The base october foundation class where your own applications can extend from
The october foundation framework.
npm install @tschallacka/oc.foundation.base
Allows you to make your own october foundation application, tschallacka style. See https://octobercms.com/docs/ui/foundation
var $ = require('jquery');
var Base = require('@tschallacka/oc.foundation.base');
* Set here your default application name.
* Any capital letter will be replaced by lowercase and a - will be inserted
* in between.
* WhoIsTheCaptain turns into who-is-the-captain and
* this script will tag elements with the attributes <div data-who-is-the-captain>
* The formatted name will be stored in the variable `appID` 'app-data-handler'
* the jQuery selector will be stored in the variable `appDataHandler` [data-app-data-handler]
* the instance reference will be 'oc.appDataHandler' which can be gotten by $(appDataHandler).data('oc.appDataHandler')
var APPNAME = 'WhoIsTheCaptain';
var Application = function (element, options)
Base.call(this, APPNAME, element, options);
Application.prototype = Object.create(Base.prototype);
Application.prototype.constructor = Application;
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* **** edit below this line ****
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* Bind jQuery event handlers here.
* @var type is the event type('on') or ('off') for binding and unbinding events manually
* this.$el[type]('click',this.proxy(this.something));
* If you just wish the Base to handle it use the 'bind' helper method.
* this.bind('click',this.$el,this.something);
* this.bind('click',this.$el,'.some-subclass',this.somethingelse);
Application.prototype.handlers = function(type)
this.bind('click', this.$prepend, this.showDetails);
* This code is called when the application is initialised. Initialise variables here.
* This is called BEFORE the event handlers are bound.
* For automatically cleaning variables you can define variables with
* this.alloc('foobar',42)
* will be the same as this.foobar = 42;
* only difference is that the alloc'ed variable will be cleand up automatically on destroy
* whislt the foobar needs a this.foobar=null in the destroy function.
Application.prototype.init = function()
this.alloc('$prepend', $('<div>I am the captain now</div>'));
* This method is called before destruction is initiated. Everything still exists here.
* this is the point where you make last minute requests without waiting for an answer.
* It needs no return value, the end is inevetable.
Application.prototype.beforeDestroy = function()
* This code is called when the application is being destroyed/cleaned up.
* Deinitialise/null your variables here.
* This is called AFTER the event handlers are unbound.
* and BEFORE the variables that were set in alloc() are unbound.
Application.prototype.destroy = function()
Application.prototype.showDetails = function(e)
// .....
* You can also put this in your index.js if you need more control/overview
* over when your applications are bound, or for testing.
* Example code:
* var Base = require('@tschallacka/oc.foundation.base');
* Base.bindToRender(require('js/myApplication.js'));
module.exports = Application;
<div data-who-is-the-captain>
I am the captain!