Command-line performance benchmarking for JavaScript
Command-line performance benchmarking for JavaScript
Simple command-line tool for running performance benchmark suites, providing direct speed comparison between related tests.
High-resolution results are generated by Benchmark.js.
Within a project:
npm install @timkendrick/benchmark-cli --save-dev
npm install -g @timkendrick/benchmark-cli
benchmark suite1.js [suite2.js] [...suite3.js]
…where the input files are CommonJS modules that export one of the following:
- An anonymous test function
- A key/value object with test names as keys and test functions as values
- An array whose items are of one of the above
Named tests within the same key/value object will be run against each other for comparison of results.
Inline scripts can also be passed via the command line using the -e
benchmark -e "() => { new Array(1000).fill('a'); }" -e "() => { for (let i = 0, arr = []; i < 1000; i++) { arr.push('a') } }"
Inline scripts must conform to the same rules as the permitted CommonJS module export formats.
Example output
Running benchmarks.js #1 (1 of 3):
✔ Native map/filter/slice (100 items) x 13,357 ops/sec ±1.67% (82 runs sampled)
✔ Transducer map/filter/slice (100 items) x 19,000 ops/sec ±1.70% (81 runs sampled)
Transducer map/filter/slice (100 items) is 42.24% faster
Running benchmarks.js #2 (2 of 3):
✔ Native map/filter/slice (1000 items) x 1,355 ops/sec ±1.36% (84 runs sampled)
✔ Transducer map/filter/slice (1000 items) x 5,468 ops/sec ±1.93% (82 runs sampled)
Transducer map/filter/slice (1000 items) is 303.58% faster
Running benchmarks.js #3 (3 of 3):
✔ Native map/filter/slice (10000 items) x 132 ops/sec ±1.71% (70 runs sampled)
✔ Transducer map/filter/slice (10000 items) x 7,694 ops/sec ±1.71% (82 runs sampled)
Transducer map/filter/slice (10000 items) is 5723.27% faster