🧬 Collection of JavaScript helper functions and structures
🧬 Collection of JavaScript helper functions and structures
⭐ Features
- VectorClock - Vector clock data structure used for synchronization in distributed systems
- EventEmitter - fast implementation of EventEmitter compatible with NodeJS & Browser
- Broadcast - utility used for providing broadcasting interface on top of EventEmitter
- LSystem - Lindenmayer system structure used for modeling the morphology of a variety of organisms.
- ObjectPool - Creational design pattern for reusing object instances and save GC time.
- PriorityQueue - Ordered queue data structure.
- env(key, defaultValue, type) - NodeJS helper function for reading environment variable
- generateId(length) - function for generating unique identifier
- toHex(value) - function for converting number to hexadecimal string
- bufferToHex(buffer) - function for converting Uint8Array to hexadecimal string
- hextToBuffer(hex) - function for converting hexadecimal string to Uint8Array
- Color - Material design color palette
- formatByteSize - Format byte size to human readable string
- JSONSchema - Schema is extensible structure for validating JSON objects.
🚀 Getting started
npm install --save @toolcase/base
The project is licensed under MIT License