memory game library
Installing memory-game library
To install memory-game library in your project just run the following command:
npm i @tive-labs/memory-game
Using memory-game library
Import the library
- At the beginning of the js file in which you are going to use the library import as follows:
import memoryGame from @tive-labs/memory-game
Instantiate memoryGame
- First of all it's necessary instantiate memoryGame as follows:
const mGame = memoryGame();
- Next it's necessary initialize the game using the initGame method.
const init = mGame.initGame('animals', 'easy');
initGame receives two parameters, category and level.
- Category must be 'animals' or 'numbers'
- Level must be 'easy' or 'medium' or 'hard'
initGame returns an object with an array of hidden cards (cards), an array with the entire cards data, and the length of the array (xLength and yLength):
{ cards, cardsResult, xLength, yLength }
- To play, it's necessary select cards to discover it using the handleCardSelected method.
let selected = mGame.handleCardSelected(0, 1);
handleCardSelected receives two parameters, position x and position y.
- x must be a number representing the x position (vertical position) on the 2d array.
- y must be a number representing the y position (horizontal position) on the 2d array.
handleCardSelected returns an object with three properties:
{ cards, selectedCardData, cardMatch, }
- cards: Contains the updated array of cards.
- selectedCardData: Contains an object with the data of the discovered card (id, name, shortName)
- cardMatch: Contains an object with a boolean value (isNewMatched) that indicates if exist a new card match, and an object (matchedCards) with the positions of the matched cards (x_y):
{ isNewMatched, matchedCards: { firstCard, lastCard } }
Verify winner
- Another way to verify if exist a winner is using the getIsThereAWinner method.
let isThereAWinner = mGame.getIsThereAWinner()
Handling Errors
- Use 'try catch' to handle errors:
try { let selected = mGame.handleCardSelected(0, 1); } catch(error) { console.log(error); }