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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




AI migration tool to migrate your project from raw string to Tolgee SDKs




Tolgee AI i18n migrator

This tool helps to migrate your unlocalized project with no i18n library from raw strings to Tolgee SDKs calls so you can manage your localization effectively with Tolgee.


Although we still recommend preparing your project for localization from the beginning, the reality is that many developers start with raw strings and then decide to localize their apps.

This tool is here to help you with this process. It scans your project and replaces raw strings with Tolgee SDK calls.

e.g. for React, it will replace:

export const WelcomeMessage = () => {
  return <div>Welcome!</div>;


import { T } from '@tolgee/react';
export const WelcomeMessage = () => {
  return <div><T keyName="welcome-message" /></div>

Then, it helps you to upload the keys with the new base language strings to the Tolgee platform.


This tool helps you migrate your project to Tolgee SDKs by removing the repetitive task of replacing raw strings. (or other library usage) with Tolgee SDK calls.

However, you must do non-repetitive manual work to complete the migration process.

  • Tolgee has to be set up in your code project. Follow the docs to set up Tolgee SDKs for your project. Steps like installing the libraries, creating Tolgee or wrapping your app code with the Tolgee provider are not subject to this tool.
  • You need to have an OpenAI API key. You can get it here. Alternatively, you can use the Azure OpenAI.
  • You need to have a project in the Tolgee platform where you want to upload the keys. You can create a new project in Tolgee platform here.
  • You need to create an API key for the project in the Tolgee platform. To create one, follow these docs.


The migration process consists of two steps. The first step, migrate command execution, will process your files, replacing them with the migrated version and producing a status file, including the localization keys to create.

In the second step, you can manually fix the migrated code files and the migration status file. You can also add new keys to the status file.

The third step, the upload-keys command execution, will upload the keys to the Tolgee platform.

Step 1 - migrate command execution

  1. Install the tool globally:

    npm install -g @tolgee/ai-migrator
  2. Run the migration command:

    This command execution will replace your original files with migrated versions and create a status file with keys to upload to Tolgee platform.

    The command requires a clean git state, if you have any uncommitted changes, stash them or commit them, or else you will get Migrator requires a clean git state. Please commit or stash changes before proceeding. error message.

     tolgee-migrator migrate -p 'src/**/*.tsx' -r react -k <your openAI api-key>
    • -p - glob pattern to search for files to migrate
    • -r - preset according to your project stack (currently, only react is supported, or custom preset)
    • -k - your OpenAI API key

    You can also use --help to see all available options. Or see them below.

Step 2 - Fixing migrated files and status file

In the second step, you can review the migrated and status files and fix them. It's a good idea to open each file diff in your favorite IDE.

If you add a new key to any file, don't forget to add it to the status file.

Diff example

The status file is located on this path .tolgee/migration-status.json. This is an example content:

      "src/authenticated/Onboarding.tsx": {
         "migrated": true,
         "keys": [
               "name": "setup-stickies-message",
               "description": "Message shown while setting up stickies",
               "default": "Setting up your stickies..."

Step 3 - upload-keys command execution

The upload keys command will upload the keys from the status file to the Tolgee platform. It will save the raw strings from your code as the base language strings.

tolgee-migrator upload-keys -ak tgpak_geytgmztl5shiobrmrzg4ndboe3tcnzsmvuwczlemmzdamtjmm3q

When successful, it will print the message Keys successfully uploaded to Tolgee ✅.

The migrate command

This command iterates over project files and replaces raw strings with Tolgee SDK calls.

See the command help for all available options:

tolgee-migrator migrate --help
Migrates files and creates status file

  -p, --pattern <pattern>             File pattern to search for (e.g., src/**/*.tsx) (default: "src/**/*")
  -a, --appendixPath <appendixPath>   Path to file with custom prompt appendix
  -r, --preset <preset>               Preset to use for migration (default: "react")
  -c, --concurrency <concurrency>     Number of files to process concurrently (default: "5")
  -k, --api-key <apiKey>              OpenAI or Azure OpenAI API key
  -e, --endpoint <endpoint>           Azure OpenAI endpoint
  -d, --deployment <azureDeployment>  Azure OpenAI deployment
  -h, --help                          display help for command

Customizing the prompt

You can customize the prompt using the --appendixPath option. The file should be text file containing additional instructions for the AI model (ChatGPT).

For example you can create file .tolgee/appendix.txt with following content.

Don't use T component inside message prop of ErrorMessage component.
 - e.g. Don't do <ErrorMessage message={<T keyName="error-message" />} />, instead do <ErrorMessage message={t('error-message')} />

Then you can run the command with the --appendixPath option:

tolgee-migrator migrate -a .tolgee/appendix.txt ...

Custom preset

The only supported preset is react. You can create your custom preset by creating a javascript file with the structure of the following example and use it with the --preset option.

e.g., create file .tolgee/my-react-preset.js with content:

module.exports = {
  name: "My react",
  getUserPrompt: (props) => "I am a test prompt!",
  getSystemPrompt: () => "I am a system prompt!",

Then you can run the command with the --preset option:

tolgee-migrator migrate -p 'src/**/*.tsx' -r my-react-preset.js ...


The migration command executes the requests in parallel. You can set the number of files to process concurrently using the --concurrency option.

Using Azure OpenAI

To use the Azure OpenAI, you need to provide the --endpoint and --deployment options.


migrate -k <your API key> -e -d my-deployment

The upload-keys command

This command uploads the keys from the status file to the Tolgee platform. If the specific key already exists in the Tolgee, it will have no effect on the key, so the base translation will not be overwritten.

See the command help for all available options:

tolgee-migrator upload-keys --help
Usage: tolgee-migrator upload-keys [options]

Uploads the localization data from the status file to Tolgee

  -au, --api-url <apiUrl>       Tolgee API URL
  -ak, --api-key <apiKey>       Tolgee API key
  -p, --project-id <projectId>  Tolgee project ID (required just when using project API key)
  -h, --help                    display help for command


Read the development docs.