A Google Cloud Storage (buckets) backend for multer
A flexible GCS storage backend for multer
This is a storage engine for multer that stores files in Google Cloud Storage buckets.
This package is primarily based on multer-cloud-storage, but with support for multiple buckets and configuration options for local testing.
In addition it has two extension methods compared with the multer interface: downloadFile and deleteFile.
Getting started
This package can be installed by your favourite package manager, e.g. pnpm.
pnpm add @tweakly/i18n-node-gcs-backend
Wiring up:
import multer from "multer";
import {MulterGcsStorage} from "@tweakly/multer-gcs-storage";
const upload = multer({
storage: new MulterGcsStorage({
bucketId: (req, file) => {
return "file-upload-bucket";
destination: (req, file, cb) => {
cb(null, "uploads");
filename: (req, file, cb) => {
cb(null, file.originalname);
Extension API
This method is used to download a file from the bucket. The file will be added as an attachment to the response, and the contents written to the response stream.
async (bucketName: string, bucketFileName: string,
writeFileName: string, res: ExpressResponse): Promise<void>
This method is used to delete a file from the bucket.
async (bucketName: string, bucketFileName: string): Promise<void>
Note: Environment variables have precedence over configured variables where both exists.
| Parameter | Description | Environment Variable / .env | Options |
| Google Project | Project Name in which the Bucket resides | STORAGE_GCP_PROJECT
| googleProject
| Credentials path (optional) | Provide your own google application credentials | STORAGE_GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_PATH
| googleApplicationCredentialsPath
The credentials used to connect to the GCS bucket needs to have the storage.buckets.get permission.
All options specific to multer-gcs-storage that can be provided are shown below.
// Can be one of the values defined in Predefined ACLs. Defaults to 'private', but is not set if
// uniformBucketLevelAccess is enabled.
acl: "private",
// A string or a function that returns a string which represents the bucket id to be used for the given file.
// Required
bucketId: "file-upload-bucket",
// A function that returns the content type to set for the file. Default function returns file.mimetype.
contentType: (req, file) => {
return file.mimetype;
// A string or a function that gives the destination path for the file. Defaults to empty string
destination: (req, file, cb) => {
cb(null, "uploads");
// A function that returns the filename to be used for the file. Defaults to {uuidv4}_{originalname}.
filename: (req, file, cb) => {
cb(null, file.originalname);
// A boolean that determines if the filename should be hidden in the file object. Defaults to false. If set,
// the filename will not be an uuid, and content type undefined.
hideFilename: false,
// If this option is set on the bucket, then it must be set here too. Otherwise an error will
// be returned from GCS. Defaults to false. See also acl
uniformBucketLevelAccess: false,
// The id of the Google project where the bucket is. This can also be set by env variable
// STORAGE_GCP_PROJECT. It is required in one of the forms.
googleProject: "the-project-id",
// The application credentials needed to connect to the GCP Storage bucket. This can also be set by env
// NOTE: When deployed in GCP, credentials will if not provided be picked up from the
// cloud execution environment by the underlying client libraries.
googleApplicationCredentialsPath: "/somepath/credentials.json",
// The API endpoint to connect to. Primarily useful for local testing, using e.g. fake-gcs-server.
// Optional
apiEndpoint: "https://storage.googleapis.com"