<p align="center"> <img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/109956939?s=400&u=8bf67b1281da46d64eab85f48255cd1892bf0885&v=4" height="150"></img> </p>
ts-rest offers a simple way to define a contract for your API, which can be both consumed and implemented by your application, giving you end to end type safety without the hassle or code generation.
- End-to-end type safety 🛟
- RPC-like client side API ⚡️
- Small Bundle Size 📉
- No Code Generation 🏃♀️
- Zod support for runtime validation 🔒
- Full optional OpenAPI integration 📝
Super Simple Example
Easily define your API contract somewhere shared
const contract = c.router({
getPosts: {
method: 'GET',
path: '/posts',
query: z.object({
skip: z.number(),
take: z.number(),
}), // <-- Zod schema
responses: {
200: c.type<Post[]>(), // <-- OR normal TS types
headers: z.object({
'x-pagination-page': z.coerce.number().optional(),
Fulfill the contract on your server, with a type-safe router:
const router = s.router(contract, {
getPosts: async ({ params: { id } }) => {
return {
status: 200,
body: prisma.post.findUnique({ where: { id } }),
Consume the api on the client with a RPC-like interface:
const result = await client.getPosts({
headers: { 'x-pagination-page': 1 },
query: { skip: 0, take: 10 },
// ^-- Fully typed!
Create a contract, implement it on your server then consume it in your client. Incrementally adopt, trial it with your team, then get shipping faster.
Contributors ✨
MASSIVE Thanks to all of these wonderful people (emoji key), who have helped make ts-rest possible:
Star History
Since our first commit in 2022 we've been growing steadily. We're proud of our progress and we're excited about the future.