Port of Ben Smithett's dragster to ES6. Wraps native dragenter/dragleave to behave like mouse event when hovering over child DOM elements.
is a port of Ben Smithett's dragster to ES6.
It wraps the native dragenter/dragleave to behave like mouse event when hovering over child DOM elements.
Differences from the original
- Has been converted from CoffeeScript to JavaScript
- Has had its events renamed to 'dragster-enter' and 'dragster-leave'
- Uses ES6 Class
- Keeps track of its instances for later reference so your drop
callback has a way to call
- Provides a
method that can be used as a callback to remove said instances. If you use this with Svelte'suse:
directive, then Svelte will automatically calldestroy()
as something is removed from the DOM.
To install with npm
npm install --save @transformation-dev/dragster
In a .svelte file
import {Dragster} from '@transformation-dev/dragster'
function addDragster(node) {
return new Dragster(node)
let thingBeingDragged
function dragStart(event) {
thingBeingDragged = event.target.id
event.target.style.opacity = .5
function drop(event) {
const id = event.target.id
Dragster.reset(event.target) // Very important!
console.log('id of drop zone', id)
console.log('id of thing being dragged', thingBeingDragged)
function enter(event) {
event.target.style.background = 'grey'
function leave(event) {
event.target.style.background = ''
function over(event) {
event.preventDefault() // Very important!
function dragEnd(event) {
event.target.style.opacity = ""
.draggable {
width: 200px;
height: 20px;
text-align: center;
background: blue;
.dropzone {
width: 200px;
height: 20px;
text-align: center;
background: purple;
<div use:addDragster id="must-be-unique" class="dropzone" on:drop={drop} on:dragster-enter={enter} on:dragster-leave={leave} on:dragover={over}>
Drop something on me
<div id='must-also-be-unique' draggable='true' class="draggable" on:dragstart={dragStart} on:dragend={dragEnd}>
Drag me
React's JSX and I suspect Angular, Vue, etc. have a similar syntax to above. In JSX, it's onDragster-start
. You may also have to
create Dragster instances yourself if your UI tech doesn't have
the equivalent to Svelte's use:
and you should probably manually
call destroy()
Plain HTML/JavaScript is essentially the same except you'll specify
the event listeners with addEventListener()
like in the
MDN web docs example except that you have to instantiate the
Dragster instances yourself and you should probably manually call