An opinionated configuration-driven map viewer
TrailStash MapView
An opinionated configuration-driven map viewer powered by MapLibre GL JS.
A basic example comparing plain MapLibre GL JS usage and via TrailStash MapView:
// MapLibre GL JS
import maplibregl from "maplibre-gl.js";
const map = new maplibregl.Map({
container: "map",
style: "https://overpass-ultra.trailsta.sh/style.json",
zoom: 4,
center: [-100, 40],
attributionControl: false,
map.addControl(new NavigationControl());
new GeolocateControl({
positionOptions: {
enableHighAccuracy: true,
trackUserLocation: true,
// TrailStash MapView
import MapView from "@trailstash/map-view";
const mapView = new MapView({
map: {
container: "map",
style: "https://overpass-ultra.trailsta.sh/style.json",
zoom: 4,
center: [-100, 40],
attributionControl: false,
controls: [
{ type: "NavigationControl" },
position: "bottom-right",
type: "GeolocateControl",
options: {
positionOptions: {
enableHighAccuracy: true,
trackUserLocation: true,
In early stages of development and derived from OpenBikeHero.
There is a hosted version of the viewer at https://trailstash.gitlab.io/map-view/
It can load JS or JSON configs passed to the config
search parameter.
EG: https://trailstash.gitlab.io/map-view/?config=./configs/minimal.js
| link | path | description | works on hosted version |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------- |
| http://localhost:8000/?config=./configs/dev.js | ./configs/dev.js
| A few controls & OSM OpenMapTiles style using Americana tile server(only works locally) | :x: |
| https://trailstash.gitlab.io/map-view/?config=./configs/minimal.js | ./configs/minimal.js
| a minimal examle that loads OSM Carto raster tiles | :heavy_check_mark: |
| https://trailstash.gitlab.io/map-view/?config=./configs/demo.json | ./configs/demo.json
| The default configuration used at https://trailstash.gitlab.io/map-view/ | :heavy_check_mark: |
| https://trailstash.gitlab.io/map-view/?config=./configs/opentrailstash.js | ./configs/opentrailstash.js
| Identical to https://open.trailsta.sh except for the lack of the Overpass Ultra button | :heavy_check_mark: |
| https://trailstash.gitlab.io/map-view/?config=https://trailstash.gitlab.io/openstyle-v2/mapview-config.js | https://trailstash.gitlab.io/openstyle-v2/mapview-config.js
| The OpenTrailStash v2 prototype | :heavy_check_mark: |