoRefresherPlugin] })
// - Now, make requests -
// If token is expired, it will automatically by renewed.
await client.v2.me()
Customize settings of client used to refresh token
If you want to change settings or apply plugins to client that is used to refresh token with your clientId
and clientSecret
give an instance of TwitterApi
instead of your credentials:
const autoRefresherPlugin = new TwitterApiAutoTokenRefresher({
refreshCredentials: new TwitterApi({ clientId, clientSecret }, { plugins: [rateLimitPlugin] }),