A docker image that will run a static build of a SPA, redirecting 404 to index.html
A simple javascript server to host a production SPA build, or an auto-reloading development build, using environment variables only.
- Builds a simple docker image useful for running static builds from a docker compose yml file hosted at
. - Host with HTTPS
- Runs a static build redirecting 404s to
- Has the ability to download builds from
- Auto-reloads on build change in
- Fetches GraphQL fragment types and writes them to file
- Proxies all requests matching
to the backend
git clone https://github.com/transcend-io/spa-static-server.git
Build the docker image
npm run build
Install locally
npm i
Usage as Docker Image
An example of using this docker file can be found in examples/example.yml
- Modify the file to point to files on your local machine
- Run
npm run build
to build the image - Docker compose the example
examples/docker-compose -f example.yml up
Usage as Cli
The server can be installed with npm and used as at the command line.
npm i transcend-io/spa-static-server
BUILD_ENV_PATH=./env tr-server
Environment Variables
| Name | Comment | Default | Required |
| --- | ----------- | ----------- |-----------|
| BACKEND_URL | The URL of the backend server | NA | REQUIRED |
| FRONTEND_URL | The URL to host the frontend server on | NA | REQUIRED |
| PROXY_ROUTE | Proxy all requests made by the frontend to the BACKEND_URL
starting with this path | /backend | REQUIRED |
| NODE_ENV | Node environment | production | OPTIONAL |
| WEBPACK_PATH | Webpack configuration path | NA | REQUIRED if NODE_ENV!=production |
| SSL_CERT | The location of the SSL certificate | /ssl/certificate.pem | OPTIONAL |
| SSL_KEY | The location of the SSL key | /ssl/private.key | OPTIONAL |
| BUILD_PATH | The location to keep the build | /build | OPTIONAL |
| S3_BUCKET | The location of the S3 bucket holding the build | NA | OPTIONAL |
| AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | The AWS access key needed to download from the bucket | NA | REQUIRED if S3_BUCKET provided |
| AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | The AWS secret key needed to download from the bucket | NA | REQUIRED if S3_BUCKET provided |
| WRITE_FRAGMENT_PATH | Provide the path to where GraphQL fragments be written | NA | OPTIONAL |
| FRAGMENTS_ROUTE | The GraphQL route to get fragments from on BACKEND_URL | /graphql | OPTIONAL |
| BUILD_ENV_PATH | A .env file to read environment variables from | NA | OPTIONAL |