Package for Discord bots micro-framework template - https://github.com/TrixiS/base-ts-bot
Package for Discord bots micro-framework template - https://github.com/TrixiS/base-ts-bot
Used in base-ts-bot
Built ontop Discord.js
The library provides several base classes:
- Extensions - classes for storing commands and event listeting (see BaseExtension ABC)
- Commands - classes for incapsulating command data and interaction event handlers (see BaseSlashCommand ABC]
The library uses TypeScript decorators for event listener registration. Also provides some decorators for different use cases:
- commandHandler - a decorator used in BaseSlashCommand subclasses to register command interaction event listeners
- eventHandler - a decorator used in BaseExtension subclasses to register Discord.js Client event listeners
Checks are decorators used to register command guard predicates. There are several check decorator factories:
- commandCheckFactory
- commandHandlerCheckFactory
- eventHandlerCheckFactory
Own subclass of Discord.js Client is used
import { BotClient } from "@trixis/lib-ts-bot";
const client = new BotClient({
intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages],
import { Message } from "discord.js";
import { BaseExtension, eventHandler } from "@trixis/lib-ts-bot";
class TestExtension extends BaseExtension {
async messageCreateHandler(message: Message) {
await message.channel.send({ content: "Hello world" });
await client.registerExtension(TestExtension);
An object with command contextual data. Instances are created with BaseSlashCommand.getContext
method. Command handler callbacks get it as the first argument
type CommandContext<
I extends CommandInteraction = CommandInteraction,
O extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>,
D extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>
> = {
client: BotClient;
interaction: I;
member?: GuildMember;
guild?: Guild;
options: O;
data: D;
import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "discord.js";
import {
} from "@trixis/lib-ts-bot";
class TestCommand extends BaseSlashCommand<TestExtension> {
constructor(extension: TestExtension) {
const builder = new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("Some test command!");
super(extension, builder);
@commandHandler({ name: "test", autoDeferOptions: null })
async testCommandHandler(ctx: CommandContext) {
await ctx.interaction.reply("Hello world!");
testExtension.addCommand(TestCommand); // instance of TestExtension is used (not the class itself)
Check predicate takes a single argument - CommandContext instance. All checks should return Promise.
Command checks
import { guildOnlyCommand } from "@trixis/lib-ts-bot";
@guildOnlyCommand() // makes all command handlers of TestCommand guild only (would't work in DMs)
class TestCommand extends BaseSlashCommand<TestExtension> {
Command handler checks
import { commandHandlerCheckFactory } from "@trixis/lib-ts-bot";
const guildOnlyCommandHandler = () => commandHandlerCheckFactory(async (ctx) => Boolean(ctx.guild));
class TestCommand extends BaseSlashCommand<TestExtension> {
@guildOnlyCommandHandler() // makes a single command handler guild only
@commandHandler({ name: "test" })
async testCommandHandler(ctx: CommandContext) {
Event handler checks
import { eventHandlerCheckFactory } from "@trixis/lib-ts-bot";
const guildOnlyEvent = () => eventHandlerCheckFactory(async (ctx) => Boolean(ctx.guild));
class TestExtension extends BaseExtension {
@guildOnlyEvent() // check if event interaction guild is set
async interactionHandler(interaction: Interaction) {
Command handling
Commands would not be handled automatically by default. There is defaut CommandHandlerExtension you need to register yourself. Or write it yourself
import { CommandHandlerExtension } from "@trixis/lib-ts-bot";
// ... create a client instance
await client.registerExtension(CommandHandlerExtension);
// ... register your extensions and commands
// ... login the client
Custom id factory
import { CustomId, checkCustomId } from "@trixis/lib-ts-bot";
const data = {
someId: 1
const testCustomId = new CustomId<typeof data>("test");
class TestExtension extends BaseExtension {
@checkCustomId(testCustomId) // would check if interaction custom id is the specified one
async interactionHandler(interaction: Interaction) {
// interaction type has no customId, it is given here for example
const data = testCustomId.unpack(interaction.customId);
const packedData = testCustomId.pack(data);