Implements credential status management for Verifiable Credentials (VCs) using @trustvc/w3c-credential-status. It supports lifecycle operations such as revocation and suspension without altering the original credential, enabling verifiers to check a crede
TrustVC W3C Credential Status
Implements credential status management for Verifiable Credentials (VCs) using @trustvc/w3c-credential-status. It supports lifecycle operations such as revocation and suspension without altering the original credential, enabling verifiers to check a credential's current status. The project utilizes status lists and handles the credential validation process.
Bitstring Status List refers to a method of representing the revocation/suspension status of multiple items (such as digital certificates or credentials) using a bitstring (a sequence of bits). This technique allows for efficient tracking and management of which items are valid or revoked without needing to maintain extensive individual records for each item.
Revoking/Suspending a VC
The revocation or suspension of a Verifiable Credentials v1.1.
is achieved by changing the binary value of the bitstring at its given position in the bitstring. Every time the bitstring state changes, it must be compressed, encoded, and published as a Status VC of type StatusList2021Entry
This module provides functionality to create/updat a signed Verifiable Credential (VC) for credential status, using a specified cryptographic suite and key pair. It supports the creation of different types of credential status VCs such as StatusList2021Credential.
Table of Contents
- W3C Credential Status
To install the package, use:
npm install @trustvc/w3c-credential-status
- Create Credential Status Verifiable Credentials (e.g., BBS).
- Update revocation status for existing VC.
1. Create Credential Status VC
Step 1 - Importing the Package
First, import the necessary modules from the package:
import {
} from '@trustvc/w3c-credential-status';
import { signCredential, SignedVerifiableCredential } from '@trustvc/w3c-vc';
Step 2 - Pick a Hosting URL and Create a new StatusList
Pick a URL where you'd like to host your credential status. (e.g., https://example.com/credentials/statuslist/1)
const hostingUrl = https://example.com/credentials/statuslist/1;
You can create a new StatusList object with a default or custom length. By default, the list is 131,072 bits (16 KB), but you can adjust it if needed.
import { StatusList } from '@trustvc/w3c-credential-status';
// Initialize status list with a default length (16 KB or 131,072 bits)
const credentialStatus = new StatusList({ length: 131072 });
Step 3 - Select the Purpose for the Status List
The StatusList can serve different purposes, such as revocation or suspension of credentials. You can choose the purpose using the following setup:
type CredentialStatusPurpose = 'revocation' | 'suspension';
// Choose between 'revocation' or 'suspension'
const purpose: CredentialStatusPurpose = "revocation";
Step 4 - Retrieve and update the status of the index of the StatusList
The getStatus
method allows you to check whether a specific index in the status list is active (false) or revoked/suspended (true):
// Check the status of a specific index in the list
//pick index of your choice between length 0 - credentialStatus.length;
const currentIndexStatus: boolean = credentialStatus.getStatus(index);
console.log(currentIndexStatus); // to check current index status
//To change the status (revoked/suspended or active),
//use the setStatus method:(true = revoked/suspended, false = active)
credentialStatus.setStatus(index, false);
Step 5 - Encode the Status List
Once you have made updates to the status list, you need to encode it for further use:
// Encode the updated status list
const encodedList = await credentialStatus.encode();
Step 6 - Create and sign the Credential Status Payload
function helps to create a signed credential status Verifiable Credential (VC).
import { createCredentialStatusPayload } from '@trustvc/w3c-credential-status';
import { PrivateKeyPair } from '@trustvc/w3c-issuer';
* Parameters:
* - options (CreateVCCredentialStatusOptions)
* - options.id (string): The ID of the credential.
* - options.credentialSubject (object): The credential subject.
* - keyPair (PrivateKeyPair): The key pair options for signing
* - type (VCCredentialStatusType): The type of the credential status VC. Defaults to 'StatusList2021Credential'.
* - cryptoSuite (string): The cryptosuite to be used for signing. Defaults to 'BbsBlsSignature2020'.
* Returns:
* - A Promise that resolves to:
* - RawCredentialStatusVC: The signed credential status Verifiable Credential.
const options = {
id: hostingUrl,
credentialSubject: {
id: `${hostingUrl}#list`,
type: 'StatusList2021',
statusPurpose: purpose,
const keyPair = {
"id": "did:web:trustvc.github.io:did:1#keys-1",
"type": "Bls12381G2Key2020",
"controller": "did:web:trustvc.github.io:did:1",
"seedBase58": "<seedBase58>",
"privateKeyBase58": "<privateKeyBase58>",
"publicKeyBase58": "oRfEeWFresvhRtXCkihZbxyoi2JER7gHTJ5psXhHsdCoU1MttRMi3Yp9b9fpjmKh7bMgfWKLESiK2YovRd8KGzJsGuamoAXfqDDVhckxuc9nmsJ84skCSTijKeU4pfAcxeJ"
const credentialStatusVC = await createCredentialStatusPayload(options, keyPair);
console.log('Credential Status VC:', credentialStatusVC);
// Sign the credential status payload
const { signed, error } = await signCredential(credentialStatusPayload, keypairData);
if (error) {
throw new Error(error);
const signedCredentialStatusVC = signed;
Signed Credential: {
'@context': [
credentialStatus: {
id: 'https://trustvc.github.io/did/credentials/statuslist/1#1',
statusListCredential: 'https://trustvc.github.io/did/credentials/statuslist/1',
statusListIndex: '1',
statusPurpose: 'revocation',
type: 'StatusList2021Entry'
issuanceDate: '2024-04-01T12:19:52Z',
credentialSubject: {
id: 'did:example:b34ca6cd37bbf23',
type: [ 'Person' ],
name: 'TrustVC'
expirationDate: '2029-12-03T12:19:52Z',
issuer: 'did:web:trustvc.github.io:did:1',
type: [ 'VerifiableCredential' ],
proof: {
type: 'BbsBlsSignature2020',
created: '2024-10-02T09:04:07Z',
proofPurpose: 'assertionMethod',
proofValue: 'tissP5pJF1q4txCMWNZI5LgwhXMWrLI8675ops8FwlQE/zBUQnVO9Iey505MjkNDD5GdmQmnb6+RUKkLVGEJLIJrKQXlU3Xr4DlMW7ShH/sIpuvZoobGs/0hw/B5agXz8cVWfnDGWtDYciVh0rwQvg==',
verificationMethod: 'did:web:trustvc.github.io:did:1#keys-1'
2. Update revocation status for existing VC
Step 1- Import Required Modules
Begin by importing the necessary functions and classes from @trustvc/w3c-credential-status and other dependencies.
import {
} from '@trustvc/w3c-credential-status';
import { signCredential } from '@trustvc/w3c-vc';
Step 2 - Fetch Existing Credential Status VC
Retrieve the existing Credential Status Verifiable Credential (VC) from the hosted URL.
const hostingUrl = 'https://example.com/credentials/statuslist/1';
let credentialStatusVC: SignedCredentialStatusVC;
try {
credentialStatusVC = await fetchCredentialStatusVC(hostingUrl);
} catch (err: unknown) {
console.error(`Invalid URL provided: ${hostingUrl}`);
throw err;
Step 3 - Update Credential Status
Initialize the StatusList and update the desired status index.
// Initialize StatusList with the existing encoded list
const statusList = await StatusList.decode({
encodedList: credentialStatusVC.credentialSubject.encodedList,
// Define the purpose (e.g., 'revocation' or 'suspension')
const purpose: CredentialStatusPurpose = 'revocation';
// Update the status at a specific index
const indexToUpdate = 12345; // Example index
const newStatus = true; // true for revoked/suspended, false for active
statusList.setStatus(indexToUpdate, newStatus);
Step 4 - Encode and Sign the Credential Status
After updating the status list, encode it and create a signed credential status payload.
// Encode the updated status list
const encodedList = await statusList.encode();
// Create the credential status payload
const credentialStatusPayload = await createCredentialStatusPayload(
id: hostingUrl,
credentialSubject: {
id: `${hostingUrl}#list`,
type: 'StatusList2021',
statusPurpose: purpose,
keypairData, // Your key pair data
// Sign the credential status payload
const { signed, error } = await signCredential(credentialStatusPayload, keypairData);
if (error) {
throw new Error(error);
const signedCredentialStatusVC = signed;
API Reference
Creates a credential status payload.
credentialStatusData (object)
: The data for the credential status.
keypairData (object)
: The key pair data used for signing.
credentialType (string)
: The type of credential (e.g., >'StatusList2021Credential').
Signs the credential status payload.
credentialPayload (object)
: The credential status payload.
keypairData (object)
: The key pair data used for signing.
Creates a new StatusList instance with a specified length and an optional >initial buffer.
constructor({ length, buffer }: BitstringStatusListOption)
length (number)
: The length of the bitstring.
buffer (Buffer | undefined)
: An optional buffer containing the initial >state of the bitstring.Methods
setStatus(index: number, status: boolean): void
getStatus(index: number): boolean
encode(): Promise<string>
static decode({ encodedList }: { encodedList: string }): >Promise<StatusList>