This module provides interfaces and methods for working with polymorphic buffers in TypeScript. Polymorphic buffers are versatile data structures that can be initialized from various sources, such as strings, byte arrays, or existing buffers.
Polymorphic Buffer
This module provides interfaces and methods for working with polymorphic buffers in TypeScript. Polymorphic buffers are versatile data structures that can be initialized from various sources, such as strings, byte arrays, or existing buffers.
To install the module, you can use npm:
npm install --save @ts-overflow/buffer
or using yarn:
yarn add @ts-overflow/buffer
import Buffer from '@ts-overflow/buffer';
// Example usage of the interfaces and methods provided by the module
// Instantiate a new PolymorphicBuffer
const buf = Buffer.alloc(10);
// Manipulate the buffer
buf.writeUInt32BE(123, 0);
console.log(buf.toString('hex')); // Output: 0000007b
// More examples can be found in the documentation below.
API Documentation
Interface: PolymorphicBufferConstructor
alloc(byteLength: number): PolymorphicBuffer: Allocates a new PolymorphicBuffer of specified byte length.
wrap(actual: Uint8Array): PolymorphicBuffer: Wraps the given Uint8Array in a PolymorphicBuffer instance.
fromString(str: string, options?: BufferInitOptions): PolymorphicBuffer: Creates a new PolymorphicBuffer instance from the given string.
fromByteArray(source: number[]): PolymorphicBuffer: Creates a new PolymorphicBuffer instance from the given array of bytes.
fromBinaryTail(binaryTail: string): PolymorphicBuffer: Creates a new PolymorphicBuffer instance from the given binary tail string.
concat(buffers: PolymorphicBuffer[], totalLength?: number): PolymorphicBuffer: Creates a new PolymorphicBuffer instance from the given array of PolymorphicBuffer instances.
fromNodeBuffer(buffer: Buffer, options?: Omit<BufferInitOptions, 'dontUseNodeBuffer'>): PolymorphicBuffer: Creates a new PolymorphicBuffer instance from the given Buffer.
fromUint8Array(buffer: Uint8Array, options?: Omit<BufferInitOptions, 'dontUseNodeBuffer'>): PolymorphicBuffer: Creates a new PolymorphicBuffer instance from the given Uint8Array.
Interface: PolymorphicBuffer
buffer: Uint8Array: The backing store Uint8Array of this PolymorphicBuffer instance.
byteLength: number: The number of bytes in this PolymorphicBuffer.
length: number: The number of items in this PolymorphicBuffer. Methods
slice(start?: number, end?: number): PolymorphicBuffer: Creates a new PolymorphicBuffer instance with a section of this PolymorphicBuffer.
clone(): PolymorphicBuffer: Copies this PolymorphicBuffer instance into a new PolymorphicBuffer instance.
set(array: PolymorphicBuffer | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView, offset?: number): void: Sets the bytes in this PolymorphicBuffer instance from the given source.
fill(value: number, offset?: number, end?: number): void: Sets the given value to all bytes in this PolymorphicBuffer instance.
readUInt32BE(offset: number): number: Reads an unsigned 32-bit integer from this PolymorphicBuffer instance at the given offset.
writeUInt32BE(value: number, offset: number): void: Writes an unsigned 32-bit integer to this PolymorphicBuffer instance at the given offset.
readUInt32LE(offset: number): number: Reads an unsigned 32-bit integer from this PolymorphicBuffer instance at the given offset.
writeUInt32LE(value: number, offset: number): void: Writes an unsigned 32-bit integer to this PolymorphicBuffer instance at the given offset.
readUInt8(offset: number): number: Reads an unsigned 8-bit integer from this PolymorphicBuffer instance at the given offset.
writeUInt8(value: number, offset: number): void: Writes an unsigned 8-bit integer to this PolymorphicBuffer instance at the given offset.
indexOf(subarray: PolymorphicBuffer | Uint8Array, offset?: number): number: Returns the index of the first occurrence of the given PolymorphicBuffer instance in this PolymorphicBuffer instance.
toString(encoding?: BufferEncoding): string: Returns a string representation of the PolymorphicBuffer instance.
THis module is licensed under the Affero General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for more information.