Mongo backing for the travetto model module.
MongoDB Model Support
Mongo backing for the travetto model module.
Install: @travetto/model-mongo
npm install @travetto/model-mongo
# or
yarn add @travetto/model-mongo
This module provides an mongodb-based implementation for the Data Modeling Support. This source allows the Data Modeling Support module to read, write and query against mongodb.. Given the dynamic nature of mongodb, during development when models are modified, nothing needs to be done to adapt to the latest schema.
Supported features:
- Expiry
- Bulk
- Indexed
- Blob
- Query Crud
- Facet
- Query
- Suggest Out of the box, by installing the module, everything should be wired up by default.If you need to customize any aspect of the source or config, you can override and register it with the Dependency Injection module.
Code: Wiring up a custom Model Source
import { InjectableFactory } from '@travetto/di';
import { MongoModelService, MongoModelConfig } from '@travetto/model-mongo';
export class Init {
primary: true
static getModelSource(conf: MongoModelConfig) {
return new MongoModelService(conf);
where the MongoModelConfig is defined by:
Code: Structure of MongoModelConfig
import type mongo from 'mongodb';
import { TimeSpan, TimeUtil, RuntimeResources, Runtime } from '@travetto/runtime';
import { Config } from '@travetto/config';
import { Field } from '@travetto/schema';
* Mongo model config
export class MongoModelConfig {
* Hosts
hosts?: string[];
* Collection prefix
namespace?: string;
* Username
username?: string;
* Password
password?: string;
* Server port
port?: number;
* Direct mongo connection options
connectionOptions = {};
* Is using the SRV DNS record configuration
srvRecord?: boolean;
* Mongo client options
options: mongo.MongoClientOptions = {};
* Should we auto create the db
autoCreate?: boolean;
* Frequency of culling for cullable content
cullRate?: number | TimeSpan;
* Connection string
connectionString?: string;
* Load all the ssl certs as needed
async postConstruct(): Promise<void> {
const resolve = (file: string): Promise<string> => RuntimeResources.resolve(file).then(v => v, () => file);
if (this.connectionString) {
const details = new URL(this.connectionString);
this.hosts ??= details.hostname.split(',').filter(x => !!x);
this.srvRecord ??= details.protocol === 'mongodb+srv:';
this.namespace ??= details.pathname.replace('/', '');
Object.assign(this.options, Object.fromEntries(details.searchParams.entries()));
this.port ??= +details.port;
this.username ??= details.username;
this.password ??= details.password;
// Defaults
if (!this.namespace) {
this.namespace = 'app';
if (!this.port || Number.isNaN(this.port)) {
this.port = 27017;
if (!this.hosts || !this.hosts.length) {
this.hosts = ['localhost'];
const opts = this.options;
if (opts.ssl) {
if (opts.cert) {
opts.cert = await Promise.all([opts.cert].flat(2).map(f => Buffer.isBuffer(f) ? f : resolve(f)));
if (opts.tlsCertificateKeyFile) {
opts.tlsCertificateKeyFile = await resolve(opts.tlsCertificateKeyFile);
if (opts.tlsCAFile) {
opts.tlsCAFile = await resolve(opts.tlsCAFile);
if (opts.tlsCRLFile) {
opts.tlsCRLFile = await resolve(opts.tlsCRLFile);
if (!Runtime.production) {
opts.waitQueueTimeoutMS ??= TimeUtil.asMillis(1, 'd'); // Wait a day in dev mode
* Build connection URLs
get url(): string {
const hosts = this.hosts!
.map(h => (this.srvRecord || h.includes(':')) ? h : `${h}:${this.port ?? 27017}`)
const opts = Object.entries(this.options).map(([k, v]) => `${k}=${v}`).join('&');
let creds = '';
if (this.username) {
creds = `${[this.username, this.password].filter(x => !!x).join(':')}@`;
const url = `mongodb${this.srvRecord ? '+srv' : ''}://${creds}${hosts}/${this.namespace}?${opts}`;
return url;
Additionally, you can see that the class is registered with the @Config annotation, and so these values can be overridden using the standard Configuration resolution paths.The SSL file options in clientOptions
will automatically be resolved to files when given a path. This path can be a resource path (will attempt to lookup using RuntimeResources) or just a standard file path.