TUL - Web Backoffice Utils
Table of Contents
- 1 Application Links
- 2 About The Project
- 2.1 Built With
- 3 Getting Started
- 3.1 Prerequisites
- 3.2 Installation
- 4 Usage
- 4.1 Commands
- 4.2 Deployment
- 5 GIT
- 5.1 Branches
- 5.2 Branching workflow
- 6 Arquitecture
- 6.1 Angular Arquitecture
- 7 TODO List
1 Application Links
2 About The Project
Project name is a "web backoffice utils" is a library that contains common providers - modules - services that all the micro front ends will used.
2.1 Built With
- Angular CLI version 7.3.9
- Karma
- Protractor
- Angular Material version 7.3.1
3 Getting Started
To run the application locally, follow these simple example steps.
3.1 Prerequisites
- Node.js v10.15.1
- npm - normally comes with Node.js v6.4.1
- Angular CLI version 7.3.9
- Python version 2.7
- NVM for multiple versions of Node.js
You need to install npm first and then angular cli with the following commands. We also recommend using Visual Studio Code as IDE.
nvm install v16.14.1
nvm use 16.14.1
npm install npm -g
npm install -g @angular/cli
3.2 Installation
4 Usage
The following commands and instructions will help you know how to deploy or run functionalities locally.
4.1 Commands
4.2 Deployment (CI/CD)
5 Git
In this section we will explain our git strategy.
5.1 Branches
5.2 Branching Workflows
6 Arquitecture
6.1 Angular Architecture
The project use a multimodule design pattern.
| assets/ # Assets
| lib/ # Library web-backoffice-utils
| | errorHandler/ # Custom Error handler
| | grapgql/ # Module Graphql
| | interceptors/ # Custom Http Interceptor
| | interfaces/ # Models
| | providers/ # const providers
| | services/ # Services to make calls to get menus, validate permissions, etc
| | states/ # State session
| public-api.ts # Main file that export all files allow to used
7 TODO List
- [ ] Finish the README.md