ReactNative component showing tooltip with menu items.
Why was this forked?
I forked this in order to make some key adjustments for a specific use. I needed to add more content to the tooltip then just a list and needed to remove the onPress event from the entire tooltip wrapper.
Here's what changed: • I removed the onPress event and TouchableOpacity from the popup wrapper • Added positioning adjustments for Android to account for StatusBar misalignment issues (WIP)
Future updates will include: • Alignment options (Left and Right alignment) • Click to expand QR code to Full Screen
Currently works only with iOS
and Android
This component is modified from another project react-native-tooltip-menu
How to install
npm install react-native-popover-tooltip --save
To use the component, import the component as shown below
import PopoverTooltip from 'react-native-popover-tooltip';
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
order: 1
render() {
return (
<View style={{flex:1, alignSelf:'stretch', alignItems:'center', justifyContent:'flex-start', backgroundColor:'#fff'}}>
<View style={{height: 40}} />
<Text>Default Effect</Text>
<View style={{width:200, height:50, backgroundColor: 'orange', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', borderRadius: 5}}>
Press Me
label: 'Item 1',
onPress: () => {}
label: 'Item 2',
onPress: () => {}
// animationType='timing'
// using the default timing animation
<View style={{height:40}}/>
<Text>Spring Effect</Text>
<View style={{width:200, height:50, backgroundColor: 'green', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', borderRadius: 5}}>
Press Me
label: 'Item 1',
onPress: () => {}
label: 'Item 2',
onPress: () => {}
animationType='spring' // spring-damper animation
springConfig={{tension: 100, friction: 3}} // tension controls the potential of the spring effect,
// friction controls the damper effect
<View style={{height: 40}}/>
<Text>Button Expansion</Text>
<View style={{width:200, height:50, backgroundColor: 'yellow', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', borderRadius: 5}}>
Press Me
label: 'Item 1',
onPress: () => {}
label: 'Item 2',
onPress: () => {}
buttonComponentExpandRatio={1.2} // ratio of button component expansion after tooltip poped up
<View style={{height: 40}}/>
<Text>Custom Styles</Text>
<View style={{width:200, height:50, backgroundColor: '#ED5736', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', borderRadius: 5}}>
Press Me
label: 'Item 1',
onPress: () => {}
label: 'Item 2',
onPress: () => {}
overlayStyle={{backgroundColor: 'transparent'}} // set the overlay invisible
labelContainerStyle={{backgroundColor: '#ED5736', width: 120, alignItems: 'center'}}
labelSeparatorColor='#1BD1A5' />
<View style={{height: 40}}/>
<Text>Slow Button</Text>
<View style={{width:200, height:50, backgroundColor: 'yellow', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', borderRadius: 5}}>
Press Me
label: 'Item 1',
onPress: () => {}
label: 'Item 2',
onPress: () => {}
// animationType='timing'
// using the default timing animation
timingConfig={{duration: 1000}}
opacityChangeDuration={1000} />
<View style={{height: 40}}/>
style={{width:200, height:50, backgroundColor: '#B0A4E3', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', borderRadius: 5}}
onPress={() => {
this.refs['tooltip'+this.state.order].toggle(); // open popover tooltips one by one
this.setState({order: (this.state.order)%5+1 });
Open Tooltip {this.state.order}
| Property | Type | Default | Description |
| buttonComponent | node ||| Component that can be long pressed
| items | Array
| | Items to be rendered in menu. Each of item requires label
as string
or function
if you want to render your own component and onClick
as function
to be called when you click item. |
| componentWrapperStyle | Object | Optional | Style Object
if you want to overwrite wrapper for your buttonComponent
| componentContainerStyle | Object | Optional | Style Object
if you want to overwrite container that is between wrapper and your buttonComponent
| overlayStyle | Object | Optional | Style Object
if you want to overwrite overlay style's.
| onRequestClose | function
| Optional, default () => {}
| Modal onRequestClose required function on Android
| labelContainerStyle | Object
| Optional | Style Object
if you want to change default TooltipMenuItem
View's style.
| tooltipContainerStyle | Object
| Optional | Style of the container of the entire tooltip menu.
| labelStyle | Object
| Optional | Style Object
if you want to change default TooltipMenuItem
Text's style.
| labelSeparatorColor | String
| Color of the separator between two tooltip menu items.
| animationType | String
| timing | Tooptip popping animation. timing = popup within a specific duration, spring = popup with a spring bumper model.
| timingConfig | Object
| {duration: 200} | Configuration of timing animation. Attribute duration is the duration of the animation.
| springConfig | Object
| {tension: 100, friction: 7} | Configuration of spring animation. Attributes tension and friction control the behavior of the spring bumper effect.
| opacityChangeDuration | number
| 200 | Duration of opacity change of the overlay, during both appearance and dispearance.
| buttonComponentExpandRatio | number
| 1.0 | Ratio of button component expansion after tooltip poped up.
| setBelow | Boolean
| false | Sets the default position of the tooltip to appear below the intended target.
| triangleOffset | Number
| 0 | Number of pixels to offset triangle from center. Positive numbers will push right. Negative Numbers will push left.
| Property | Description | |----------------|---------------| | toggle | Open or hide popover tooltip |