Develop and deploy Twilio Serverless Functions
This plugin adds functionality to the Twilio CLI to locally develop, debug and deploy to Twilio Serverless. It's a part of the Serverless Toolkit and wraps twilio-run and create-twilio-function.
Important: This version requires Twilio CLI version 3.0 or newer. For Twilio CLI version 2.x you have to use plugin-serverless version 2.4.
Install the Twilio CLI
Via npm
or yarn
$ npm install -g twilio-cli
$ yarn global add twilio-cli
Via homebrew
$ brew tap twilio/brew && brew install twilio
$ twilio plugins:install @twilio-labs/plugin-serverless
$ twilio --help serverless
$ twilio serverless
When deploying lots of Functions and Assets it is possible to run up against the enforced concurrency limits of the Twilio API. You can limit the concurrency and set how many times the library retries API requests using environment variables. It is advisable to keep the concurrency low (around 10-15) to avoid hitting the rate limits of the Twilio API. The default concurrency is 10 and the default number of retries is 10. You can change this by setting environment variables. The following would set concurrency to 1, only 1 live request at a time, and retries to 0, so if it fails it won't retry.
twilio serverless:activate
twilio serverless:deploy
twilio serverless:dev [DIR]
twilio serverless:env:get
twilio serverless:env:import
twilio serverless:env:list
twilio serverless:env:set
twilio serverless:env:unset
twilio serverless:init NAME
twilio serverless:list [TYPES]
twilio serverless:list-templates
twilio serverless:logs
twilio serverless:new [NAMESPACE]
twilio serverless:promote
twilio serverless:run [DIR]
twilio serverless:start [DIR]
twilio serverless:activate
Promotes an existing deployment to a new environment
$ twilio serverless:activate [-l (debug|info|warn|error|none)] [-o (columns|json|tsv|none)] [--silent] [-p <value>] [-l
<value>] [-c <value>] [--cwd <value>] [--env <value>] [-u <value>] [--password <value>] [--load-system-env]
[--service-sid <value>] [--build-sid <value>] [--from-build <value>] [--source-environment <value>] [--from <value>]
[--environment <value>] [--to <value>] [--production] [--create-environment] [--force] [-o <value>]
-c, --config=<value> Location of the config file. Absolute path or relative to current working directory
-l=(debug|info|warn|error|none) [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-l, --log-level=<value> [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-o=(columns|json|tsv|none) [default: columns] Format of command output.
-o, --output-format=<value> Output the results in a different format
-p, --profile=<value> Shorthand identifier for your profile.
-u, --username=<value> A specific API key or account SID to be used for deployment. Uses fields in .env
--build-sid=<value> An existing Build SID to deploy to the new environment
--create-environment Creates environment if it couldn't find it.
--cwd=<value> Sets the directory of your existing Serverless project. Defaults to current
--env=<value> Path to .env file for environment variables that should be installed
--environment=<value> [default: dev] The environment name (domain suffix) you want to use for your
deployment. Alternatively you can specify an environment SID starting with ZE.
--force Will run deployment in force mode. Can be dangerous.
--from=<value> [Alias for "source-environment"]
--from-build=<value> [Alias for "build-sid"]
--load-system-env Uses system environment variables as fallback for variables specified in your .env
file. Needs to be used with --env explicitly specified.
--password=<value> A specific API secret or auth token for deployment. Uses fields from .env otherwise
--production Promote build to the production environment (no domain suffix). Overrides
environment flag
--service-sid=<value> SID of the Twilio Serverless Service to deploy to
--silent Suppress output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".
--source-environment=<value> SID or suffix of an existing environment you want to deploy from.
--to=<value> [Alias for "environment"]
Promotes an existing deployment to a new environment
$ twilio serverless:activate
twilio serverless:deploy
Deploys existing functions and assets to Twilio
$ twilio serverless:deploy [-l (debug|info|warn|error|none)] [-o (columns|json|tsv|none)] [--silent] [-p <value>] [-l
<value>] [-c <value>] [--cwd <value>] [--env <value>] [-u <value>] [--password <value>] [--load-system-env]
[--service-sid <value>] [--environment <value>] [--to <value>] [-n <value>] [--override-existing-project] [--force]
[--functions] [--assets] [--assets-folder <value>] [--functions-folder <value>] [--runtime <value>] [-o <value>]
-c, --config=<value> Location of the config file. Absolute path or relative to current working directory
-l=(debug|info|warn|error|none) [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-l, --log-level=<value> [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-n, --service-name=<value> Overrides the name of the Serverless project. Default: the name field in your
-o=(columns|json|tsv|none) [default: columns] Format of command output.
-o, --output-format=<value> Output the results in a different format
-p, --profile=<value> Shorthand identifier for your profile.
-u, --username=<value> A specific API key or account SID to be used for deployment. Uses fields in .env
--[no-]assets Upload assets. Can be turned off with --no-assets
--assets-folder=<value> Specific folder name to be used for static assets
--cwd=<value> Sets the directory of your existing Serverless project. Defaults to current directory
--env=<value> Path to .env file for environment variables that should be installed
--environment=<value> [default: dev] The environment name (domain suffix) you want to use for your
deployment. Alternatively you can specify an environment SID starting with ZE.
--force Will run deployment in force mode. Can be dangerous.
--[no-]functions Upload functions. Can be turned off with --no-functions
--functions-folder=<value> Specific folder name to be used for static functions
--load-system-env Uses system environment variables as fallback for variables specified in your .env
file. Needs to be used with --env explicitly specified.
--override-existing-project Deploys Serverless project to existing service if a naming conflict has been found.
--password=<value> A specific API secret or auth token for deployment. Uses fields from .env otherwise
--production Please prefer the "activate" command! Deploys to the production environment (no
domain suffix). Overrides the value passed via the environment flag.
--runtime=<value> The version of Node.js to deploy the build to. (node18)
--service-sid=<value> SID of the Twilio Serverless Service to deploy to
--silent Suppress output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".
--to=<value> [Alias for "environment"]
Deploys existing functions and assets to Twilio
See code: src/commands/serverless/deploy.js
twilio serverless:dev [DIR]
Starts local Twilio Functions development server
$ twilio serverless:dev [DIR] -p <value> [-l <value>] [-c <value>] [--cwd <value>] [--env <value>] [-f] [--ngrok
<value>] [--logs] [--detailed-logs] [--live] [--inspect <value>] [--inspect-brk <value>] [--legacy-mode]
[--assets-folder <value>] [--functions-folder <value>] [--fork-process]
DIR Root directory to serve local Functions/Assets from
-c, --config=<value> Location of the config file. Absolute path or relative to current working directory
-f, --load-local-env Includes the local environment variables
-l, --log-level=<value> [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-p, --port=<value> (required) [default: 3000] Override default port of 3000
--assets-folder=<value> Specific folder name to be used for static assets
--cwd=<value> Alternative way to define the directory to start the server in. Overrides the [dir]
argument passed.
--detailed-logs Toggles detailed request logging by showing request body and query params
--env=<value> Path to .env file for environment variables that should be installed
--[no-]fork-process Disable forking function processes to emulate production environment
--functions-folder=<value> Specific folder name to be used for static functions
--inspect=<value> Enables Node.js debugging protocol
--inspect-brk=<value> Enables Node.js debugging protocol, stops execution until debugger is attached
--legacy-mode Enables legacy mode, it will prefix your asset paths with /assets
--[no-]live Always serve from the current functions (no caching)
--[no-]logs Toggles request logging
--ngrok=<value> Uses ngrok to create a public url. Pass a string to set the subdomain (requires a
paid-for ngrok account).
Starts local Twilio Functions development server
$ twilio serverless:dev
$ twilio serverless:run
twilio serverless:env:get
Retrieves the value of a specific environment variable
$ twilio serverless:env:get [-l (debug|info|warn|error|none)] [-o (columns|json|tsv|none)] [--silent] [-p <value>] [-l
<value>] [-c <value>] [--cwd <value>] [--env <value>] [-u <value>] [--password <value>] [--load-system-env]
[--service-sid <value>] [--environment <value>] [--to <value>] [--key <value>] [--production]
-c, --config=<value> Location of the config file. Absolute path or relative to current working directory
-l=(debug|info|warn|error|none) [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-l, --log-level=<value> [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-o=(columns|json|tsv|none) [default: columns] Format of command output.
-p, --profile=<value> Shorthand identifier for your profile.
-u, --username=<value> A specific API key or account SID to be used for deployment. Uses fields in .env
--cwd=<value> Sets the directory of your existing Serverless project. Defaults to current directory
--env=<value> Path to .env file for environment variables that should be installed
--environment=<value> [default: dev] The environment name (domain suffix) you want to use for your
deployment. Alternatively you can specify an environment SID starting with ZE.
--key=<value> Name of the environment variable
--load-system-env Uses system environment variables as fallback for variables specified in your .env
file. Needs to be used with --env explicitly specified.
--password=<value> A specific API secret or auth token for deployment. Uses fields from .env otherwise
--production Promote build to the production environment (no domain suffix). Overrides environment
--service-sid=<value> SID of the Twilio Serverless Service to deploy to
--silent Suppress output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".
--to=<value> [Alias for "environment"]
Retrieves the value of a specific environment variable
See code: src/commands/serverless/env/get.js
twilio serverless:env:import
Takes a .env file and uploads all environment variables to a given environment
$ twilio serverless:env:import [-l (debug|info|warn|error|none)] [-o (columns|json|tsv|none)] [--silent] [-p <value>] [-l
<value>] [-c <value>] [--cwd <value>] [--env <value>] [-u <value>] [--password <value>] [--load-system-env]
[--service-sid <value>] [--environment <value>] [--to <value>] [--production]
-c, --config=<value> Location of the config file. Absolute path or relative to current working directory
-l=(debug|info|warn|error|none) [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-l, --log-level=<value> [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-o=(columns|json|tsv|none) [default: columns] Format of command output.
-p, --profile=<value> Shorthand identifier for your profile.
-u, --username=<value> A specific API key or account SID to be used for deployment. Uses fields in .env
--cwd=<value> Sets the directory of your existing Serverless project. Defaults to current directory
--env=<value> Path to .env file for environment variables that should be installed
--environment=<value> [default: dev] The environment name (domain suffix) you want to use for your
deployment. Alternatively you can specify an environment SID starting with ZE.
--load-system-env Uses system environment variables as fallback for variables specified in your .env
file. Needs to be used with --env explicitly specified.
--password=<value> A specific API secret or auth token for deployment. Uses fields from .env otherwise
--production Promote build to the production environment (no domain suffix). Overrides environment
--service-sid=<value> SID of the Twilio Serverless Service to deploy to
--silent Suppress output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".
--to=<value> [Alias for "environment"]
Takes a .env file and uploads all environment variables to a given environment
See code: src/commands/serverless/env/import.js
twilio serverless:env:list
Lists all environment variables for a given environment
$ twilio serverless:env:list [-l (debug|info|warn|error|none)] [-o (columns|json|tsv|none)] [--silent] [-p <value>] [-l
<value>] [-c <value>] [--cwd <value>] [--env <value>] [-u <value>] [--password <value>] [--load-system-env]
[--service-sid <value>] [--environment <value>] [--to <value>] [--show-values] [--production] [-o <value>]
-c, --config=<value> Location of the config file. Absolute path or relative to current working directory
-l=(debug|info|warn|error|none) [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-l, --log-level=<value> [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-o=(columns|json|tsv|none) [default: columns] Format of command output.
-o, --output-format=<value> Output the results in a different format
-p, --profile=<value> Shorthand identifier for your profile.
-u, --username=<value> A specific API key or account SID to be used for deployment. Uses fields in .env
--cwd=<value> Sets the directory of your existing Serverless project. Defaults to current directory
--env=<value> Path to .env file for environment variables that should be installed
--environment=<value> [default: dev] The environment name (domain suffix) you want to use for your
deployment. Alternatively you can specify an environment SID starting with ZE.
--load-system-env Uses system environment variables as fallback for variables specified in your .env
file. Needs to be used with --env explicitly specified.
--password=<value> A specific API secret or auth token for deployment. Uses fields from .env otherwise
--production Promote build to the production environment (no domain suffix). Overrides environment
--service-sid=<value> SID of the Twilio Serverless Service to deploy to
--show-values Show the values of your environment variables
--silent Suppress output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".
--to=<value> [Alias for "environment"]
Lists all environment variables for a given environment
See code: src/commands/serverless/env/list.js
twilio serverless:env:set
Sets an environment variable with a given key and value
$ twilio serverless:env:set [-l (debug|info|warn|error|none)] [-o (columns|json|tsv|none)] [--silent] [-p <value>] [-l
<value>] [-c <value>] [--cwd <value>] [--env <value>] [-u <value>] [--password <value>] [--load-system-env]
[--service-sid <value>] [--environment <value>] [--to <value>] [--key <value>] [--value <value>] [--production]
-c, --config=<value> Location of the config file. Absolute path or relative to current working directory
-l=(debug|info|warn|error|none) [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-l, --log-level=<value> [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-o=(columns|json|tsv|none) [default: columns] Format of command output.
-p, --profile=<value> Shorthand identifier for your profile.
-u, --username=<value> A specific API key or account SID to be used for deployment. Uses fields in .env
--cwd=<value> Sets the directory of your existing Serverless project. Defaults to current directory
--env=<value> Path to .env file for environment variables that should be installed
--environment=<value> [default: dev] The environment name (domain suffix) you want to use for your
deployment. Alternatively you can specify an environment SID starting with ZE.
--key=<value> Name of the environment variable
--load-system-env Uses system environment variables as fallback for variables specified in your .env
file. Needs to be used with --env explicitly specified.
--password=<value> A specific API secret or auth token for deployment. Uses fields from .env otherwise
--production Promote build to the production environment (no domain suffix). Overrides environment
--service-sid=<value> SID of the Twilio Serverless Service to deploy to
--silent Suppress output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".
--to=<value> [Alias for "environment"]
--value=<value> Name of the environment variable
Sets an environment variable with a given key and value
See code: src/commands/serverless/env/set.js
twilio serverless:env:unset
Removes an environment variable for a given key
$ twilio serverless:env:unset [-l (debug|info|warn|error|none)] [-o (columns|json|tsv|none)] [--silent] [-p <value>] [-l
<value>] [-c <value>] [--cwd <value>] [--env <value>] [-u <value>] [--password <value>] [--load-system-env]
[--service-sid <value>] [--environment <value>] [--to <value>] [--key <value>] [--production]
-c, --config=<value> Location of the config file. Absolute path or relative to current working directory
-l=(debug|info|warn|error|none) [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-l, --log-level=<value> [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-o=(columns|json|tsv|none) [default: columns] Format of command output.
-p, --profile=<value> Shorthand identifier for your profile.
-u, --username=<value> A specific API key or account SID to be used for deployment. Uses fields in .env
--cwd=<value> Sets the directory of your existing Serverless project. Defaults to current directory
--env=<value> Path to .env file for environment variables that should be installed
--environment=<value> [default: dev] The environment name (domain suffix) you want to use for your
deployment. Alternatively you can specify an environment SID starting with ZE.
--key=<value> Name of the environment variable
--load-system-env Uses system environment variables as fallback for variables specified in your .env
file. Needs to be used with --env explicitly specified.
--password=<value> A specific API secret or auth token for deployment. Uses fields from .env otherwise
--production Promote build to the production environment (no domain suffix). Overrides environment
--service-sid=<value> SID of the Twilio Serverless Service to deploy to
--silent Suppress output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".
--to=<value> [Alias for "environment"]
Removes an environment variable for a given key
See code: src/commands/serverless/env/unset.js
twilio serverless:init NAME
Creates a new Twilio Function project
$ twilio serverless:init NAME [-l (debug|info|warn|error|none)] [-o (columns|json|tsv|none)] [--silent] [-p
<value>] [-a <value>] [-t <value>] [--skip-credentials] [--import-credentials] [--template <value>] [--empty]
NAME Name of Serverless project and directory that will be created
-a, --account-sid=<value> The Account SID for your Twilio account
-l=(debug|info|warn|error|none) [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-o=(columns|json|tsv|none) [default: columns] Format of command output.
-p, --profile=<value> Shorthand identifier for your profile.
-t, --auth-token=<value> Your Twilio account Auth Token
--empty Initialize your new project with empty functions and assets directories
--import-credentials Import credentials from the environment variables TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID and
--silent Suppress output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".
--skip-credentials Don't ask for Twilio account credentials or import them from the environment
--template=<value> Initialize your new project with a template from
--typescript Initialize your Serverless project with TypeScript
Creates a new Twilio Function project
See code: src/commands/serverless/init.js
twilio serverless:list [TYPES]
List existing services, environments, variables, deployments for your Twilio Serverless Account
$ twilio serverless:list [TYPES] [-l (debug|info|warn|error|none)] [-o (columns|json|tsv|none)] [--silent] [-p
<value>] [-l <value>] [-c <value>] [--cwd <value>] [--env <value>] [-u <value>] [--password <value>]
[--load-system-env] [-n <value>] [--extended-output] [--service-sid <value>] [-o <value>] [--environment <value>]
[--to <value>]
TYPES [default: services] Comma separated list of things to list (services,environments,functions,assets,variables)
-c, --config=<value> Location of the config file. Absolute path or relative to current working directory
-l=(debug|info|warn|error|none) [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-l, --log-level=<value> [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-n, --service-name=<value> Overrides the name of the Serverless project. Default: the name field in your
-o=(columns|json|tsv|none) [default: columns] Format of command output.
-o, --output-format=<value> Output the results in a different format
-p, --profile=<value> Shorthand identifier for your profile.
-u, --username=<value> A specific API key or account SID to be used for deployment. Uses fields in .env
--cwd=<value> Sets the directory of your existing Serverless project. Defaults to current directory
--env=<value> Path to .env file for environment variables that should be installed
--environment=<value> [default: dev] The environment to list variables for
--extended-output Show an extended set of properties on the output
--load-system-env Uses system environment variables as fallback for variables specified in your .env
file. Needs to be used with --env explicitly specified.
--password=<value> A specific API secret or auth token for deployment. Uses fields from .env otherwise
--service-sid=<value> SID of the Twilio Serverless Service to deploy to
--silent Suppress output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".
--to=<value> [Alias for "environment"]
List existing services, environments, variables, deployments for your Twilio Serverless Account
See code: src/commands/serverless/list.js
twilio serverless:list-templates
Lists the available Twilio Function templates
$ twilio serverless:list-templates [-o <value>]
-o, --output-format=<value> Output the results in a different format
Lists the available Twilio Function templates
See code: src/commands/serverless/list-templates.js
twilio serverless:logs
Print logs from your Twilio Serverless project
$ twilio serverless:logs [-l (debug|info|warn|error|none)] [-o (columns|json|tsv|none)] [--silent] [-p <value>] [-l
<value>] [-c <value>] [--cwd <value>] [--env <value>] [-u <value>] [--password <value>] [--load-system-env]
[--service-sid <value>] [--function-sid <value>] [--tail] [-o <value>] [--production] [--environment <value>] [--to
-c, --config=<value> Location of the config file. Absolute path or relative to current working directory
-l=(debug|info|warn|error|none) [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-l, --log-level=<value> [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-o=(columns|json|tsv|none) [default: columns] Format of command output.
-o, --output-format=<value> Output the results in a different format
-p, --profile=<value> Shorthand identifier for your profile.
-u, --username=<value> A specific API key or account SID to be used for deployment. Uses fields in .env
--cwd=<value> Sets the directory of your existing Serverless project. Defaults to current directory
--env=<value> Path to .env file for environment variables that should be installed
--environment=<value> [default: dev] The environment to retrieve the logs for
--function-sid=<value> Specific Function SID to retrieve logs for
--load-system-env Uses system environment variables as fallback for variables specified in your .env
file. Needs to be used with --env explicitly specified.
--password=<value> A specific API secret or auth token for deployment. Uses fields from .env otherwise
--production Retrieve logs for the production environment. Overrides the "environment" flag
--service-sid=<value> SID of the Twilio Serverless Service to deploy to
--silent Suppress output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".
--tail Continuously stream the logs
--to=<value> [Alias for "environment"]
Print logs from your Twilio Serverless project
See code: src/commands/serverless/logs.js
twilio serverless:new [NAMESPACE]
Creates a new Twilio Function based on an existing template
$ twilio serverless:new [NAMESPACE] [-l <value>] [-c <value>] [--cwd <value>] [--env <value>] [--template <value>]
NAMESPACE The namespace your assets/functions should be grouped under
-c, --config=<value> Location of the config file. Absolute path or relative to current working directory (cwd)
-l, --log-level=<value> [default: info] Level of logging messages.
--cwd=<value> Sets the directory of your existing Serverless project. Defaults to current directory
--env=<value> Path to .env file for environment variables that should be installed
Creates a new Twilio Function based on an existing template
See code: src/commands/serverless/new.js
twilio serverless:promote
Promotes an existing deployment to a new environment
$ twilio serverless:promote [-l (debug|info|warn|error|none)] [-o (columns|json|tsv|none)] [--silent] [-p <value>] [-l
<value>] [-c <value>] [--cwd <value>] [--env <value>] [-u <value>] [--password <value>] [--load-system-env]
[--service-sid <value>] [--build-sid <value>] [--from-build <value>] [--source-environment <value>] [--from <value>]
[--environment <value>] [--to <value>] [--production] [--create-environment] [--force] [-o <value>]
-c, --config=<value> Location of the config file. Absolute path or relative to current working directory
-l=(debug|info|warn|error|none) [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-l, --log-level=<value> [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-o=(columns|json|tsv|none) [default: columns] Format of command output.
-o, --output-format=<value> Output the results in a different format
-p, --profile=<value> Shorthand identifier for your profile.
-u, --username=<value> A specific API key or account SID to be used for deployment. Uses fields in .env
--build-sid=<value> An existing Build SID to deploy to the new environment
--create-environment Creates environment if it couldn't find it.
--cwd=<value> Sets the directory of your existing Serverless project. Defaults to current
--env=<value> Path to .env file for environment variables that should be installed
--environment=<value> [default: dev] The environment name (domain suffix) you want to use for your
deployment. Alternatively you can specify an environment SID starting with ZE.
--force Will run deployment in force mode. Can be dangerous.
--from=<value> [Alias for "source-environment"]
--from-build=<value> [Alias for "build-sid"]
--load-system-env Uses system environment variables as fallback for variables specified in your .env
file. Needs to be used with --env explicitly specified.
--password=<value> A specific API secret or auth token for deployment. Uses fields from .env otherwise
--production Promote build to the production environment (no domain suffix). Overrides
environment flag
--service-sid=<value> SID of the Twilio Serverless Service to deploy to
--silent Suppress output and logs. This is a shorthand for "-l none -o none".
--source-environment=<value> SID or suffix of an existing environment you want to deploy from.
--to=<value> [Alias for "environment"]
Promotes an existing deployment to a new environment
$ twilio serverless:activate
See code: src/commands/serverless/promote.js
twilio serverless:run [DIR]
Starts local Twilio Functions development server
$ twilio serverless:run [DIR] -p <value> [-l <value>] [-c <value>] [--cwd <value>] [--env <value>] [-f] [--ngrok
<value>] [--logs] [--detailed-logs] [--live] [--inspect <value>] [--inspect-brk <value>] [--legacy-mode]
[--assets-folder <value>] [--functions-folder <value>] [--fork-process]
DIR Root directory to serve local Functions/Assets from
-c, --config=<value> Location of the config file. Absolute path or relative to current working directory
-f, --load-local-env Includes the local environment variables
-l, --log-level=<value> [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-p, --port=<value> (required) [default: 3000] Override default port of 3000
--assets-folder=<value> Specific folder name to be used for static assets
--cwd=<value> Alternative way to define the directory to start the server in. Overrides the [dir]
argument passed.
--detailed-logs Toggles detailed request logging by showing request body and query params
--env=<value> Path to .env file for environment variables that should be installed
--[no-]fork-process Disable forking function processes to emulate production environment
--functions-folder=<value> Specific folder name to be used for static functions
--inspect=<value> Enables Node.js debugging protocol
--inspect-brk=<value> Enables Node.js debugging protocol, stops execution until debugger is attached
--legacy-mode Enables legacy mode, it will prefix your asset paths with /assets
--[no-]live Always serve from the current functions (no caching)
--[no-]logs Toggles request logging
--ngrok=<value> Uses ngrok to create a public url. Pass a string to set the subdomain (requires a
paid-for ngrok account).
Starts local Twilio Functions development server
$ twilio serverless:dev
$ twilio serverless:run
twilio serverless:start [DIR]
Starts local Twilio Functions development server
$ twilio serverless:start [DIR] -p <value> [-l <value>] [-c <value>] [--cwd <value>] [--env <value>] [-f] [--ngrok
<value>] [--logs] [--detailed-logs] [--live] [--inspect <value>] [--inspect-brk <value>] [--legacy-mode]
[--assets-folder <value>] [--functions-folder <value>] [--fork-process]
DIR Root directory to serve local Functions/Assets from
-c, --config=<value> Location of the config file. Absolute path or relative to current working directory
-f, --load-local-env Includes the local environment variables
-l, --log-level=<value> [default: info] Level of logging messages.
-p, --port=<value> (required) [default: 3000] Override default port of 3000
--assets-folder=<value> Specific folder name to be used for static assets
--cwd=<value> Alternative way to define the directory to start the server in. Overrides the [dir]
argument passed.
--detailed-logs Toggles detailed request logging by showing request body and query params
--env=<value> Path to .env file for environment variables that should be installed
--[no-]fork-process Disable forking function processes to emulate production environment
--functions-folder=<value> Specific folder name to be used for static functions
--inspect=<value> Enables Node.js debugging protocol
--inspect-brk=<value> Enables Node.js debugging protocol, stops execution until debugger is attached
--legacy-mode Enables legacy mode, it will prefix your asset paths with /assets
--[no-]live Always serve from the current functions (no caching)
--[no-]logs Toggles request logging
--ngrok=<value> Uses ngrok to create a public url. Pass a string to set the subdomain (requires a
paid-for ngrok account).
Starts local Twilio Functions development server
$ twilio serverless:dev
$ twilio serverless:run
See code: src/commands/serverless/start.js
This project welcomes contributions from the community. Please see the CONTRIBUTING.md
file for more details.
Code of Conduct
Please be aware that this project has a Code of Conduct. The tldr; is to just be excellent to each other ❤️
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!