A typescript client to interact with the Tribe GraphQL API.
Tribe GraphQL Client
A typescript client to interact with the Tribe GraphQL API.
How to use
Basic Usage
you can provide graphql url and token as options to the client.
import { TribeClient } from '@tribeplatform/gql-client'
const t = new TribeClient({
graphqlUrl: 'localhost:4000/graphql',
accessToken: '<your-access-token>',
or you can set the url in the environment variable TRIBE_GQL_ENDPOINT
export TRIBE_GQL_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:4000/graphql
const t = new TribeClient({
accessToken?: '<your-access-token>',
you can also set the token per request.
const t = new TribeClient({
graphqlUrl?: 'localhost:4000/graphql',
t.network.get('basic', accessToken: '<your-access-token>')
App Usage
To use the client in an app, you need to provide
and clientSecret
when initializing TribeClient
Then you can use generateToken
to generate a token
per network by providing networkId
to make queries.
In case you want to act as a member you can provide memberId
to generateToken
const t = new TribeClient({
graphqlUrl: 'https://app.dev.tribe.so/api/gateway',
clientId: '<your-client-id>',
clientSecret: '<your-client-secret>',
networkId: '<your-network-id>',
memberId: '<acting-member-id>',
}).then(token => {
// you can set the token globally
// or use it per request
t.network.get('basic', token)
Supported Mutations
archiveMemberSchemaField(key: String!): Network!
- ✅ t.network.archiveMemberSchemaField()
updateMemberSchemaField(input: UpdateCustomFieldSchemaInput!): Network!
- ✅ t.network.updateMemberSchemaField()
addMemberSchemaField(input: CustomFieldSchemaInput!): Network!
- ✅ t.network.addMemberSchemaField()
addReaction(input: AddReactionInput!, postId: ID!): Action!
- ✅ t.posts.addReaction()
addSpaceMembers(input: [AddSpaceMemberInput!]!, spaceId: ID!): [SpaceMember!]!
- ✅ t.spaceMembers.add()
addTrialPlan(trial: AddTrialInput!): Plan!
- ❌
approveSpaceMembershipRequest(): Action!
- ✅ t.spaceMembership.approveRequest()
cancelEmailUpdate(id: ID): Action!
- ✅ t.members.cancelEmailUpdate()
changeNetworkSubscriptionPlan(name: PlanName!): Network!
- ❌
clearNewDomain: Action!
- ✅ t.network.clearNewDomain()
clearNotificationsCount: Action!
- ✅ t.notifications.clearNotificationsCount()
confirmResetPassword(input: ConfirmResetPasswordInput!): Action!
- ❌
createAccessGroup(input: CreateAccessGroupInput!): AccessGroup!
- ❌
createCollection(input: CreateCollectionInput!): Collection!
- ✅ t.collections.create()
createEmojis(input: [CreateEmojiInput!]!): [Emoji!]!
- ✅ t.media.createEmojis()
createImages(input: [CreateImageInput!]!): [SignedUrl!]!
- ✅ t.media.createImages()
createMigrationRequest(): ImportRequest!
- ❌
createNetwork(input: AddNetworkInput!): AuthTokenWithOtp!
- ❌
createPermission(input: CreatePermissionInput!): Permission!
- ❌
createPost(input: CreatePostInput!, spaceId: ID!): Post!
- ✅ t.posts.create()
createPostTypeTemplate(input: CreatePostTypeTemplateInput!): PostTypeTemplate!
- ❌
createReply(input: CreatePostInput!, postId: ID!): Post!
- ✅ t.posts.reply()
createReport(input: CreateReportInput!): ModerationItem!
- ❌
createSpace(input: CreateSpaceInput!): Space!
- ✅ t.spaces.create()
createSpaceType(input: CreateSpaceTypeInput!): SpaceType!
- ✅ t.spaces.createType()
createTag(input: CreateTagInput!, spaceId: ID!): Tag!
- ✅ t.tags.create()
declineSpaceMembershipRequest(): Action!
- ✅ t.spaceMembership.declineRequest()
deleteAccessGroup(id: ID!): Action!
- ❌
deleteCollection(id: ID!): Action!
- ✅ t.collections.delete()
deleteMember(id: ID!): Action!
- ✅ t.members.delete()
deleteNetwork: Action!
- ❌
deleteNotification(notificationId: ID!): Action!
- ✅ t.notifications.deleteNotification()
deleteNotifications(ids: [ID!]): Action!
- ✅ t.notifications.deleteNotifications()
deletePermission(id: ID!): Action!
- ❌
deletePost(id: ID!): Action!
- ✅ t.posts.delete()
deleteSpace(id: ID!): Action!
- ✅ t.spaces.delete()
deleteSpaceType(spaceTypeId: ID!): Action!
- ❌
deleteSsoMembership(memberId: String!, type: SsoType!): Action!
- ❌
extendCurrentTrial(newEndDate: DateTime!): Plan!
- ❌
globalCreateApp(input: CreateAppInput!): App!
- ❌
globalCreateWidget(appId: ID!, input: CreateWidgetInput!): Widget!
- ❌
globalDeleteAppSetting(): AppSetting!
- ❌
globalDeleteWidget(id: ID!): Action!
- ❌
globalRegenerateClientSecret(appId: ID!): App!
- ❌
globalUpdateApp(id: ID!, input: UpdateAppInput!): App!
- ❌
globalUpdateAppSetting(): AppSetting!
- ❌
globalUpdateWidget(id: ID!, input: UpdateWidgetInput!): Widget!
- ❌
hidePost(id: ID!): Action!
- ❌
installApp(appId: ID!, input: InstallAppInput!): AppInstallation!
- ✅ t.app.install()
installPostTypeTemplate(input: InstallPostTypeTemplateInput!): PostType!
- ❌
inviteMembers(input: InviteMembersInput!): [MemberInvitation!]!
- ❌
joinNetwork(input: JoinNetworkInput!): AuthToken!
- ✅ t.auth.joinNetwork()
joinNetworkWithInvitationLink(input: JoinNetworkWithLinkInput!): AuthToken!
- ✅ t.auth.joinNetworkWithInvitationLink()
joinNetworkWithToken(input: JoinNetworkWithTokenInput!): AuthToken!
- ✅ t.auth.joinNetworkWithToken()
joinSpace(spaceId: ID!): Action!
- ✅ t.spaces.join()
leaveSpace(spaceId: ID!): Action!
- ✅ t.spaces.leave()
organizeCollections(ids: [String!]!): Action!
- ✅ t.collections.organize()
organizeSpacesInCollection(): Action!
- ✅ t.spaces.organize()
pinPostToSpace(postId: ID!): Action!
- ✅ t.posts.pinToSpace()
pinReplyToPost(postId: ID!, replyId: ID!): Action!
- ❌
purchase(input: PurchaseInput!): Subscription!
- ❌
readNotification(notificationId: ID!): Action!
- ✅ t.notifications.readNotification()
readNotifications(ids: [ID!]): Action!
- ✅ t.notifications.readNotifications()
removeReaction(postId: ID!, reaction: String!): Action!
- ✅ t.posts.removeReaction()
removeSpaceMembers(memberIds: [ID!]!, spaceId: ID!): [Action!]!
- ✅ t.spaceMembers.remove()
requestGlobalTokenCode(input: RequestGlobalTokenInput!): Action!
- ❌
requestSpaceMembership(spaceId: ID!): SpaceJoinRequest!
- ✅ t.spaceMembership.request()
resendGlobalTokenCode(input: RequestGlobalTokenInput!): Action!
- ❌
resendVerification: Action!
- ✅ t.auth.resendVerification()
sendResetPasswordEmail(email: String!): Action!
- ✅ t.auth.sendResetPasswordEmail()
transferToNewDomain: Action!
- ✅ t.network.transferToNewDomain()
unhidePost(id: ID!): Action!
- ❌
uninstallApp(appInstallationId: ID!, reason: String): AppInstallation
- ✅ t.app.uninstall()
unpinPostFromSpace(postId: ID!): Action!
- ✅ t.posts.unpinFromSpace()
unpinReplyFromPost(postId: ID!, replyId: ID!): Action!
- ❌
unsubscribeFromNotification(input: UnsubscribeWithTokenInput!): Action!
- ✅ t.notifications.unsubscribe()
updateAccessGroup(id: ID!, input: UpdateAccessGroupInput!): AccessGroup!
- ❌
updateAppInstallation(): AppInstallation!
- ❌
updateAppNetworkSettings(appId: ID!, settings: String!): AppAction!
- ✅ t.app.updateNetworkSettings()
updateAppSpaceSetting(appId: ID!, settings: String!, spaceId: ID!): AppAction!
- ❌
updateBillingDetails(input: BillingDetailsInput!): BillingDetails!
- ❌
updateCollection(id: ID!, input: UpdateCollectionInput!): Action!
- ✅ t.collections.update()
updateCustomSso(input: UpdateCustomSsoInput!): Sso!
- ✅ t.auth.updateCustomSso()
updateDefaultSsoStatus(sso: DefaultSsoType!, status: SsoStatus!): Action!
- ✅ t.auth.updateDefaultSsoStatus()
updateImage(id: String!, input: UpdateImageInput!): Image!
- ❌
updateMember(id: ID, input: UpdateMemberInput!): Member!
- ✅ t.members.update()
updateMemberNetworkNotificationSettings(): MemberNetworkNotificationSettings!
- ✅ t.notifications.updateNetworkSettings()
updateMemberSpaceNotificationSettings(): MemberSpaceNotificationSettings!
- ❌
updateMemberSpaceRole(): Action!
- ❌
updateModerationItem(id: ID!, input: UpdateModerationItemInput!): Action!
- ✅ t.moderation.updateItem()
updateModerationSettings(): ModerationSettings!
- ✅ t.moderation.updateSettings()
updateNetwork(input: UpdateNetworkInput!): Network!
- ✅ t.network.update()
updateNetworkCustomCapacities(): Network!
- ❌
updateNetworkStatus(input: UpdateNetworkStatusInput!): Action!
- ❌
updateNewDomain(input: UpdateNewDomainInput!): DomainTransferStatus!
- ✅ t.network.updateNewDomain()
updatePasswordWithToken(input: UpdatePasswordWithTokenInput!): Action!
- ❌
updatePermission(id: ID!, input: UpdatePermissionInput!): Permission!
- ❌
updatePost(id: ID!, input: UpdatePostInput!): Post!
- ✅ t.posts.update()
updateSpace(id: ID!, input: UpdateSpaceInput!): Space!
- ✅ t.spaces.update()
updateSpaceHighlightedTags(): Action!
- ❌
updateSpaceTagFilter(input: UpdateTagFilter!, spaceId: ID!): Action!
- ❌
updateSpaceType(id: ID!, input: UpdateSpaceTypeInput!): SpaceType!
- ❌
updateTag(id: ID!, input: UpdateTagInput!, spaceId: ID!): Tag!
- ✅ t.tags.update()
uploadMigrationFiles(): UploadCollectionsResponse!
- ❌
upsertTheme(input: UpsertTheme!): NewTheme!
- ✅ t.theme.upsert()
verifyMember(input: VerifyMemberInput!): AuthToken!
- ✅ t.auth.verifyMember()
verifyMemberEmail(input: VerifyMemberEmailInput!): Action!
- ❌
Supported Queries
accessGroup(id: ID!): AccessGroup!
- ❌
accessGroups: [AccessGroup!]!
- ❌
app(id: ID, slug: String): App!
- ✅ t.app.get()
apps(): PaginatedApp!
- ✅ t.app.list()
getNetworkAppInstallations(): PaginatedAppInstallation!
- ✅ t.app.appInstallations()
authMember: Member!
- ❌
postTypes(): PaginatedPostType!
- ✅ t.posts.listPostTypes()
spacePostTypes(): PaginatedSpacePostType!
- ✅ t.spacePostType.list()
spacePostType(): SpacePostType!
- ✅ t.spacePostType.get()
updateSpacePostTypes(): [SpacePostType!]!
- ✅ t.spacePostType.update()
baskets(input: BasketsInput!): [Basket!]!
- ❌
billingDetails: BillingDetails!
- ✅ t.billing.details()
cancelSubscription: Action!
- ❌
collection(id: ID): Collection!
- ✅ t.collections.get()
collections(): [Collection!]!
- ✅ t.collections.list()
domainAvailability(input: DomainAvailabilityInput!): DomainAvailability!
- ✅ t.network.domainAvailability()
emailAvailability(email: String!): EmailAvailability!
- ❌
embed(input: EmbedInput!): Embed!
- ✅ t.media.embed()
exploreSpaces(): PaginatedSpace!
- ✅ t.spaces.explore()
feed(): PaginatedPost!
- ✅ t.posts.feed()
getAppNetworkSettings(appId: ID!): String!
- ✅ t.app.networkSettings()
getAppSpaceSettings(appId: ID!, spaceId: ID!): String!
- ✅ t.app.spaceSettings()
getAppWidget(appId: ID!, widgetId: ID!): Widget!
- ❌
getAppWidgets(): PaginatedWidget!
- ❌
getMemberAppInstallations(): PaginatedAppInstallation!
- ❌
globalApp(id: ID, slug: String): App!
- ❌
globalAppSettings(): AppSetting!
- ❌
globalAppWidget(appId: ID!, widgetId: ID!): Widget!
- ❌
globalAppWidgets(): PaginatedWidget!
- ❌
globalApps(): PaginatedApp!
- ❌
globalNetworks(): PaginatedNetwork!
- ❌
globalToken(input: GlobalTokenInput!): GlobalToken!
- ❌
impersonateLoginToNetwork(): AuthInfoWithOtp!
- ❌
invitationLinkValidity(id: String!): MemberInvitationLink!
limitedToken(): AppToken!
- ✅ t.getLimitedToken()
loginNetwork(input: LoginNetworkWithPasswordInput!): AuthToken!
- ✅ t.auth.login()
loginNetworkWithGlobalToken(): AuthToken!
- ❌
loginNetworkWithPassword(input: LoginNetworkWithPasswordInput!): AuthToken!
- ❌
loginSupportWithSsoCode(): SupportAuthToken!
- ❌
loginWithSsoCode(input: LoginWithSsoCodeInput!): AuthToken!
- ❌
media(id: ID!): Media!
- ❌
member(id: ID, username: String): Member!
- ✅ t.members.get()
memberInvitation(id: ID!): MemberInvitation!
- ✅ t.invitations.list()
memberInvitationLink: MemberInvitationLink!
- ✅ t.invitations.getLink()
memberInvitationValidity(token: String!): MemberInvitation!
- ✅ t.invitations.validate()
memberInvitations(): PaginatedMemberInvitation!
- ✅ t.invitations.list()
memberNotificationSettings(id: ID): MemberNotificationSettings!
- ❌
memberPosts(): PaginatedPost!
- ✅ t.posts.byMember()
memberSpaceMembershipRequest(): [SpaceJoinRequest!]!
- ✅ t.spaceMemberships.getMemberRequests()
memberSpaces(): PaginatedSpaceMember!
- ✅ t.spaceMembers.listSpaces()
members(): PaginatedMember!
- ✅ t.memebrs.list()
moderationItem(id: ID!): ModerationItem!
- ✅ t.moderation.getItem()
moderationItemReporters(): PaginatedModerationItemReporter!
- ✅ t.moderation.getItemReporters()
moderationItems(): PaginatedModeration!
- ✅ t.moderation.getItems()
moderationSettings: ModerationSettings!
- ✅ t.moderation.settings()
network: Network!
- ✅ t.network.get()
networkApps(status: AppInstallationStatus): [App!]!
- ❌
networkPublicInfo: NetworkPublicInfo!
- ❌
networks(): PaginatedNetwork!
- ❌
networksMembers(): PaginatedPluralMember!
- ❌
newDomainStatus(domain: String!): DomainTransferStatus!
- ✅ t.network.newDomainStatus()
notifications(after: String, limit: Int!): PaginatedNotification!
- ✅ t.notifications.list()
notificationsCount: NotificationsCount!
- ✅ t.notifications.count()
passwordComplexity(password: String!): PasswordComplexity!
- ❌
permission(id: ID!): Permission!
- ❌
permissions: [Permission!]!
- ❌
post(id: ID!): Post!
- ✅ t.posts.get()
postReactionParticipants(): PaginatedPostReactionParticipant!
- ✅ t.posts.reactionParticipants()
postType(id: ID!): PostType!
- ✅ t.posts.getPostType()
postTypeTemplates: [PostTypeTemplate!]!
- ❌
posts(): PaginatedPost!
- ✅ t.posts.list()
redirect(url: String!): Redirect!
- ❌
replies(): PaginatedPost!
- ✅ t.posts.replies()
report(input: ReportInput!, spaceId: String): Report!
- ✅ t.report.get()
roles(orderBy: RoleListOrderByEnum, reverse: Boolean): [Role!]!
- ✅ t.roles.list()
scopes(contexts: [PermissionsContextInput!]): Scopes!
- ❌
search(input: SearchInput!): SearchResult!
- ✅ t.search()
space(id: ID, slug: ID): Space!
- ✅ t.spaces.get()
spaceMembers(): PaginatedSpaceMember!
- ✅ t.spaceMembers.listMembers()
spaceMembershipRequests(): [SpaceJoinRequest!]!
- ✅ t.spaceMembership.getRequests()
spacePinnedPosts(spaceId: ID!): [Post!]!
- ✅ t.spaces.pinnedPosts()
spaceRoles(): [SpaceRole!]!
- ✅ t.spaceRoles.list()
spaces(): PaginatedSpace!
- ✅ t.spaces.list()
ssoMemberships(memberId: String!): [SsoMembership!]!
- ✅ t.auth.ssoMemberships()
ssoUrl(input: SsoUrlInput!): SsoUrl!
- ✅ t.auth.ssoUrl()
ssos(status: SsoStatus): [Sso!]!
- ✅ t.auth.ssos()
subscription(input: subscriptionInput!): Subscription!
- ❌
supportNetworkTokens(networkId: String!): SupportLimitedAuthToken!
- ❌
supportSsoUrl(input: SupportSsoUrlInput): SupportSsoUrl!
- ❌
tagPosts(): PaginatedPost!
- ❌
tags(): PaginatedTag!
- ✅ t.tags.list()
tokens(): AuthToken!
- ❌
usernameAvailability(username: String!): UsernameAvailability!
- ❌
vatTypes: [VatTypeInfo!]!
- ❌
widget(id: ID!): Slate!
- ❌