This repository will be created based on this article: https://medium.com/simform-engineering/building-a-component-library-with-react-typescript-and-storybook-a-comprehensive-guide-ba189accdaf5
NPM repository scafollding
This repository will be created based on this article: https://medium.com/simform-engineering/building-a-component-library-with-react-typescript-and-storybook-a-comprehensive-guide-ba189accdaf5
How to develop components locally
The esiest way to develop library components in isolation - it is developing it via Storybook that provides hot-reload updates during developmnet process.
If you want to test library locally within another project where this library is supposed to used without publishing it to NPM repository - via linking
Step 1: Build library in this repository
yarn build
The best way to develop component within the Storybook and it provides the hot-reloading