super-simple-secrets by S3
Super-simple-secrets using S3
Coverterage is a super simple secrets solutions that works with your existing AWS account (if you don't have an AWS account, see about getting set up here).
Coverterage is both a command line tool and an api.
Use the CLI tool to define your secrets into categories of Domain and Subject and
then publish them to the cloud where they can be accessed by your applications using the
very simple API.
Secrets are organized into domain/subject/property groups.
- a
is the realm of secrets for a purpose. This corresponds to an AWS bucket in deployment. - a
is a JSON object that holds the secrets. This corresponds to an AWS object within the domain bucket. - a
is a property of the json object, and a value is the value of that object property.
individual secrets can be considered as these object property values.
A path-like syntax is used to identify these in the command line.
For example, MySecrets/APIKeys/SomeProvider
would refer to domain="MySecrets", subject="APIKeys".
Properties within this object could be retrieved such as MySecrets/APIKeys/google-clientId
or set with MySecrets/APIKeys/google-clientId="Some Value"
installing for the CLI command
install with
npm install -g @tremho/coverterage
This will make the coverterage
cli command available to you whereever you need it.
Some examples:
adding secrets to a domain/subject
coverterage add Example/MySecrets/foo="this is totally fubar"
coverterage add Example/MySecrets/bar="the bar is closed"
note that values may be quoted or unquoted. If your value contains quote characters, surround the value with the opposite quote type (' vs ") or escape the quote characters with backslashes.
viewing those secrets
coverterage get Example/MySecrets
{ foo: 'this is totally fubar', bar: 'the bar is closed' }
If we try to add a property that already exists we will get an error
coverterage add Example/MySecrets/foo="something new"
property 'foo already exists for secret object 'Example/MySecrets'
but we can use the edit
command if we want to update it
coverterage edit Example/MySecrets/foo="that's better"
coverterage edit Example/MySecrets/bar="the bar is open"
so now...
coverterage get Example/MySecrets
{ foo: "that's better", bar: 'the bar is open' }
Remove a property if you like with remove
coverterage remove Example/MySecrets/foo
you will be prompted with Are you sure?
Remove the secret at Example/MySecrets/foo
Current Value is that's better
Are you sure? y
You can also remove the entire subject
coverterage remove Example/MySecrets
or the entire domain
coverterage remove Example
You will of course be prompted for confirmation on these actions too.
If the values are removed, or if you access values that never existed, you will get an error when you try to access them
coverterage get Example/MySecrets
s3GetResponse Failed on exception: The specified bucket does not exist
The get command will attempt to read the secrets from the local dev store and use values it finds there, but if it does not find values there it will reach out to the cloud for any values that may have been published
The get command can accept one of two options --local
or --cloud
to force where
the data is fetched from.
If we try that same command for the local store, we get a slightly different error message
Unrecognized Domain "Example"
In this example, we haven't published anything yet to the cloud, and we removed the values that we originally set locally. So let's put those back first.
coverterage add Example/MySecrets/foo="this is totally fubar"
coverterage add Example/MySecrets/bar="the bar is closed"
Now let's publish this to the cloud
coverterage publish Example
this will publish the domain Example
with its subjects to AWS.
If we had just said coverterage publish
, then all the domains in the local store would be updated the cloud
Now let's change the values in the local store
converterage edit Example/MySecrets/foo="local change"
And let's view that value:
converterage get Example/MySecrets/foo
it appears as
local change
because we changed it, but if we look at the cloud version
converterage get --cloud Example/MySecrets/foo
we see the one that we published there
this is totally fubar
we can remove the local subject completely
coverterage remove Example/MySecrets
and when we look for our value
coverterage get Example/MySecrets/foo
we get the cloud value
this is totally fubar
if we try to find it locally, though, we get an error
coverterage get Example/MySecrets/foo --local
Unrecognized Subject "MySecrets"
So you can use the --cloud and --local options of get
to compare pending and current
versions, and then sync to the cloud when you are ready with a new publish
Finally, the last operation to show is the retrieve
This is sort of like a 'reverse publish' in that it pulls values from the cloud and writes
them in the local store.
coverterage retrieve Example
will add the subjects in the cloud for the Example domain to the local store, replacing any values that may have been in this location before.
Using the api in an app
First, make sure you have installed coverterage for your project
npm install @tremho/coverterage
then, import into your application
import Secret from '@tremho/coverterage'
then use to fetch the subject object that you created, and read the secret from that:
const secrets = await Secret('MyDomain', 'MySubject');
const clientId = secrets.clientId
This example gets clientId from a published coverterage that was created with
coverterage add MyDomain/MySubject/clientId=xxxxxxxxwhateverxxxxxx
coverterage publish MyDomain
- general maintenance update1.0.4
- minor readme fix1.0.3
- fix badges1.0.2
- typescript types fix1.0.1
- readme update1.0.0
- initial release