Styleguide based on Pattern Lab grunt for FTI portal
FTI Portal Styleguide
Styleguide based on Pattern Lab for FTI portal
This demo page will show all implemented parts of the latest version (master branch) of this package. It creates asset files, style.css and bundle.js, which will be implemented into our portals.
There are different ways to use the Styleguide:
Link the source - CDN at Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
You can put the following snippet into the head of your HTML document. Use the version (Semver) for production, to have more control.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://assets.gcloud.fti-group.com/fti-portal-styleguide/<VERSION>/css/style.css">
Use "latest" for internal test purposes.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://assets.gcloud.fti-group.com/fti-portal-styleguide/latest/css/style.css">
Note: Some portals use an individual way to implement the Styleguide. Read their instructions.
$ npm install @tourstream/fti-portal-styleguide --save
It requires Node 10 or higher.
npm install
Pattern Lab is based on Atomic Design. Start with atoms and work your way up to templates and pages. The SCSS files are component based. Use mixins, functions and placeholders to avoid duplicated code and keep the styles on the components for high readability. Component's own mixins come at the top of each component's file. We code mobile-first.
We handle our Javascript files component based, which will be automatically bundled in one exported bundle file.
Serve and Watch
npm run serve
npm run build
You can find the files styles.css and styles.min.css at ./dist-master/fti-portal-styleguide/latest/css
Take that to test the styles inside your portal locally by replacing the old styles.
CSS Lint (Test)
npm run lint
Debug mode
The Styleguide turns on debug mode per default using a cookie. You can turn on debug mode on your portal by creating a cookie manually with debug=1 or by adding ?debug=1 to your url parameters. Follow the instructions inside the error handling.
For feature branch deployment use Bamboo (Plan: FTI Styleguide / Styleguide).
A branch is available on Bamboo after the branch is created on Github.
After merge to master on master run
npm version <major|minor|patch|specific Semver version>
It requires ssh connection to Github. It will deploy to NPM and GCS using our Travis configuration.
Usage on your portal
Setup a build with Semver versioning to have control over your styles.
Styling Pattern Lab
Use ./source/css/pattern-scaffolding.css
to customize Pattern Lab.
Pattern States
Element is in in progress on the developer side. -
Element is in review on the developer side. -
Element is complete and usable, but element on Invision is not defined or isn't set as complete. -
Element is set as complete in styleguide and in Invision.
Structure and Documentation
- Document your contribution
- use media queries inside the classes, to increase documentation and readability
npm run docs
Look up the ./docs/ pages.
Debrecated: Visit Confluence to read more about the technical details of the styleguide.