Another rich text editor using Slate framework with toolbar support
$ npm install --save canner-slate-editor
Image upload
In order to make image uploader work, you have to pass a prop called serviceConfig
. serviceConfig
can generate from https://github.com/Canner/image-service-config or you can directly pass props from https://ant.design/components/upload/ as object into serviceConfig
// @flow
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Value } from "slate";
import CannerEditor from "canner-slate-editor";
const initialValue = Value.fromJSON({
document: {
nodes: [
object: "block",
type: "paragraph",
nodes: [
object: "text",
leaves: [
text: "A line of text in a paragraph."
class DemoEditor extends React.Component<*, { value: Value }> {
// Set the initial state when the app is first constructed.
state = {
value: initialValue
render() {
const { value } = this.state;
const onChange = ({ value }) => this.setState({ value });
return (
<div style={{ margin: "20px" }}>
<CannerEditor value={value} onChange={onChange} />
ReactDOM.render(<DemoEditor />, (document: any).getElementById("root"));
see https://github.com/Canner/canner-slate-editor/blob/master/stories/components/canner-slate-editor/index.js
You are able to customize the toolbar as you like. Just pass as prop menuToolbarOption
Value should be as below.
const menuToolbarOption = [
{ type: Undo, title: "Undo" },
{ type: Redo, title: "Redo" },
{ type: Header1, title: "Header One" },
{ type: Header2, title: "Header Two" },
{ type: Header3, title: "Header Three" },
{ type: Blockquote, title: "Blockquote" },
{ type: Hr, title: "Ruler" },
{ type: AlignLeft, title: "Align Left" },
{ type: AlignCenter, title: "Align Center" },
{ type: AlignRight, title: "Align Right" },
{ type: Indent, title: "Indent" },
{ type: Outdent, title: "Outdent" },
{ type: OlList, title: "Order List" },
{ type: UlList, title: "Unorder List" },
{ type: Link, title: "Link" },
{ type: "image", title: "Image" },
{ type: Video, title: "Video" },
{ type: CodeBlock, title: "Code Bloack" },
{ type: Table, title: "Table" },
{ type: FontColor, title: "Font Color" },
{ type: FontBgColor, title: "Font Background Color" },
{ type: "fullScreen", title: "Full Screen" }