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OpenAPI Plugin for Nx
Keep your API spec files in libs, and auto-generate sources and docs.
🧐 What is it?
It's a plugin for organizing OpenAPI spec files in libraries. You can then have other libraries for API SDKs, server stubs, or documentation, all auto-generated from the spec files.
💡 How to install
npm install -D @trumbitta/nx-plugin-openapi
Sources get auto-generated via openapi-generator-cli
, so you'll need Java 8 or Docker installed.
🧰 Usage
Create a lib for an API spec file
nx generate @trumbitta/nx-plugin-openapi:api-spec
✔ What name would you like to use? · api-spec
✔ Do you want me to also create a sample spec file for you? (y/N) · true
UPDATE package.json
UPDATE workspace.json
UPDATE nx.json
CREATE libs/my-service-api-spec/src/my-service-api-spec.openapi.yml
Create a lib for auto-generated docs
nx generate @trumbitta/nx-plugin-openapi:api-lib
✔ What name would you like to use? · api-docs
✔ Which OpenAPITool generator would you like to use? (https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator) · html
✔ Is the API spec file published online? (y/N) · false
✔ If it's online, what's the URL where I can get the API spec file from? ·
✔ If it's online, which authorization headers do you need to add? ·
✔ If it's local, what's the name of the lib containing the API spec file? · api-spec
✔ If it's local, what's the path of the API spec file starting from the lib root? · src/api-spec.openapi.yml
✔ Do you want to specify any additional properties for the generator? key1=value1,key2=value2 (https://openapi-generator.tech/docs/generators) ·
✔ Do you want to specify any global properties for the generator? key1=value1,key2=value2 (https://openapi-generator.tech/docs/globals) ·
UPDATE workspace.json
UPDATE nx.json
CREATE libs/api-docs/README.md
CREATE libs/api-docs/.babelrc
UPDATE tsconfig.base.json
Create a lib for auto-generated client sources
nx generate @trumbitta/nx-plugin-openapi:api-lib
✔ What name would you like to use? · api-fetch
✔ Which OpenAPITool generator would you like to use? (https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator) · typescript-fetch
✔ Is the API spec file published online? (y/N) · false
✔ If it's online, what's the URL where I can get the API spec file from? ·
✔ If it's online, which authorization headers do you need to add? ·
✔ If it's local, what's the name of the lib containing the API spec file? · api-spec
✔ If it's local, what's the path of the API spec file starting from the lib root? · src/api-spec.openapi.yml
✔ Do you want to specify any additional properties for the generator? key1=value1,key2=value2 (https://openapi-generator.tech/docs/generators) · typescriptThreePlus=true,supportsES6=true
✔ Do you want to specify any global properties for the generator? key1=value1,key2=value2 (https://openapi-generator.tech/docs/globals) ·
UPDATE workspace.json
UPDATE nx.json
CREATE libs/api-fetch/README.md
CREATE libs/api-fetch/.babelrc
UPDATE tsconfig.base.json
Generate or update sources
Given the libs created in the examples above, then:
nx run api-docs:generate-sources
# Then you can simply serve it
npx http-server libs/api-docs/src
# Or you can configure a Nx serve target for it, or do whatever you want
nx run api-fetch:generate-sources
✍️ Generators
This OpenAPI plugin for Nx should support any generator you can use with openapi-generator-cli
Find the ones you need, together with all the additional properties available for each generator, here: https://openapi-generator.tech/docs/generators
🙏 Acknowledgements
Many thanks to every project and every person I took inspiration from, but especially:
- @vsavkin for @nrwl/react
- @ericwooley for his own @ericwooley/openapi-sdk
- @tinesoft for inspiring me to take Nx plugin development for a spin with the release of their @nxrocks/nx-spring-boot