Universal Auth is a comprehensive authentication package that enables seamless login integration with GitHub, and more. Simplify your user authentication process with a unified, easy-to-use interface.
Universal Auth Package
Universal Auth is a TypeScript package that provides OAuth authentication integration for GitHub. It aims to simplify the process of implementing OAuth authentication in TypeScript projects.
- GitHub Authentication: Authenticate users using GitHub OAuth.
- Singleton Pattern: Uses a singleton pattern to ensure a single instance across the application.
You can install the package via npm (or yarn):
npm install @thynclabs/universal-auth
# or
yarn add @thynclabs/universal-auth
Initialize GitHub Authentication
To use GitHub OAuth authentication, import the GitHubAuth class from universal-auth:
import { GitHubAuth } from '@thynclabs/universal-auth';
const clientId = 'your-github-client-id';
const clientSecret = 'your-github-client-secret';
const redirectUri = 'http://localhost/callback'; // Replace with your actual redirect URI
const githubAuth = GitHubAuth.getInstance(clientId, clientSecret, redirectUri);
// Get authorization URL
const authorizationUrl = githubAuth.getAuthorizationUrl();
console.log('Authorization URL:', authorizationUrl);
// Redirect users to authorizationUrl to initiate GitHub OAuth flow
Handle Callback
After the user authorizes your application, GitHub will redirect them back to your redirectUri with a code parameter. Use this code to fetch the access token:
// Assuming 'code' is obtained from query parameters
const code = 'code-from-github'; // Replace with actual code
// Get access token
const accessToken = await githubAuth.getAccessToken(code);
console.log('Access Token:', accessToken);
// Use the access token to fetch user information
const userInfo = await githubAuth.getUserInfo(accessToken);
console.log('User Info:', userInfo);
GitHub Configuration
You need to register your application on GitHub to obtain clientId and clientSecret. Follow these steps:
- Go to GitHub Developer Settings.
- Create a new OAuth application.
- Obtain clientId and clientSecret.
- Set redirectUri to your application's callback URL.
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue on GitHub. To contribute code, fork the repository and submit a pull request.
Universal Auth is maintained by Thync Labs. Special thanks to contributors for their valuable input and contributions.