Definitions for the tscircuit intermediary JSON format
@tscircuit/soup (Circuit JSON Specification)
tscircuit · Soup Specification Docs
Circuit JSON (formally “tscircuit soup”) is the name of the compiled intermediary low-level JSON circuit representation. It contains all the information needed to visually represent a schematic, PCB, produce Gerber files, produce bill of materials, run SPICE simulations, view warnings and more. It is designed to easily interoperate with a SQL database.
This module has the zod definitions and conversion functions for using tscircuit soup.
[!INFO] This is mostly an internal module, you probably want to use the main tscircuit library instead.
import { any_circuit_element, simple_source_resistor } from "@tscircuit/soup"
import type { SourceSimpleResistor } from "@tscircuit/soup"
const resistor: SourceSimpleResistor = simple_source_resistor.parse({
type: "source_component",
ftype: "simple_resistor",
source_component_id: "source_component_1",
name: "R1",
resistane: "1k",
console.log(resistor.resistance) // 1000
// This is the common way to parse/transform any element
/* ... */