TIC Makers - React Native Onboarding
TIC Makers - React Native Onboarding
React native component for onboarding.
Powered by TIC Makers
Install @ticmakers-react-native/onboarding
package and save into package.json
$ npm install @ticmakers-react-native/onboarding --save
$ yarn add @ticmakers-react-native/onboarding
How to use?
import React from 'react'
import Onboarding from '@ticmakers-react-native/onboarding'
export default class App extends React.Component {
render() {
// Define the pages, it will be displayed in order
let pages = [
backgroundColor: '#fff',
image: <Image source={ require('assets/circle.png') } />,
subtitle: 'Done with React Native Onboarding Swiper',
title: 'Onboarding',
}, {
backgroundColor: '#fe6e58',
image: <Image source={ require('assets/square.png') } />,
subtitle: 'This is the subtitle that sumplements the title.',
title: 'The Title',
}, {
backgroundColor: '#999',
image: <Image source={ require('assets/triangle.png') } />,
subtitle: 'Beautiful, isn\'t it?',
title: 'Triangle',
return (
pages={ pages }
onDone={ () => this.props.navigation.navigate('RouteName') }
| Name | Type | Default Value | Definition |
| ---- | ---- | ------------- | ---------- |
| bottomBarHeight (optional)
| number | 60 | A number for the height of the bottom bar
| bottomBarHighlight (optional)
| boolean | true | A bool flag indicating whether the bottom bar should be highlighted
| containerStyles (optional)
| object { ...styles } | - | Override the default container styles
| controlStatusBar (optional)
| boolean | true | A bool flag indicating whether the status bar should change with the background color
| defaultPages (optional)
| boolean | false | Use 3 pages generated by default
| imageContainerStyles (optional)
| object { ...styles } | - | Override the default image container styles
| nextLabel (optional)
| string / Element | Next | A string or a React-Native component for the Next label
| onDone | function | - | A callback that is fired after the OnBoarding is completed
| onSkip (optional)
| function | - | A callback that is fired if the OnBoarding is skipped
| pages | array of object { pagesProperties } | - | A array of pages to show in the component. Show below pagesProperties
| pageIndexCallback (optional)
| function(indexPage: number) | - | A function that receives the page index as a parameter on page change
| skipLabel (optional)
| string / Element | Skip | A string OR a React-Native component for the Skip label
| skipToPage (optional)
| number | - | When pressing skip, go to that page (ex. skipToPage={2}). If this prop is provided, ignores onSkip
| subtitleStyles (optional)
| object { ...styles } | - | Override the default subtitle styles
| titleStyles (optional)
| object { ...styles } | - | Override the default title styles
| transitionAnimationDuration (optional)
| number | 500 | The duration in milliseconds for the animation of the background color for the page transition
Pages properties
| Name | Type | Default Value | Definition |
| ---- | ---- | ------------- | ---------- |
| backgroundColor | string(hex,rgb,etc) | - | A background color. The color of the font and dots adapts to the background color
| image | Element | - | A React-Native component to display at the top of the page
| title | string / Element | - | A string OR a React-Native component
| titleStyles (optional)
| object { ...styles } | - | Modify styles of a specific page's title
| subtitle | string / Element | - | A string OR a React-Native component
| subtitleStyles (optional)
| object { ...styles } | - | Modify styles of a specific page's subtitle
- Test on Android & iOS
- Improve and add new features
- Add more styles
- Create tests
- Add new props and components in readme