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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

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© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




TomoChain Name Service contracts




TOMO NS Contracts

Inspired by:


Build Status

For documentation of the TomoNs system, see

npm package

This repo doubles as an npm package with the compiled JSON contracts

import {
} from '@op-domains/ons-contracts'

Importing from solidity

// Registry
import '@op-domains/ons-contracts/contracts/registry/ONS.sol';
import '@op-domains/ons-contracts/contracts/registry/.sol';
import '@op-domains/ons-contracts/contracts/registry/ONSRegistryWithFallback.sol';
import '@op-domains/ons-contracts/contracts/registry/ReverseRegistrar.sol';
import '@op-domains/ons-contracts/contracts/registry/TestRegistrar.sol';
// EthRegistrar
import '@op-domains/ons-contracts/contracts/ethregistrar/BaseRegistrar.sol';
import '@op-domains/ons-contracts/contracts/ethregistrar/BaseRegistrarImplementation.sol';
import '@op-domains/ons-contracts/contracts/ethregistrar/BulkRenewal.sol';
import '@op-domains/ons-contracts/contracts/ethregistrar/ETHRegistrarController.sol';
import '@op-domains/ons-contracts/contracts/ethregistrar/LinearPremiumPriceOracle.sol';
import '@op-domains/ons-contracts/contracts/ethregistrar/PriceOracle.sol';
import '@op-domains/ons-contracts/contracts/ethregistrar/StablePriceOracle.sol';
// Resolvers
import '@op-domains/ons-contracts/contracts/resolvers/PublicResolver.sol';
import '@op-domains/ons-contracts/contracts/resolvers/Resolver.sol';

Accessing to binary file.

If your environment does not have compiler, you can access to the raw hardhat artifacts files at node_modules/@op-domains/ons-contracts/artifacts/contracts/${modName}/${contractName}.sol/${contractName}.json



The ONS registry is the core contract that lies at the heart of ONS resolution. All ONS lookups start by querying the registry. The registry maintains a list of domains, recording the owner, resolver, and TTL for each, and allows the owner of a domain to make changes to that data. It also includes some generic registrars.


Interface of the ONS Registry.


Implementation of the ONS Registry, the central contract used to look up resolvers and owners for domains.


The new impelmentation of the ONS Registry after the 2020 ONS Registry Migration.


Implementation of a simple first-in-first-served registrar, which issues (sub-)domains to the first account to request them.


Implementation of the reverse registrar responsible for managing reverse resolution via the .addr.reverse special-purpose TLD.


Implementation of the .test registrar facilitates easy testing of ONS on the Ethereum test networks. Currently deployed on Ropsten network, it provides functionality to instantly claim a domain for test purposes, which expires 28 days after it was claimed.


Implements an ONS registrar intended for the .op TLD.

These contracts were audited by Consdnsys dilligence; the audit report is available here.


BaseRegistrar is the contract that owns the TLD in the ONS registry. This contract implements a minimal set of functionality:

  • The owner of the registrar may add and remove controllers.
  • Controllers may register new domains and extend the expiry of (renew) existing domains. They can not change the ownership or reduce the expiration time of existing domains.
  • Name owners may transfer ownership to another address.
  • Name owners may reclaim ownership in the ONS registry if they have lost it.
  • Owners of names in the interim registrar may transfer them to the new registrar, during the 1 year transition period. When they do so, their deposit is returned to them in its entirety.

This separation of concerns provides name owners strong guarantees over continued ownership of their existing names, while still permitting innovation and change in the way names are registered and renewed via the controller mechanism.


EthRegistrarController is the first implementation of a registration controller for the new registrar. This contract implements the following functionality:

  • The owner of the registrar may set a price oracle contract, which determines the cost of registrations and renewals based on the name and the desired registration or renewal duration.
  • The owner of the registrar may withdraw any collected funds to their account.
  • Users can register new names using a commit/reveal process and by paying the appropriate registration fee.
  • Users can renew a name by paying the appropriate fee. Any user may renew a domain, not just the name's owner.

The commit/reveal process is used to avoid frontrunning, and operates as follows:

  1. A user commits to a hash, the preimage of which contains the name to be registered and a secret value.
  2. After a minimum delay period and before the commitment expires, the user calls the register function with the name to register and the secret value from the commitment. If a valid commitment is found and the other preconditions are met, the name is registered.

The minimum delay and expiry for commitments exist to prevent miners or other users from effectively frontrunnig registrations.


SimplePriceOracle is a trivial implementation of the pricing oracle for the EthRegistrarController that always returns a fixed price per domain per year, determined by the contract owner.


StablePriceOracle is a price oracle implementation that allows the contract owner to specify pricing based on the length of a name, and uses a fiat currency oracle to set a fixed price in fiat per name.


Resolver implements a general-purpose ONS resolver that is suitable for most standard ONS use-cases. The public resolver permits updates to ONS records by the owner of the corresponding name.

PublicResolver includes the following profiles that implements different EIPs.

  • ABIResolver = EIP 205 - ABI support (ABI()).
  • AddrResolver = EIP 137 - Contract address interface. EIP 2304 - Multicoin support (addr()).
  • ContentHashResolver = EIP 1577 - Content hash support (contenthash()).
  • InterfaceResolver = EIP 165 - Interface Detection (supportsInterface()).
  • NameResolver = EIP 181 - Reverse resolution (name()).
  • PubkeyResolver = EIP 619 - SECP256k1 public keys (pubkey()).
  • TextResolver = EIP 634 - Text records (text()).
  • ONSResolver = Experimental support is available for hosting ONS domains on the Ethereum blockchain via ONS. The more detail is on the old ONS doc.

Developer guide

How to setup

git clone
cd dns-contracts

How to run tests

yarn test

How to publish

yarn pub

Release flow

Smart contract development tends to take a long release cycle. To prevent unnecesarily dependency conflicts, please create a feature branch (features/$BRNACH_NAME) and raise a PR against the feature branch. The feature branch must be merged into master only after the smart contracts are deployed to the Ethereum mainnet.


./node_modules/.bin/hardhat deploy --network testnet --tags TomoNsRegistry
./node_modules/.bin/hardhat deploy --network testnet --tags Root
./node_modules/.bin/hardhat deploy --network testnet --tags StaticMetadataService
./node_modules/.bin/hardhat deploy --network testnet --tags BaseRegistrarImplementation
./node_modules/.bin/hardhat deploy --network testnet --tags OwnedResolver
./node_modules/.bin/hardhat deploy --network testnet --tags NameWrapper
./node_modules/.bin/hardhat deploy --network testnet --tags ReverseRegistrar
./node_modules/.bin/hardhat deploy --network testnet --tags UniversalResolver
./node_modules/.bin/hardhat deploy --network testnet --tags ExponentialPremiumPriceOracle
./node_modules/.bin/hardhat deploy --network testnet --tags ETHRegistrarController
./node_modules/.bin/hardhat deploy --network testnet --tags PublicResolver
./node_modules/.bin/hardhat deploy --network testnet --tags BulkRenewal
./node_modules/.bin/hardhat deploy --network testnet --tags FinalSetup