Mocha custom reporter for Cypress and TestRail. Customized for VA.gov front-end.
Custom Cypress-TestRail reporter for U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ VA.gov website front-end.
Forking NOT recommended
You can download this open-source project and modify to suit your needs*, instead of forking the repository.
Although this package/repository is public**, it is not meant for Forking. Its functionality is limited and customized for VA-internal processes and integrations. VA-external contributions are not expected.
A much better choice for Forking would be mocha-testrail-reporter
*If you do download and modify, be sure to change the name and other properties in package.json before publishing your own package.
**This repository is public only to (a) support open-source community, (b) promote government transparency, and (c) enable easy VA-internal hand-offs.