ES Linting Rules
ES Linting Rules
ES Linting Rules
Install: @travetto/eslint
npm install @travetto/eslint
# or
yarn add @travetto/eslint
ESLint is the standard for linting Typescript and Javascript code. This module provides some standard linting patterns and the ability to create custom rules. Due to the fact that the framework supports both CommonJS and Ecmascript Module formats, a novel solution was required to allow ESLint to load Ecmascript Module files.
Note: The ESLint has introduced a new configuration format which allows for Ecmascript Module files.
CLI - Register
In a new project, the first thing that will need to be done, post installation, is to create the eslint configuration file.
Terminal: Registering the Configuration
$ trv lint:register
Wrote eslint config to <workspace-root>/eslint.config.js
This is the file the linter will use, and any other tooling (e.g. IDEs).
Code: Sample configuration
process.env.TRV_MANIFEST = './.trv/output/node_modules/@travetto/eslint';
const { buildConfig } = require('./.trv/output/node_modules/@travetto/eslint/support/bin/eslint-config.js');
const { RuntimeIndex } = require('./.trv/output/node_modules/@travetto/runtime/__index__.js');
const pluginFiles = RuntimeIndex.find({ folder: f => f === 'support', file: f => /support\/eslint[.]/.test(f.relativeFile) });
const plugins = pluginFiles.map(x => require(x.outputFile));
const config = buildConfig(plugins);
module.exports = config;
The output is tied to whether or not you are using the CommonJS or Ecmascript Module format.
CLI - Lint
Once installed, using the linter is as simple as invoking it via the cli:
Terminal: Running the Linter
npx trv lint
Or pointing your IDE to reference the registered configuration file.
Custom Rules
It can be seen in the sample configuration, that the configuration is looking for files with the pattern of support/eslint/.*
These files will follow a given pattern of:
Code: Custom Rule Shape
import type eslint from 'eslint';
export type TrvEslintPlugin = {
name: string;
rules: Record<string, {
defaultLevel?: string | boolean | number;
create(context: eslint.Rule.RuleContext): eslint.Rule.RuleListener;
An example plugin is used in the Travetto framework for enforcing import patterns:
Code: Import Order Rule
import type eslint from 'eslint';
import { Program, BaseExpression, Expression } from 'estree';
import type { TrvEslintPlugin } from '@travetto/eslint';
const groupTypeMap = {
node: ['node', 'travetto', 'workspace'],
travetto: ['travetto', 'workspace'],
workspace: ['workspace'],
interface TSAsExpression extends BaseExpression {
type: 'TSAsExpression';
expression: Expression;
declare module 'estree' {
interface ExpressionMap {
TSAsExpression: TSAsExpression;
export const ImportOrder: TrvEslintPlugin = {
name: '@travetto-import',
rules: {
order: {
defaultLevel: 'error',
create(context) {
function check({ body }: Program): void {
let groupType: (keyof typeof groupTypeMap) | undefined;
let groupSize = 0;
let contiguous = false;
let prev: eslint.AST.Program['body'][number] | undefined;
for (const node of body) {
let from: string | undefined;
if (node.type === 'ImportDeclaration') {
if (node.source?.value && typeof node.source.value === 'string') {
from = node.source.value;
} else if (node.type === 'VariableDeclaration' && node.kind === 'const') {
const [decl] = node.declarations;
let call: Expression | undefined;
const initType = decl?.init?.type;
if (initType === 'CallExpression') {
call = decl.init;
} else if (initType === 'TSAsExpression') { // tslint support
call = decl.init.expression;
if (
call?.type === 'CallExpression' && call.callee.type === 'Identifier' &&
call.callee.name === 'require' && call.arguments[0].type === 'Literal'
) {
const arg1 = call.arguments[0];
if (arg1.value && typeof arg1.value === 'string') {
from = arg1.value;
if (!from) {
const lineType: typeof groupType = /^@travetto/.test(from) ? 'travetto' : /^[^.]/.test(from) ? 'node' : 'workspace';
if (/module\/[^/]+\/doc\//.test(context.filename) && lineType === 'workspace' && from.startsWith('..')) {
context.report({ message: 'Doc does not support parent imports', node });
if (groupType && !groupTypeMap[groupType].includes(lineType)) {
context.report({ message: `Invalid transition from ${groupType} to ${lineType}`, node });
if (groupType === lineType) {
groupSize += 1;
} else if (((node.loc?.end.line ?? 0) - (prev?.loc?.end.line ?? 0)) > 1) {
// Newlines
contiguous = false;
groupSize = 0;
if (groupSize === 0) { // New group, who dis
groupSize = 1;
groupType = lineType;
} else if (groupType === lineType && !contiguous) { // Contiguous same
// Do nothing
} else if (groupSize === 1) { // Contiguous diff, count 1
contiguous = true;
groupType = lineType;
} else { // Contiguous diff, count > 1
context.report({ message: `Invalid contiguous groups ${groupType} and ${lineType}`, node });
prev = node;
return { Program: check };