Enhanced InstancedMesh with frustum culling, fast raycasting (using BVH), sorting, visibility management and more.
is an alternative version of InstancedMesh
with enhanced features for performance and usability:
- Per-instance frustum culling: skip rendering for out-of-view instances.
- Sorting: reduce overdraw and manage transparent objects efficiently.
- Spatial indexing (dynamic BVH): speed up raycasting and frustum culling.
- Dynamic capacity: add or remove instances seamlessly.
- Per-instance visibility: toggle visibility for each instance individually.
- Per-instance opacity: set opacity for each instance individually.
- Object3D-like instances: use instances like
with transforms and custom data. - Per-instance uniforms: assign unique shader data to individual instances.
- Level of Detail (LOD): dynamically adjust instance detail based on distance.
- Shadow LOD: optimize shadow rendering with lower detail for distant instances.
- Skinning: apply skeletal animations to instances for more complex and dynamic movements.
const myInstancedMesh = new InstancedMesh2(geometry, material);
myInstancedMesh.addInstances(count, (obj, index) => {
obj.position.x = index;
🧑💻 Live Examples
- Dynamic adding with BVH (thanks to Saumac)
Using three.ez/main
- 1kk static trees
- Instances array dynamic
- Sorting
- Custom material
- Dynamic BVH (no vite)
- Fast raycasting
- Shadow LOD
- Skinning 3k instances
- Dynamic adding with BVH
- Skinning
Using other libraries
- Threlte
- React-three-fiber (thanks to Saumac)
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📚 Documentation
The API documentation is available here.
⬇️ Installation
You can install it via npm using the following command:
npm install @three.ez/instanced-mesh
Or you can import it from CDN:
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"three": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/three/build/three.module.js",
"three/addons/": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/three/examples/jsm/",
"@three.ez/instanced-mesh": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@three.ez/instanced-mesh/build/index.js",
"bvh.js": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bvh.js/build/index.js"
🚀 Features
Per-instance frustum culling
Avoiding rendering objects outside the camera frustum can drastically improve performance (especially for complex geometries). Frustum culling by default is performed by iterating all instances, but it is possible to speed up this process by creating a spatial indexing data structure (BVH).
By default perObjectFrustumCulled
is true
Sorting can be used to decrease overdraw and render transparent objects.
It's possible to improve sort performance adding a customSort
, like built-in createRadixSort
By default sortObjects
is false
import { createRadixSort } from '@three.ez/instanced-mesh';
myInstancedMesh.sortObjects = true;
myInstancedMesh.customSort = createRadixSort(myInstancedMesh);
Spatial indexing (dynamic BVH)
To speed up raycasting and frustum culling, a spatial indexing data structure can be created to contain the boundingBoxes of all instances. This works very well if the instances are mostly static (updating a BVH can be expensive) and scattered in world space. Setting a margin makes BVH updating faster, but may make raycasting and frustum culling slightly slower.
myInstancedMesh.computeBVH({ margin: 0 });
Dynamic capacity
Manage a dynamic number of instances, automatically expanding the data buffers as needed to accommodate additional instances.
If not specified, capacity
is 1000
const myInstancedMesh = new InstancedMesh2(geometry, material, { capacity: count });
myInstancedMesh.addInstances(count, (obj, index) => { ... }); // add instances and expand buffer if necessary
myInstancedMesh.removeInstances(id0, idx, ...);
myInstancedMesh.clearInstances(); // remove all instances
Per-instance visibility
Set the visibility status of each instance:
myInstancedMesh.setVisibilityAt(index, false);
myInstancedMesh.instances[0].visible = false; // if instances array is created
Per-instance opacity
Set the opacity of each instance:
myInstancedMesh.setOpacityAt(index, 0.5);
myInstancedMesh.instances[0].opacity = 0.5; // if instances array is created
Object3D-like instances
It's possible to create an array of InstancedEntity
(Object3D-like) in order to easily manipulate instances, using more memory.
const myInstancedMesh = new InstancedMesh2(geometry, material, { createEntities: true });
myInstancedMesh.instances[0].customData = {};
myInstancedMesh.instances[0].updateMatrix(); // necessary after transformations
Per-instance uniforms
Assign unique shader uniforms to each instance, working with every materials.
myInstancedMesh.initUniformsPerInstance(({ metalness: 'float', roughness: 'float', emissive: 'vec3' }));
myInstancedMesh.setUniformAt(index, 'metalness', 0.5);
myInstancedMesh.instances[0].setUniform('emissive', new Color('white')); // if instances array is created
Level of Detail (LOD)
Improve rendering performance by dynamically adjusting the detail level of instances based on their distance from the camera. Use simplified geometries for distant objects to optimize resources.
myInstancedMesh.addLOD(geometryMid, material, 50);
myInstancedMesh.addLOD(geometryLow, material, 200);
Shadow LOD
Optimize shadow rendering by reducing the detail level of instances casting shadows based on their distance from the camera.
myInstancedMesh.addShadowLOD(geometryLow, 100);
Apply skeletal animations to instances for more complex and dynamic movements.
Raycasting tips
If you are not using a BVH, you can set the raycastOnlyFrustum
property to true to avoid iterating over all instances.
It's recommended to use three-mesh-bvh to create a geometry BVH.