ttoss authentication module for React apps.
📚 About
This module handles auth in your applications and other ttoss modules.
This module is intended to use with AWS Cognito. It uses AWS Amplify under the hood.
Amplify Auth configuration must be provided in your App to make Auth Module works properly.
🚀 Getting Started
$ yarn add @ttoss/auth and yarn add @ttoss/notifications
# or
$ npm install @ttoss/auth and npm install @ttoss/notifications
📄 Examples of use
Amplify config
import Amplify from 'aws-amplify';
Auth: {
// REQUIRED only for Federated Authentication - Amazon Cognito Identity Pool ID
identityPoolId: 'XX-XXXX-X:XXXXXXXX-XXXX-1234-abcd-1234567890ab',
// REQUIRED - Amazon Cognito Region
region: 'XX-XXXX-X',
// OPTIONAL - Amazon Cognito Federated Identity Pool Region
// Required only if it's different from Amazon Cognito Region
identityPoolRegion: 'XX-XXXX-X',
// OPTIONAL - Amazon Cognito User Pool ID
userPoolId: 'XX-XXXX-X_abcd1234',
// OPTIONAL - Amazon Cognito Web Client ID (26-char alphanumeric string)
userPoolWebClientId: 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0k1l2m3',
// OPTIONAL - Enforce user authentication prior to accessing AWS resources or not
mandatorySignIn: false,
// OPTIONAL - Configuration for cookie storage
// Note: if the secure flag is set to true, then the cookie transmission requires a secure protocol
cookieStorage: {
// REQUIRED - Cookie domain (only required if cookieStorage is provided)
domain: '.yourdomain.com',
// OPTIONAL - Cookie path
path: '/',
// OPTIONAL - Cookie expiration in days
expires: 365,
// OPTIONAL - See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite
sameSite: 'strict' | 'lax',
// OPTIONAL - Cookie secure flag
// Either true or false, indicating if the cookie transmission requires a secure protocol (https).
secure: true,
// OPTIONAL - customized storage object
storage: MyStorage,
// OPTIONAL - Manually set the authentication flow type. Default is 'USER_SRP_AUTH'
authenticationFlowType: 'USER_PASSWORD_AUTH',
// OPTIONAL - Manually set key value pairs that can be passed to Cognito Lambda Triggers
clientMetadata: { myCustomKey: 'myCustomValue' },
// OPTIONAL - Hosted UI configuration
oauth: {
domain: 'your_cognito_domain',
scope: [
redirectSignIn: 'http://localhost:3000/',
redirectSignOut: 'http://localhost:3000/',
responseType: 'code', // or 'token', note that REFRESH token will only be generated when the responseType is code
PrivateRoute component
import { useAuth } from '@ttoss/auth';
const PrivateRoute = (props: any) => {
const { isAuthenticated } = useAuth();
if (!isAuthenticated) {
return <Navigate to="/login" state={{ redirectTo: props.path || '/' }} />;
return <Route {...props} />;
Login Page
import { Auth, useAuth } from '@ttoss/auth';
const Login = () => {
const auth = useAuth();
const onSuccess = () => {
// Navigate to logged-area
return (
<h1>Login Page</h1>
<Auth onSignIn={onSuccess} />
<button onClick={auth.signOut}>Logout</button>
export default Login;
Auth with Progressbar
import { AuthProvider } from '@ttoss/auth';
import { NotificationsProvider } from '@ttoss/notifications';
<App />
export type OnSignInInput = {
email: string;
password: string;
export type OnSignIn = (input: OnSignInInput) => void;
export type OnSignUpInput = {
email: string;
password: string;
export type OnSignUp = (input: OnSignUpInput) => void;
export type OnConfirmSignUp = (input: { email: string; code: string }) => void;