Titan UI CSS
Titan Ui
A Starter Framework for your React & CSS Components
Styleguide Information
The styleguide is built using storybook which comes with a lot of features such as:
- WCAG 2.0 testing
- React components
- Static markup previews
These features are built to make development a lot easier and more up to date with the other tools we use across our other react projects.
CSS Information
- The CSS is written following the standards of ITCSS & BEM
- Uses custom properties for overriding styles
- Built using PostCSS
- Build a types module
npm i
npm start
OK, so what does it give me?
The base of Titan Ui consists of:
- a basic reset stylesheet
- a configurable, responsive grid system
- a configurable typography system
- a configurable baseline grid for vertical rhythm
- basic styling for headings, buttons, lists, images, pictures
You also get the following third-party tools:
- Normalize.css (v3.0.2) https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/
Prettier & Eslint Helpers
This project uses Eslint and Prettier so all developers have a similiar coding style and it checks for errors that we may have made without realising. To get maximum potential out of this you can install the eslint plugin in vs code & the prettier plugin. Once installed these plugins will follow the config in the project and help you when you are coding.
I've got a cool idea for this, how can I contribute?
Checkout the CONTRIBUTING.md for details on how you can contribute to ampCSS.
I've found a bug! How can I fix it?
Raise an issue in the issue tracker and label it with the bug
label. Include a description, screenshots, steps to recreate the issue and possible fixes.