Add more functions into the original pg package
Add more functions into the original pg
package: query builder, extended pool, and extended client & log option. It helps us to interact with Postgres easier than using an external ORM. Support Promise & Observable.
yarn add @tqt/pg-extensions
With Promise
Initialize pool (Promise)
import {Pool} from '@tqt/pg-extensions';
const pool = new Pool({
host: process.env.POSTGRES_HOST,
port: +process.env.POSTGRES_PORT,
database: process.env.POSTGRES_DB,
user: process.env.POSTGRES_USER,
password: process.env.POSTGRES_PASSWORD,
ssl: Boolean(process.env.POSTGRES_SSL),
// new option, optional
log: (message: string | {queryText: string; params: unknown[] | undefined; duration: number}) => {
// should log message or the query execution (only queries from extended functions are logged):
// {
// queryText: "select * from app_user where id = $1",
// params: [1],
// duration: 100, --milliseconds
// }
pool.on('error', (err) => console.log(err));
pool.on('connect', () => console.log('Connected to database'));
Query (Promise)
Use this function instead of the original pool.query function.
const result = await pool.executeQuery({
queryText: 'select * from app_user',
whereClause: 'createAt >= :createAtFrom',
fields: ['id', 'username', 'createdAt'],
limit: 10,
offset: 20,
params: {
createAtFrom: '1624679104000',
// Generated query
// SELECT id as "id",username as "username",createdAt as "createdAt" FROM (select * from app_user) T WHERE createAt > $3 LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2
// Params: ['1617869191488'];
// result = [{id: '1', username: 'admin', createdAt: 1617869191488}]
type executeQuery = <T>(query: DbQuery) => Promise<T[]>;
You may query a table. It can use named parameters and resolve the problem camelCase
property name in the query result.
const result = await pool.executeQuery({
table: 'app_user',
whereClause: 'createdAt >= :createdAt AND tsv @@ to_tsquery(:searchTerm)', // optional
fields: ['id', 'username', 'createdAt'], // optional
sortBy: ['username|ASC', 'createdAt|DESC'], // optional
pageIndex: 2, // optional
rowsPerPage: 5, // optional
// optional
params: {
searchTerm: 'admin',
createdAt: 1617869191488,
// Generated query
// SELECT id as "id",username as "username",createdAt as "createdAt" FROM app_user WHERE createdAt >= $4 AND tsv @@ to_tsquery($3) ORDER BY username ASC, createdAt DESC LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2
// Params: [5, 10, 'admin', 1617869191488];
// result = [{id: 1, username: 'admin', createdAt: 1617869191488}]
Or use offset, limit options with the same result.
const result = await pool.executeQuery({
table: 'app_user',
whereClause: 'createdAt >= :createdAt AND tsv @@ to_tsquery(:searchTerm)',
fields: ['id', 'username', 'createdAt'],
sortBy: ['username|ASC', 'createdAt|DESC'],
limit: 5,
offset: 10,
params: {
searchTerm: 'admin',
createdAt: 1617869191488,
// Generated query
// SELECT id as "id",username as "username",createdAt as "createdAt" FROM app_user WHERE createdAt >= $4 AND tsv @@ to_tsquery($3) ORDER BY username ASC, createdAt DESC LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2
// Params: [5, 10, 'admin', 1617869191488];
// result = [{id: 1, username: 'admin', createdAt: 1617869191488}]
For a raw query containing multiple queries, commands, just use
const result = await pool.executeQuery({
queryText: `
DELETE FROM app_user where id = :id1;
DELETE FROM app_user where id = :id2;
params: {
id1: '1',
id2: '2',
// Generated query
// DELETE FROM app_user where id = $1;
// DELETE FROM app_user where id = $2;
// Params: ['1', '2'];
type executeQuery = <T>(query: DbQuery) => Promise<T[]>;
Count (Promise)
Count the number of records. Use the same params as pool.executeQuery. Properties queryText, table, whereClause and params are only included when using table.
const count = await pool.count({
queryText: 'select * from app_user where id = :id',
// Return the number of records
// Generated query
// SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (select * from app_user where id = $1) AS T
// Params: [1]
// count = 1
const count = await pool.count({
table: 'app_user',
whereClause: 'createdAt >= :createdAt AND tsv @@ to_tsquery(:searchTerm)', // optional
fields: ['id', 'username', 'createdAt'],
sortBy: ['username|ASC', 'createdAt|DESC'],
pageIndex: 2,
rowsPerPage: 5,
params: {
searchTerm: 'admin',
createdAt: 1617869191488,
// Return the number of records
// Generated query
// SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM app_user WHERE createdAt >= $2 AND tsv @@ to_tsquery($1)) AS T
// Params: ['admin', 1617869191488]
// count = 1
type count = (query: DbQuery) => Promise<number>;
Get by id (Promise)
Get a record in a table using id.
const entity = await pool.getById('app_user')(1, ['id', 'username']);
// Generated query
// SELECT id as "id",username as "username" FROM app_user WHERE id = $1
// Params: [1]
// entity = {
// id: 1,
// username: 'admin',
// createdAt: 1617869191488
// }
const entity = await pool.getById('app_user')(1, ['userId', 'username', 'createdAt'], 'userId');
// in case the primary key column is named 'userId'
// Generated query
// SELECT userId as "userId",username as "username" FROM app_user WHERE userId = $1
// Params: [1]
// entity = {
// userId: 1,
// username: 'admin',
// createdAt: 1617869191488
// }
type getById = (
table: string,
) => <Record, Id>(id: Id, fields?: string[], idField?: string) => Promise<Record | undefined>;
Create (Promise)
Create a new record in a specific table.
const id = await pool.create('app_user')({username: 'thinh', displayName: 'Thinh Tran'});
// Generated query
// INSERT INTO app_user(username,displayName) VALUES($1,$2) RETURNING id
// Params: ['thinh', 'Thinh Tran']
// Return id from the new record
type create = (table: string) => <Record, Id>(record: Partial<Record>) => Promise<Id>;
Update (Promise)
Create a new record in a specific table.
await pool.update('app_user')(4, {username: 'thinh', displayName: 'Thinh Tran'});
// Generated query
// UPDATE app_user SET username=$2,displayName=$3 WHERE id = $1
// Params: [4, 'thinh', 'Thinh Tran']
// in case the primary key column is named 'userId'
await pool.update('app_user')(4, {username: 'thinh', displayName: 'Thinh Tran'}, 'userId');
type update = (table: string) => <Record, Id>(id: Id, updatedData: Partial<Record>, idField?: string) => Promise<void>;
Remove (Promise)
Remove a record in a specific table by id.
await pool.remove('app_user')(4);
// Generated query
// DELETE FROM app_user WHERE id = $1
// Params: [4]
// in case the primary key column is named 'userId'
await pool.remove('app_user')(4, 'userId');
type remove = (table: string) => <Record, Id>(id: Id, idField?: string) => Promise<void>;
Execute transaction (Promise)
Run transaction. ExtendedPoolClient has similar extended functions like Pool. In case something wrong happens, the transaction is automatically rolled back.
pool.executeTransaction(async (client) => {
await client.update('app_user')(4, {username: 'thinh', displayName: 'Thinh Tran'});
await client.update('app_user')(5, {username: 'test', displayName: 'Test'});
type executeTransaction = (transaction: (client: ExtendedPoolClient) => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>;
With Observable
Initialize pool (Observable)
Use this function instead of the original pool.query function.
import {RxPool} from '@tqt/pg-extensions';
const pool = new RxPool({
host: process.env.POSTGRES_HOST,
port: +process.env.POSTGRES_PORT,
database: process.env.POSTGRES_DB,
user: process.env.POSTGRES_USER,
password: process.env.POSTGRES_PASSWORD,
ssl: Boolean(process.env.POSTGRES_SSL),
// new option, optional
log: (message: string | {queryText: string; params: unknown[] | undefined; duration: number}) => {
// should log message or the query execution (only queries from extended functions are logged):
// {
// queryText: "select * from app_user where id = $1",
// params: [1],
// duration: 100, --milliseconds
// }
pool.on('error', (err) => console.log(err));
pool.on('connect', () => console.log('Connected to database'));
Query (Observable)
Use this function instead of the original pool.query function.
queryText: 'select id, username, createAt as "createdAt" from app_user where id = :id',
// optional params
params: {
id: '1',
next: (result) => {
// Generated query
// select id, username, createAt as "createdAt" from app_user where id = $1
// Params: ['1'];
// result = [{id: '1', username: 'admin', createdAt: 1617869191488}]
type executeQuery = <T>(query: DbQuery) => Promise<T[]>;
You may query a table. It can use named parameters and resolve the problem camelCase
property name in the query result.
table: 'app_user',
whereClause: 'createdAt >= :createdAt AND tsv @@ to_tsquery(:searchTerm)', // optional
fields: ['id', 'username', 'createdAt'], // optional
sortBy: ['username|ASC', 'createdAt|DESC'], // optional
pageIndex: 2, // optional
rowsPerPage: 5, // optional
// optional
params: {
searchTerm: 'admin',
createdAt: 1617869191488,
next: (result) => {
// Generated query
// SELECT id as "id",username as "username",createdAt as "createdAt" FROM app_user WHERE createdAt >= $4 AND tsv @@ to_tsquery($3) ORDER BY username ASC, createdAt DESC LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2
// Params: [5, 10, 'admin', 1617869191488];
// result = [{id: 1, username: 'admin', createdAt: 1617869191488}]
Or use offset, limit options with the same result.
table: 'app_user',
whereClause: 'createdAt >= :createdAt AND tsv @@ to_tsquery(:searchTerm)',
fields: ['id', 'username', 'createdAt'],
sortBy: ['username|ASC', 'createdAt|DESC'],
limit: 5,
offset: 10,
params: {
searchTerm: 'admin',
createdAt: 1617869191488,
next: (result) => {
// Generated query
// SELECT id as "id",username as "username",createdAt as "createdAt" FROM app_user WHERE createdAt >= $4 AND tsv @@ to_tsquery($3) ORDER BY username ASC, createdAt DESC LIMIT $1 OFFSET $2
// Params: [5, 10, 'admin', 1617869191488];
// result = [{id: 1, username: 'admin', createdAt: 1617869191488}]
For a raw query containing multiple queries, commands, just use
queryText: `
DELETE FROM app_user where id = :id1;
DELETE FROM app_user where id = :id2;
params: {
id1: '1',
id2: '2',
next: () => {},
// Generated query
// DELETE FROM app_user where id = $1;
// DELETE FROM app_user where id = $2;
// Params: ['1', '2'];
Count (Observable)
Count the number of records. Use the same params as pool.executeQuery. Only properties queryText, table, whereClause and params are included when using table.
queryText: 'select * from app_user where id = :id',
next: (count) => {
// Return the number of records
// Generated query
// SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (select * from app_user where id = $1) AS T
// Params: [1]
// count = 1
table: 'app_user',
whereClause: 'createdAt >= :createdAt AND tsv @@ to_tsquery(:searchTerm)', // optional
fields: ['id', 'username', 'createdAt'],
sortBy: ['username|ASC', 'createdAt|DESC'],
pageIndex: 2,
rowsPerPage: 5,
params: {
searchTerm: 'admin',
createdAt: 1617869191488,
next: (count) => {
// Return the number of records
// Generated query
// SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM app_user WHERE createdAt >= $2 AND tsv @@ to_tsquery($1)) AS T
// Params: ['admin', 1617869191488]
// count = 1
type count = (query: DbQuery) => Promise<number>;
Get by id (Observable)
Get a record in a table using id.
.getById('app_user')(1, ['id', 'username'])
next: (entity) => {
// Generated query
// SELECT id as "id",username as "username" FROM app_user WHERE id = $1
// Params: [1]
// entity = {
// id: 1,
// username: 'admin',
// createdAt: 1617869191488
// }
.getById('app_user')(1, ['userId', 'username', 'createdAt'], 'userId')
next: (entity) => {
// in case the primary key column is named 'userId'
// Generated query
// SELECT userId as "userId",username as "username" FROM app_user WHERE userId = $1
// Params: [1]
// entity = {
// userId: 1,
// username: 'admin',
// createdAt: 1617869191488
// }
type getById = (
table: string,
) => <Record, Id>(id: Id, fields?: string[], idField?: string) => Promise<Record | undefined>;
Create (Observable)
Create a new record in a specific table.
.create('app_user')({username: 'thinh', displayName: 'Thinh Tran'})
next: (id) => {
// Generated query
// INSERT INTO app_user(username,displayName) VALUES($1,$2) RETURNING id
// Params: ['thinh', 'Thinh Tran']
// Return id from the new record
type create = (table: string) => <Record, Id>(record: Partial<Record>) => Promise<Id>;
Update (Observable)
Create a new record in a specific table.
.update('app_user')(4, {username: 'thinh', displayName: 'Thinh Tran'})
next: () => {
// Generated query
// UPDATE app_user SET username=$2,displayName=$3 WHERE id = $1
// Params: [4, 'thinh', 'Thinh Tran']
// in case the primary key column is named 'userId'
.update('app_user')(4, {username: 'thinh', displayName: 'Thinh Tran'}, 'userId')
next: () => {
type update = (table: string) => <Record, Id>(id: Id, updatedData: Partial<Record>, idField?: string) => Promise<void>;
Remove (Observable)
Remove a record in a specific table by id.
next: () => {
// Generated query
// DELETE FROM app_user WHERE id = $1
// Params: [4]
// in case the primary key column is named 'userId'
.remove('app_user')(4, 'userId')
next: () => {
type remove = (table: string) => <Record, Id>(id: Id, idField?: string) => Promise<void>;
Execute transaction (Observable)
Run transaction. ExtendedPoolClient has the similar extended functions like Pool. In case something wrong happens, the transaction will automatically be rolled back.
pool.executeTransaction(async (client) =>
switchMap(() => client.update('app_user')(4, {username: 'thinh', displayName: 'Thinh Tran'})),
switchMap(() => client.update('app_user')(5, {username: 'test', displayName: 'Test'})),
switchMap(() => {
// do nothing
type executeTransaction = (transaction: (client: ExtendedPoolClient) => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>;