This is a CMS I am working on for sveltekit, simply define a json config and the prisma code will be automatically generated for you + endpoints.
This is a CMS I am working on for sveltekit, simply define a json config and the prisma code will be automatically generated for you + endpoints.
Creating the Config
create a siriusconfig.ts file in src/sirius of your sveltekit project, if you dont have the folder create it.
the types are exported (SiriusConfig type) from the package so make sure you export it to get type hinting and the structure
Example Config
import post from "./models/post";
import user from "./models/user";
import copy from './models/copy';
import type { SiriusConfig } from "@tomdo1234/svelte-kit-cms";
const siriusconfig: SiriusConfig = {
provider: "postgresql",
url: "postgresql://postgres:mysecretpassword@localhost:5432/mydatabase",
models: [
export default siriusconfig;
provider: string is the db provider used for prisma url: url string models: is an array of models
Example Model
import { Model } from "@tomdo1234/svelte-kit-cms";
const user: Model = {
name: 'User',
fields: [
name: 'id',
type: 'Int',
id: true
name: 'name',
type: 'String',
name: 'email',
type: 'String',
unique: true
export default user;
each model has a name: property (name of model in prisma) fields is an array of the Field type which has a name of the column, its type and that is about it at the moment besides other special properties like id, unique and createdAt and updatedAt
Generating the Code and Routes
after making your siriusconfig.ts, run
npx siriusgenerate
and the prisma schema file + endpoitns and routes for your sveltekit app will be generated