library to get groups, projects, pipelines and commits from gitlab
Gitlab Fetch
library to get groups, projects, pipelines and commits from gitlab
npm install @ts-racers/gitlab-fetch # or yarn add @ts-racers/gitlab-fetch
import { GitlabFetch } from '@ts-racers/gitlab-fetch';
const { groups } = new GitlabFetch('gitlab-token');
(async () => {
// get one group
const myGroup = await groups.getOne('my-group');
id: number;
avatarUrl?: string
description: string;
name: string;
fullName: string;
path: string;
} | undefined
// get one group and yours subgroups
const descendantGroups = await groups.descendantGroups({
fullPath: 'my-group',
includeParentDescendants: true, // default is false
group: {id: number; ... }
subgroups: Array<{id: number; ... }>
} | undefined
import { GitlabFetch } from '@ts-racers/gitlab-fetch';
const { projects } = new GitlabFetch('gitlab-token');
(async () => {
// get one group
const myProjects = await projects.projectsByGroup({
fullPath: 'my-group',
includeSubGroups: true, // default is false
group: {id: number, ... },
projects: Array<{
id: number;
name: string;
fullPath: string;
path: string;
webUrl: string;
sshUrlToRepo: string;
httpUrlToRepo: string;
description: null | string;
avatarUrl?: string;
languages: {
names: string[];
percentages: Array<{
name: string;
share: number;
createdAt: Date;
lastActivityAt: Date;
defaultBranch: string;
pipelineCounts: {
finished: number;
pending: number;
running: number;
all: number;
topics: string[];
} | undefined
// get one group and yours subgroups
const descendantGroups = await groups.descendantGroups({
fullPath: 'my-group',
includeParentDescendants: true, // default is false
group: {id: number; ... }
subgroups: Array<{id: number; ... }>
} | undefined
Pipelines and Jobs
import { GitlabFetch } from '@ts-racers/gitlab-fetch';
const { pipelines } = new GitlabFetch(
(async () => {
// get pipelines and jobs
const pipesAndJobs = await pipelines.pipelinesAndJobs({
fullPath: 'path/of/my/gitlab-project',
updatedAfter: new Date(), // default is undefined
pipelines: Array<{
project_fullPath: string;
id: number;
coverage: number;
createdAt: Date;
startedAt: Date;
finishedAt: Date;
ref: string;
refPath: string;
beforeSha: string;
sha: string;
status: string;
duration: number;
queuedDuration: number;
commit: {
authorName: string;
authoredDate: Date;
sha: string;
webUrl: string;
jobs: Array<{
pipeline_id: number;
project_fullPath: string;
name: string;
refName: string;
coverage: number;
queuedDuration: number;
duration: number;
id: number;
stage_name: string;
createdByTag: boolean;
status: string;
createdAt: Date;
startedAt?: Date;
finishedAt?: Date;
Merge Requests
import { GitlabFetch } from '@ts-racers/gitlab-fetch';
const { mergeRequests } = new GitlabFetch(
(async () => {
// get merge requests commits
const mergeRequestsCommits = await mergeRequests.mergeRequestsCommits({
fullPath: 'path/of/my/gitlab-project',
targetBranches: ["master", "main"],
updatedAfter: new Date(), // default is undefined
project_fullPath: string;
id: number;
sourceBranch: string;
targetBranch: string;
mergedAt: Date;
createdAt: Date;
approved: boolean;
approvedBy: Array<{ name: string; username: string }>;
author: { name: string; username: string };
commits: Array<{
sha: string;
shortId: string;
title: string;
authorName: string;
authorEmail: string;
authoredDate: Date;
description: string;