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A tiny and zero-dependency library to translate or transform strings, dates and numbers based on native Intl.
npm install @tiny-intl/core
// en-US.json
"messages": {
"hello": "Hello {{name}}!",
"document": {
"one": "Document",
"other": "Documents"
// supports also zero, two, few, many
import { createTinyIntl, detectBrowserLocale } from '@tiny-intl/core';
const intl = createTinyIntl({
fallbackLocale: 'en-US',
supportedLocales: ['en-US', 'de-DE'],
loadDict: async (nextLoc) => {
const dict = (await import(`./locales/${nextLoc}.json`)).default;
return dict.messages;
detectLocale: ({ supportedLocales, fallbackLocale }) => {
// or any custom logic
return detectBrowserLocale({ supportedLocales, fallbackLocale });
// ...
await intl.mount();
Translating strings
This package uses native plural rules from Intl MDN.
intl.t('hello', { name: 'John' }); // Hello John!
// Or plural
intl.tc('document', 2); // Documents
intl.tc('plusXDocumentsSelected', 3, { title: 'My-Doc' }); // My-Doc and 3 other documents selected
intl.tc('plusXDocumentsSelected', 1, { title: 'My-Doc' }); // My-Doc and one other document selected
Formatting dates and date-times
Look at MDN for more options.
intl.d is deprecated and will be deleted in next major version. Use intl.dt instead.
intl.dt(new Date(), { dateStyle: 'full' }); // Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Relative Time Formatting
Look at MDN for more options.
const myDate = new Date('2023-10-17T21:44:00.000z');
intl.rt(myDate); // 1 day ago
Formatting numbers
Look at MDN for more options.
intl.n(123456.789, { style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }); // €123,456.79
Look at MDN for more options.
const list = intl.sort(['Z', 'a', 'z', 'ä'], { caseFirst: 'upper' }); // en-US: ['a', 'ä', 'Z', 'z'], swedish: ['a', 'Z', 'z', 'ä']
// for complex lists
const collator = intl.collator({ caseFirst: 'upper' });
const complexList = [{ name: 'Z' }, { name: 'a' }].sort((a, b) => collator(a.name, b.name)); // [{ name: 'a' }, { name: 'Z' }]
List Format
Look at MDN for more options.
intl.list(['a', 'b', 'c']); // a, b, and c
// disjunction
intl.list(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'OR'); // a, b, or c
intl.list(['a', 'b', 'c'], { type: 'disjunction' }); // a, b, or c
// unit
intl.list(['a', 'b', 'c'], { type: 'unit', style: 'narrow' }); // a b c
Listen to locale changes
const unsubscribe = intl.subscribe((nextLocale) => {
console.log(nextLocale); // de-DE
await intl.change('de-DE'); // de-DE
unsubscribe(); // stop listening