Courier GraqphQl Client for usage in the browser.
Courier Client GraphQl
Courier GraqphQl Client for usage in the browser.
You can initialize each module with either an object containing:
clientKey: string;
userId: string;
userSignature?: string,
Or alternately, you can use an issued authorization token.
authorization: string;
You can also create the client separately and pass the client in:
import { createCourierClient } from "@trycourier/client-graphql";
const courierClient = createCourierClient({
clientKey: "abc123",
userId: "@me",
userSignature: "SUPER_SECRET",
const messages = Messages({ client: courierClient })
const events = Events({ events: courierClient })
const events = Brands({ events: courierClient })
import { Inbox } from "@trycourier/client-graphql";
const inboxApi = Inbox({ authorization: "abc123" });
const getMessageCount = async (params?: {
status?: "read" | "unread",
from?: number,
tags?: string[],
}) => {
const messageCount = await inboxApi.getInboxMessages(params);
return messageCount;
const getMessages = async (
params?: {
isRead?: boolean,
from?: number,
tags?: string[],
after?: string
) => {
const { startCursor, messages } = await messagesApi.getMessages(params);
return {
import { Events } from "@trycourier/client-graphql";
const eventsApi = Events({
clientKey: "abc123",
userId: "@me",
userSignature: "SUPER_SECRET",
const trackEvent = async (trackingId: string) => {
await eventsApi.trackEvent(trackingId);
import { Brands } from "@trycourier/client-graphql";
const brandsApi = Brands({
clientKey: "abc123",
userId: "@me",
userSignature: "SUPER_SECRET",
const getBrand = async (brandId?: string) => {
const myBrand = await brandsApi.getBrand(brandId);
return myBrand;
You can use our GraphQL endpoints to read and write advanced user preferences and see draft preferences. This API has getRecipientPreferences, getPreferencePage, getDraftPreferencePage, and updateRecipientPreferences methods. You can see the response payloads in action on User Preference Tester
import { Preferences } from "@trycourier/client-graphql";
const preferencesApi = Preferences({
clientKey: "abc123",
userId: "@me",
userSignature: "SUPER_SECRET",
const getRecipientPreferences = async (tenantId?: string) => {
const user_preferences = await preferencesApi.getRecipientPreferences(
return user_preferences;
const getPreferencePage = async (tenantId?: string) => {
const page_with_defaults = await preferencesApi.getPreferencePage(tenantId);
return page_with_defaults;
const getDraftPreferencePage = async (tenantId?: string) => {
const draft_page_with_defaults = await preferencesApi.getDraftPreferencePage(
return draft_page_with_defaults;
const updateRecipientPreferences = async (
payload: UpdateRecipientPreferencesPayload
) => {
const update_preferences = await preferencesApi.updateRecipientPreferences(
return update_preferences;
interface UpdateRecipientPreferencesPayload {
templateId: string;
status: string;
hasCustomRouting: boolean;
routingPreferences: Array<string>;
digestSchedule: string;
tenantId?: string;
For one user
This will instantiate the client required to query the Courier GraphQL. getBanners will grab all banners for that user
import { Banner } from "@trycourier/client-graphql";
const bannerApi = Banner({
clientKey: "abc123",
userId: "@me",
userSignature: "SUPER_SECRET", //optional
const getBanners = async (params?: IGetBannerParams) => {
const myBanners = await bannerApi.getBanners(params);
return myBanners;
Archive a banner
The following code will archive the selected banner for that user. After receiving and processing in Courier, getBanners will no longer return the banner. Archiving is an asynchronous process; there will be a slight delay before the banner is removed in the getBanners API call.
const config = {
clientKey: "abc123",
userId: "@me",
userSignature: "SUPER_SECRET", //optional
const bannerApi = Banner(config);
const eventsApi = Events(config);
const getBanners = async (params?: IGetBannerParams) => {
const myBanners = await bannerApi.getBanners(params);
return myBanners;
const banners = await getBanner();
await eventsApi.trackEvent(
Banner Params
interface IGetBannerParams {
from?: number;
limit?: number;
locale?: string;
tags?: string[];
trackingIds?: boolean;
With JWT (Supports multiple users)
import { Banner } from "@trycourier/client-graphql";
const bannerApi = Banner({ authorization: "MY JWT TOKEN" });
const getBanners = async (params?: { tags?: string[], locale?: string }) => {
const myBanners = await bannerApi.getBanners(params);
return myBanners;