Interact seamlessly with the TickeTing API from any TypeScript or JS application.
The TickeTing Javscript SDK is available as a public package via npm.
npm install @ticketingevents/ticketing-sdk
Quick Start
TickeTing SDK functionality is made available through the TickeTing class. To begin using the SDK, instantiate the class with your provided API_KEY. If you have not yet been assigned an API_KEY, you can request one now.
import TickeTing from '@ticketingevents/ticketing-sdk';
const ticketing = new TickeTing({
apiKey: "API_KEY"
//Retrieve a collection of published events
.then(events => {
//Do something with the of event resources
.catch(error => {
//Handle an error if necessary
Sandbox Mode
If you need to test your application before releasing to production, the TickeTing SDK supports a sandbox mode. When in sandbox mode, the SDK will interface with the QA API, and any changes you make won't affect the live TickeTing Platform. Note that you will need to request a seperate SANDBOX_API_KEY to work in sandbox mode. To enter sandbox mode, instantiate the TickeTing class with the sandbox argument set to true.
const ticketing = new TickeTing({
sandbox: true
Integrating with Angular
The TickeTing SDK can be converted into an Angular Service for easy injection into your components, without having to repeatedly reinitialise the TickeTing instance. To use the SDK as an Angular service simply adapt the code snippet below as appropriate.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { TickeTing } from '@ticketing/ticketing-nodejs-sdk'
providedIn: 'root'
export class TickeTingService extends TickeTing{
constructor() {
apiKey: "API_KEY"
When you request a list of resources, the TickeTing SDK returns a collection.
//Retrieve a collection of supported regions
let regionCollection = ticketing.regions.list()
//Access the resources in the collection
regionCollection.then(regions => {
//Do something with the region resource(s)
Collections are Promises that allow you to filter, sort and page through the potentially thousands of resources the API can return in response to a request, while reducing bandwidth and response times. In this section you will learn how to manipulate collections to get at the resources you are interested in.
A list query can potentially return thousands of results, and working with such a large array can be cumbersome and time consuming. To help make working with lists more tractable, you can filter collections based on selected criteria to narrow down the resources returned.
The criteria you can filter by will be dependent on the collection you are working with. If you filter a collection based on unsupported criteria, an UnsupportedCriteriaError will be thrown when you attempt to resolve the collection. Read the documentation for the collection you are working with to see its supported criteria.
To filter a collection, call its filter method with an object containing your desired criteria.
//Filter event collection based on given criteria
let criteria = {
region: 19290238432215,
title: "Dawn of the Seven Premier"
.then(events => {
//Do something with the matching event resource(s)
.catch(error => {
if(error instanceof UnsupportedCriteriaError){
//Handle unsupported criteria error
//Handle other errors
For very large collections, sorting client-side can incur significant overhead and make pagination challenging. To aid in this, collections can be pre-sorted so that results are returned in a preferred order based on one of the resource's fields.
The fields you can sort by will be dependent on the collection you are working with. If you sort a collection based on an unsupported field, an UnsupportedSortError will be thrown when you attempt to resolve the collection. Read the documentation for the collection you are working with to see its supported sort fields.
To sort a collection, call its sort method. This function accepts two arguments, a string representing the resource field by which to sort the collection, and a boolean specifying whether to return the results in ascending or descending order (this parameter is optional, and results are sorted in ascending order by default).
//Sort event collection in descending order of popularity
.sort("popularity", false)
.then(events => {
//Do something with the matching event resource(s)
.catch(error => {
if(error instanceof UnsupportedSortError){
//Handle unsupported sort field error
//Handle other errors
Even after filtering a collection, there may still be a large number of matching resources returned. Returning a large number of resources in a single request, particularly for complex resources, can lead to large response payloads and long response times, which can slow down your application.
To help mitigate against these performance issues, collections do not return return all matching resources when resolved, instead returning a subset, or page, at a time. Collections are paginated based on the pageLength specified when they are created. Collections default to a pageLength of 25 if a custom value is not specified.
let collection = ticketing.venues.list(10) //Will return 10 resources at a time when resolved
You can use a collection's pagination access methods to page back and forth through its resources as desired.
//Retrieve the first page of the collection
.then(resources => {
//Do something with the page of resources
//Retrieve the last page of the collection
.then(resources => {
//Do something with the page of resources
//Retrieve the next page of the collection
.then(resources => {
//Do something with the page of resources
//Retrieve the previous page of the collection
.then(resources => {
//Do something with the page of resources
//Retrieve a specific page from the collection
.then(resources => {
//Do something with the page of resources
Depending on the specified pageLength and number of resources in the collection, a call to one of the above methods may cause the collection to reference a non-existant page. If a collection ends up internally referencing a non-existant page, a PageAccessError will be thrown when the collection is resolved.
let collection = ticketing.venues.list(10)
.next() // This call to next() will cause the collection to reference a non-existant page
.then(venues => {
//Do something with the matching venue resource(s)
.catch(error => {
if(error instanceof PageAccessError){ //A PageAccessError is thrown when we attempt to resolve the collection
//Handle non-existant page error
//Handle other errors
Collections also offer several test properties and methods to determine the current page reference. This can help you avoid page access errors.
//Return the current page number
console.log(await collection.current)
//Return the number of available pages in the collection
console.log(await collection.pages)
//Test whether there are any more pages after the current one
console.log(await collection.hasNext())
//Test whether there are any more pages before the current one
console.log(await collection.hasPrevious())
Chaining operations
When working with collections you are likely to want to perform filter, sort and pagination operations in a single statement. Collections support operation chaining to achieve this.
//Filter collection based on criteria
let criteria = {
region: 19290238432215
.then(venues => {
//Do something with the page of matching venue resource(s)
.catch(error => {
if(error instanceof UnsupportedCriteriaError){
//Handle unsupported criteria error
}else if(error instanceof PageAccessError){
//Handle non-existant page error
//Handle other errors
Error handling
All TickeTing SDK methods return a Promise-like object with support for the Promise then, catch, finally syntax. If anything goes wrong during the execution of a request, the method will pass an instance of a TickeTing Error class to the registered catch callback.
Each TickeTing Error instance has a unique type, and provides an error message, and an HTTP Error Code (where applicable). This allows your application to respond to different errors as required.
import TickeTing, PageAccessError from '@ticketingevents/ticketing-sdk';
.then(regions => {
//Do something with the page of matching region resource(s)
.catch(error => {
if(error instanceof PageAccessError){
}else if(error.code == 404){
console.log("Page not found")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Session Management
The API Key passed to the TickeTing SDK constructor grants primarily read-only access to API resources (with the exception of an administrative key). Resource management is generally restricted to specific users and you will need to authenticate against the API to unlock these features.
The SDK offers user authentication in the form of sessions. This section details how to work with user sessions.
Start a new session
To authenticate a user, you will need to start a new session. This requires you to provide the user's unique identifier (username or email) and password. Once a session has been started, the SDK will make all subsequent calls to the API on behalf of the authenticated user, until the session is ended. The SDK supports only one active session at a time.
N.B. The default API Key passed to the constructor may have a more permissive role than that of the authenticated user. In this case some access may be restricted during the course of the session.
"identification": "mothers.milk", //Account username or email
"password": "WuT4NGcl4n"
}).then(key => {
//Do something with session key (for example save to local storage)
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof UnauthorisedError){
console.log("The provided username/password combination is invalid.")
}else if(error instanceof ResourceNotFoundError){
console.log("No account was found matching the provided identification string.")
}else if(error instanceof UnsupportedOperationError){
console.log("There is already an active session.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Resume an active session
While the TickeTing API persists sessions, the SDK does not. This allows developers the freedom to choose the local storage solution most suitable for their use case. If you wish to resume a previously started session, you can do so by providing a previously stored session key to the SDK. Once resumed, the SDK will authenticate subsequent requests on behalf of the session's attached user.
N.B. A session cannot be resumed if another one has already been started.
ticketing.session.resume("24496b8f8a513737c26276d04397908c").then(resumed => {
//Do something on success
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof InvalidStateError){
console.log("The session has ended or does not exist.")
}else if(error instanceof UnsupportedOperationError){
console.log("There is already an active session.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
End a session
When you end an active session, the SDK will stop authenticating requests as the specified user, and revet to the API key provided during initialisation. Ending a session allows you to start a new session, or resume an existing one.
ticketing.session.end().then(ended => {
//Do something on success
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof InvalidStateError){
console.log("The session has already ended.")
}else if(error instanceof UnsupportedOperationError){
console.log("There is currently no active session.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Retrieve session information
After successfully starting or resuming a session, you may want to retrieve information about it. You can query information about the ongoing session at any time.
ticketing.session.info().then(session => {
let started = session.started //Date and time that the session was started
let key = session.key //The active session's API Key
let account = session.account //The user account associated with the session
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof UnsupportedOperationError){
console.log("There is currently no active session.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
You can also check if the SDK currently has an active session before taking other actions
//Do something if active session
//Do something otherwise
Operations for registering and managing TickeTing user accounts and their preferences.
List all accounts
// Supported filters with examples
number: "MO-6A39EE8D",
email: "[email protected]",
username: "mothers.milk"
.then(accounts => {
//Do something with the collection of accounts
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Register an account
let accountData = {
"username": "mothers.milk", //Required
"password": "WuT4NGcl4n", //Required
"email": "[email protected]", //Required
"firstName": "Marvin",
"lastName": "Milk",
"title": "Mr",
"dateOfBirth": "1974-09-14",
"phone": "+1 (268) 555 0123",
"country": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"firstAddressLine": "Jennings New Extension",
"secondAddressLine": "",
"city": "Jennings",
"state": "Saint Mary's"
.then(account => {
//Do something with the new account resource
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof BadDataError){
}else if(error instanceof ResourceExistsError){
console.log("A user identified by the given username or email address already exists.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Fetch an account
//Retrieve a specific account using its account number
.then(account => {
//Do something with the account resource
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof ResourceNotFoundError){
console.log("There is no account with the given number")
}else if(error instanceof PermissionError){
console.log("You are not authorised to access or modify this account.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Update an account
//Retrieve a specific account using its account number
account = await ticketing.accounts.find("MO-6A39EE8D")
//Make changes to the resource
account.title = "Dr."
account.firstAddressLine = "New Name"
//Save changes
account.save().then(saved => {
//Do something on success
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof BadDataError){
}else if(error instanceof PermissionError){
console.log("You are not authorised to access or modify this account.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Delete an account
//Retrieve a specific account using its account number
account = await ticketing.accounts.find("MO-6A39EE8D")
//Delete the account
account.delete().then(deleted => {
//Do something on success
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof ResourceIndelibleError){
//The account cannot be deleted as it holds active tickets
}else if(error instanceof PermissionError){
console.log("You are not authorised to access or modify this account.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Fetch account preferences
//Retrieve a specific account using its account number
account = await ticketing.accounts.find("MO-6A39EE8D")
//Retrieve a specific account using its account number
.then(preferences => {
//Do something with the account preferences resource
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof ResourceNotFoundError){
console.log("There is no account with the given number")
}else if(error instanceof PermissionError){
console.log("You are not authorised to access this account.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Update account preferences
//Retrieve a specific account using its account number
account = await ticketing.accounts.find("MO-6A39EE8D")
//Retrieve the account preferences
preferences = await account.preferences
//Make changes to the preferences
let preferredRegion = await ticketing.regions.find(19290238432215)
preferences.region = preferredRegion //Required
//Save changes
preferences.save().then(saved => {
//Do something on success
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof BadDataError){
}else if(error instanceof PermissionError){
console.log("You are not authorised to access or modify this account.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Operations for managing hosts who can list events, sell tickets, book advertising, or request add-on services through TickeTing
List event hosts
// Supported filters with examples
account: "MO-6A39EE8D" //Account that returned event hosts should list as an administrator
.then(hosts => {
//Do something with the collection of hosts
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof UnsupportedCriteriaError){
//Handle unsupported criteria error
}else if(error instanceof PageAccessError){
//Handle non-existant page error
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Create an event host
let hostData = {
"name": "The Boys Entertainment",
"contact": "Billy Butcher",
"email": "[email protected]",
"description": "Premier events for supes of all ages",
"phone": "+1 (268) 555 8075",
"website": "https://theboys.net",
"country": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"firstAddressLine": "Wireless Road",
"secondAddressLine": "Clare Hall",
"city": "St. John's",
"state": "Saint John",
"businessNo": "A5585291"
.then(host => {
//Do something with the created host resource
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof BadDataError){
}else if(error instanceof ResourceExistsError){
console.log("A host with the given name already exists.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Fetch an event host
//Retrieve a specific host using its ID
.then(host => {
//Do something with the host resource
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof ResourceNotFoundError){
console.log("There is no host with the given ID")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Update an event host
//Retrieve a specific host using its ID
let host = await ticketing.hosts.find(17327135633743)
//Make changes to the resource
host.name = "Boys Entertainment"
host.contact = "Marvin Milk"
//Save changes
host.save().then(saved => {
//Do something on success
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof BadDataError){
}else if(error instanceof PermissionError){
console.log("This account is not an administrator of this event host.")
}else if(error instanceof ResourceExistsError){
console.log("A host with the given name already exists.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Delete an event host
//Retrieve a specific host using its ID
let host = await ticketing.hosts.find(17327135633743)
//Delete the event
host.delete().then(deleted => {
//Do something on success
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof PermissionError){
console.log("This account is not an administrator of this event host.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Operations for working with events in the TickeTing system.
List published events
// Supported filters with examples
region: 19290238432215,
title: "Dawn of the Seven Premier"
// Supported sort fields
"alphabetical", //One of "alphabetical" "published" "popularity" "start"
true //Set true for ascending sort (default), or false for descending order
.then(events => {
//Do something with the collection of events
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof UnsupportedCriteriaError){
//Handle unsupported criteria error
}else if(error instanceof UnsupportedSortError){
//Handle unsupported sort field error
}else if(error instanceof PageAccessError){
//Handle non-existant page error
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
// List upcoming events (earliest event first)
// List popular events (most popular first)
ticketing.events.published.list().sort("popularity", false).then(popular=>{})
// List new events (newest first)
ticketing.events.published.list().sort("published", false).then(newest=>{})
List all events (Admin Only)
// Supported filters with examples
region: 19290238432215,
host: 16951985851389,
title: "Dawn of the Seven Premier",
status: "Scheduled",
active: true,
public: false,
section: 16993964783416
// Supported sort fields
"published", //One of "alphabetical" "published" "popularity" "start"
false //Set true for ascending sort (default), or false for descending order
.then(events => {
//Do something with the collection of events
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof UnsupportedCriteriaError){
//Handle unsupported criteria error
}else if(error instanceof UnsupportedSortError){
//Handle unsupported sort field error
}else if(error instanceof PageAccessError){
//Handle non-existant page error
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Register an event
let venue = await ticketing.venues.find(16878146473429)
let eventData = {
"host": "16951985851389", //Required
"title": "Dawn of the Seven Premier", //Required
"description": "World Premier of the long ....", //Required
"type": "Standard", //Required
"public": true, //Required
"category": "/categories/16878141745207", //Required
"subcategory": "Premier", //Required
"venue": venue, //Required
"start": "2024-06-07T20:00",
"end": "2024-06-07T23:00",
"disclaimer": "Attend at your own risk",
"tags": ["homelander", "queen maeve", "the deep", "A-Train"],
"banner": "...",
"thumbnail": "..."
.then(event => {
//Do something with the created event resource
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof BadDataError){
}else if(error instanceof ResourceNotFoundError){
console.log("The specified event host does not exist.")
}else if(error instanceof PermissionError){
console.log("You are not authorised to manage events on behalf of this host.")
}else if(error instanceof ResourceExistsError){
console.log("An event with the given name already exists.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Fetch an event
//Retrieve a specific event using its ID
.then(event => {
//Do something with the event resource
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof ResourceNotFoundError){
console.log("There is no event with the given ID")
}else if(error instanceof PermissionError){
console.log("You are not authorised to access this unlisted event.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Update an event
//Retrieve a specific event using its ID
event = await ticketing.events.find(16993717817996)
//Make changes to the resource
event.public = false
event.end = "2025-09-07T23:00"
//Save changes
event.save().then(saved => {
//Do something on success
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof BadDataError){
}else if(error instanceof PermissionError){
console.log("You are not authorised to manage events on behalf of this host.")
}else if(error instanceof ResourceExistsError){
console.log("An event with the given name already exists.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Delete an event
//Retrieve a specific event using its ID
event = await ticketing.events.find(16993717817996)
//Delete the event
event.delete().then(deleted => {
//Do something on success
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof PermissionError){
console.log("You are not authorised to manage events on behalf of this host.")
}else if(error instanceof ResourceIndelibleError){
console.log("The event has active sections which must be deleted first.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Submit an event for review
//Retrieve a specific event using its ID
event = await ticketing.events.find(16993717817996)
//Delete the event
event.submit().then(submitted => {
//Do something on success
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof PermissionError){
console.log("You are not authorised to manage events on behalf of this host.")
}else if(error instanceof InvalidStateError){
console.log("The event has already been submitted or cancelled.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Operations for managing the categories under which events can be classified (requires administrative access).
List event categories
.then(categories => {
//Do something with the collection of categories
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Add new category
let categoryData = {
"name": "Fete", //Required
"subcategories": ["All Inclusive", "Drinks Inclusive", "Cooler"] //Optional
.then(category => {
//Do something with the created category resource
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof BadDataError){
}else if(error instanceof ResourceExistsError){
console.log("A category with the given name already exists.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Fetch a category
//Retrieve a specific category using its ID
.then(category => {
//Do something with the category resource
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof ResourceNotFoundError){
console.log("There is no category with the given ID")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Update a category
//Retrieve a specific category using its ID
category = await ticketing.categories.find(17325458293736)
//Make changes to the resource
category.name = "Inclusive Fete"
category.subcategories = ["All Inclusive", "Drinks Inclusive"]
//Save changes
category.save().then(saved => {
//Do something on success
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof BadDataError){
}else if(error instanceof ResourceExistsError){
console.log("A category with the given name already exists.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Delete a category
//Retrieve a specific category using its ID
category = await ticketing.categories.find(19290238432215)
//Delete the category
category.delete().then(deleted => {
//Do something on success
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof ResourceIndelibleError){
//The category cannot be deleted as it is in use
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Operations for managing regions supported by the TickeTing platform (requires administrative access).
List all regions
// Supported filters with examples
active: true //Only return regions with upcoming events
.then(regions => {
//Do something with the collection of regions
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Add new region
let regionData = {
"name": "Antigua and Barbuda", //Required
"country": "Antigua and Barbuda", //Required
"district": "Saint Paul", //Optional
"city": "English Harbour" //Optional
.then(region => {
//Do something with the created region resource
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof BadDataError){
}else if(error instanceof ResourceExistsError){
console.log("A region with the given name already exists.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Fetch a region
//Retrieve a specific region using its ID
.then(region => {
//Do something with the region resource
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof ResourceNotFoundError){
console.log("There is no region with the given ID")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Update a region
//Retrieve a specific region using its ID
region = await ticketing.regions.find(19290238432215)
//Make changes to the resource
region.name = "New Name"
region.district = "New District"
//Save changes
region.save().then(saved => {
//Do something on success
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof BadDataError){
}else if(error instanceof ResourceExistsError){
console.log("A region with the given name already exists.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Delete a region
//Retrieve a specific region using its ID
region = await ticketing.regions.find(19290238432215)
//Delete the region
region.delete().then(deleted => {
//Do something on success
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof ResourceIndelibleError){
//The region cannot be deleted as it is in use
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Operations for managing the venues at which event can be staged (requires administrative access).
List event venues
// Supported filters with examples
.filter({region: 19290238432215})
.then(venues => {
//Do something with the collection of venues
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof UnsupportedCriteriaError){
//Handle unsupported criteria error
}else if(error instanceof PageAccessError){
//Handle non-existant page error
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Create an event venue
let region = await ticketing.regions.find(19290238432215)
let venueData = {
"name": "Vought Tower", //Required
"region": region, //Required
"longitude": -73.99214, //Required
"latitude": 40.75518, //Required
"address": "7th Ave, Manhattan, New York" //Required
.then(venue => {
//Do something with the created venue resource
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof BadDataError){
}else if(error instanceof ResourceExistsError){
console.log("A region with the given name already exists.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Fetch a venue
//Retrieve a specific venue using its ID
.then(venue => {
//Do something with the venue resource
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof ResourceNotFoundError){
console.log("There is no venue with the given ID")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Update a venue
//Retrieve a specific venue using its ID
venue = await ticketing.venues.find(16878146473429)
//Make changes to the resource
venue.name = "New Name"
venue.address = "#1 High St., St. John's"
//Save changes
venue.save().then(saved => {
//Do something on success
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof BadDataError){
}else if(error instanceof ResourceExistsError){
console.log("A region with the given name already exists.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Delete an event venue
//Retrieve a specific venue using its ID
venue = await ticketing.venues.find(16878146473429)
//Delete the venue
venue.delete().then(deleted => {
//Do something on success
//Do something on failure
}).catch(error => {
//Handle errors
if(error instanceof ResourceIndelibleError){
console.log("The venue is currently hosting, or has staged, one or more events.")
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)
Retrieve lists of pre-defined values for use in creating events, hosts, venues and other TickeTing resources. NB: Unlike collections returned by the list() function, preset collections cannot be filtered, sorted or paginated.
Retrieve a list of countries
.then(countries => {
//Do something with the list of countries
.catch(error => {
//Handle errors
console.log(`${typeof error} (${error.code}): ${error.message}`)