Easy to use and secure iframes for displaying inscriptions of many different types.
Easy to use and secure iframes for displaying inscriptions of many different types.
- npm package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@toniq-labs/toniq-nft-frame
- demo: https://toniq-nft-frame-demo.netlify.app
- source code: https://github.com/Toniq-Labs/toniq-nft-frame
How it works and how to use it
There are two main parts here:
- the custom web element:
- This element is published on npm here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@toniq-labs/toniq-nft-frame
- It can be used by installing it:
npm i @toniq-labs/toniq-nft-frame
, and then importing it's main script somewhere in your run-time, and then placing it in your DOM withtoniq-nft-frame
. - You'll need to pass properties to this element using Javascript properties on the element instance. All the properties are listed in the types exported by
. - Host the iframe code mentioned below on a separate domain, and pass the path to the iframe code in to this custom element to the
- the iframe code
- The iframe code is produced by the
npm run build
command and is then located atpackages/toniq-nft-frame/iframe-dist
within this repo. - This code will need to be hosted on a domain separate from your main website, but on the same domain as all the NFTs / images that it will be loading.
- The iframe code is produced by the
Content Security Policies
These have been tested to work:
- parent domain:
default-src <the domain of your hosted iframe> 'unsafe-inline' 'self' blob: data:
- iframe domain:
default-src 'unsafe-inline' 'self' blob: data:
To display HTML ordinals, such as those generated by this BitGen standard, on your website, you must load the inscription inside an iframe. For security purposes, make sure to host your iframe code on another domain or sub-domain than your frontend to prevent inscription code from hijacking your website.
This, combined with iframe sizing difficulties, can make displaying ordinals a daunting task. However, Toniq Labs has created toniq-nft-frame
to smooth out the process. Check it out here: https://github.com/Toniq-Labs/toniq-nft-frame.