ton-lite-client is a JS library that allows you to get information from TON Blockchain through it's native ADNL protocol.
ton-lite-client is a JS library that allows you to get information from TON Blockchain through it's native ADNL protocol.
To get servers list, use official urls:
- Mainnet: https://ton.org/global.config.json
- Testnet: https://ton.org/testnet-global.config.json
Example of getting account state:
import { LiteClient, LiteRoundRobinEngine, LiteSingleEngine, LiteEngine } from "ton-lite-client";
import { Address } from "@ton/core";
function intToIP(int: number) {
var part1 = int & 255;
var part2 = ((int >> 8) & 255);
var part3 = ((int >> 16) & 255);
var part4 = ((int >> 24) & 255);
return part4 + "." + part3 + "." + part2 + "." + part1;
let server = {
"ip": 1097649206,
"port": 29296,
"id": {
"@type": "pub.ed25519",
"key": "p2tSiaeSqX978BxE5zLxuTQM06WVDErf5/15QToxMYA="
async function main() {
const engines: LiteEngine[] = [];
engines.push(new LiteSingleEngine({
host: `tcp://${intToIP(server.ip)}:${server.port}`,
publicKey: Buffer.from(server.id.key, 'base64'),
const engine: LiteEngine = new LiteRoundRobinEngine(engines);
const client = new LiteClient({ engine });
console.log('get master info')
const master = await client.getMasterchainInfo()
console.log('master', master)
const address = Address.parse('kQC2sf_Hy34aMM7n9f9_V-ThHDehjH71LWBETy_JrTirPIHa');
const accountState = await client.getAccountState(address, master.last)
console.log('Account state:', accountState)
By default, LiteClient uses cache for 4 things: blocks, blockHeaders, shards, account states at given block. All caches are LRU maps with capacity of 1000 elements. If your use case needs different caching strategy - you can bring your own map.
For example, you can cap every map at 100 000 elements:
const client = new LiteClient({
cacheMap: 100000,
Or you can cache only account states (not recommended, just example):
const client = new LiteClient({
engine, cacheMap: (kind) => {
if (kind === 'accounts') {
return new Map()
return {
get(key) { },
set(key, value) { },
delete(key: any) { },
clear() { },