make sure your users are up to date with your latest assets (models, styles, whatever)
make sure your users are up to date with your latest models, styles, and whatever else they need the latest and bestest of
Let's say we want to send a ModelPack message to our users whenever our models change and a StylesPack when our styles change. This is how you might do it:
const keepFresh = require('@tradle/bot-keep-fresh')
// if we change ./mymodels
// we want to make sure the user gets sent a ModelsPack in the next interaction
const myModels = require('./mymodels')
const myStyles = require('./mystyles')
const modelsFreshener = bot.use(keepModelsFresh(myModels))
const stylesFreshener = bot.use(keepStylesFresh(myStyles))
// to perform hot updates:
// modelsFreshener.update(newModels)
function keepModelsFresh (models) {
return keepFresh({
id: 'models',
item: models,
// in proactive mode, the bot will update all known users on start
// proactive: true,
update: function update ({ bot, user, item }) {
// send the latest models to the user
return bot.send({
userId: user.id,
object: {
_t: 'tradle.ModelsPack',
models: item
function keepStylesFresh (styles) {
return keepFresh({
id: 'styles',
item: styles,
// in proactive mode, the bot will update all known users on start
// proactive: true,
update: function update ({ bot, user, item }) {
// send the latest models to the user
return bot.send({
userId: user.id,
object: {
_t: 'tradle.StylesPack',
styles: item