Create React App meets Typescript and Cordova
Cordova Typescript React App Boilerplate
Cordova Typescript React App
A simple
:zap: Typescript React App bundled with Cordova to allow you to easily build Apps for Browsers/Android and iOS devices with web development tools that you know and love.
The package uses create-react-app
and the default configurations that come with that. This should make it easy to upgrade to newer versions of react in the future.
:books: Table of Contents
:package: Installation
1. Prerequisites
- NPM installed
- Note: It's recommended to use NPM for this project as Cordova defaults to this manager
- Read the Cordova Documentation
- Cordova installed and setup locally
2. Use Cordova's Template Installer
Install the template with the following command:
cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld --template @tomnlittle/react-typescript-cordova
3. Install
Once your template has been copied across, use npm
to install all the dependencies.
npm install
4. Add your target platform
Cordova Platform Documentation
Add one or more of the following platforms
cordova platform add browser
cordova platform add ios
cordova platform add android
:rocket: Usage
Running on your platform
Run on your platform
npm run cordova YOUR_PLATFORM
npm run cordova ios
Running with Create React App
npm start
:memo: Contributing
Please contribute using Github Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request.