Make iframes responsive
Fluid Iframe
Allows iframes to scale down while maintaining its original aspect ratio. This is most useful for iframes authors paste into a rich-text WYSIWYG field. Managed iframes whose markup can be controlled directly (e.g. shortcodes) can achieve this with just HTML and CSS.
Inspired by FitVids.js and noframe.js.
yarn add @threespot/fluid-iframe
import FluidIframe from "@threespot/fluid-iframe";
const iframes = document.querySelectorAll("iframe");
iframes.forEach(el => new FluidIframe(el));
// Using a class instead of inline styles
iframes.forEach(el => new FluidIframe(el, {
inlineStyles: false,
classes: "video-wide"
// Adding styles directly to the iframe with no wrapper
// (mean iframe won’t be able to expand beyond its original size)
iframes.forEach(el => new FluidIframe(el, { wrap: false }));
Here’s an example of how to use CSS instead of inline styles (requires wrapper around iframe):
// wrapper div around the iframe
.video-wide {
position: relative;
&:before {
content: '';
display: block;
padding-top: percentage(9/16);
iframe {
height: 100%;
left: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
These options can also be set in JavaScript:
new FluidFrame(el, {
defaultAspectRatio: 9 / 16,
forceRatio: false,// set aspect ratio to use regardless of actual dimensions of iframe
inlineStyles: true,// apply inline styles to wrapper or iframe (depends on wrap option)
wrap: true,// adds a div wrapper around the iframe
classes: "" // class(es) to add to the wrapper or iframe (depends on wrap option)
This is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the MIT license.
About Threespot
Threespot is an independent digital agency hell-bent on helping those, and only those, who are committed to helping others. Find out more at https://www.threespot.com.