⭐ Axway Amplify module to use the Apple's Store Review Dialog with Appcelerator Titanium SDK Framework
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Native module that allows you to use the Apple's Store Review Dialog in Axway Titanium native mobile apps. Uses the
from iOS 10.3+ in your Titanium application.
📝 Description
This is a repackaging of the compiled iOS module for ti.reviewdialog to allow for installation via npm.
🚀 Getting Started
Install @titanium/review-dialog
in root of project
npm install @titanium/review-dialog
Sample code
const win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
backgroundColor: '#fff'
const btn = Ti.UI.createButton({
title: 'Open Review Dialog!'
btn.addEventListener('click', function() {
const ReviewDialog = require('@titanium/review-dialog');
- [x] Includes Titanium native iOS module:
ti.reviewdialog 2.0.0-Beta-1
const dialog = require('@titanium/review-dialog');
- [x] Titanium Mobile SDK 6.0.0.GA or later
- [x] iOS 10.3 or later
- [x] Xcode 8.3 or later
There are some important notes on when to show the rating dialog (thanks to @skypanther:
- The internal API itself will decide when, or if, to show the prompt
- You should not show it more than once for a given version of your app
- You should not show the dialog in response to user actions (like after a user clicks a button)
- You should not show it on first app launch (even after an update) but should wait until the user has used your app for a "meaningful" amount.
The following (ES6+ based) example shows how to use it in a real world example. It relies on the semver module / http://gitt.io/component/semver to compare app versions. Apple's own example uses a simple launch count to determine "meaningful" amount of use, which is also used in this example. You should use something appropriate for your app (amount of time, completion of an action N times, etc.):
import semver from 'semver';
import Review from 'ti.reviewdialog';
// first, check that the user has used your app for a "meaningful" amount
// here, a simple count of some action
let countOfSomeUserAction = Ti.App.Properties.getInt('countOfSomeUserAction', 0);
countOfSomeUserAction += 1;
Ti.App.Properties.setInt('countOfSomeUserAction', countOfSomeUserAction);
if (countOfSomeUserAction >= 4) {
// if they've done whatever action 4 or more times, check the app version
const lastVersionPromptedForReview = Ti.App.Properties.getString('lastVersionPromptedForReview', '1.0.0');
let appVersion = Ti.App.version;
const appVersionAsArray = appVersion.split('.');
if (appVersionAsArray.length > 3) {
// the semver library supports max 3-part version numbers (per semver rules)
appVersion = appVersionAsArray[0] + '.' + appVersionAsArray[1] + '.' + appVersionAsArray[2];
if (semver.gt(appVersion, lastVersionPromptedForReview)) {
// if the current app version is greater-than the last time you prompted them
// prompt them with the titanium-review-dialog alert
Ti.App.Properties.setString('lastVersionPromptedForReview', appVersion);
if (Review.isSupported()) {
This module is also built in Hyperloop to demonstrate the native API access with JavaScript.
You can simple require the ti.reviewdialog.js
in your application and run it!
Request a new review dialog:
const review = require('@titanium/review-dialog');
if (review.isSupported()) {
- [x]
- [x]
Hans Knoechel (@hansemannnn / Web)
Code contributions are greatly appreciated, please submit a new pull request!
📚Learn More
- ti.reviewdialog GitHub Repo - Repo for original ti.reviewdialog module
📣 Feedback
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