## Why do we do the project generator ?
Why do we do the project generator ?
During the bootstrap of each project we write a lot of configuration boilerplate - spending each time a few days doing the same tasks again and again
The generator is here to make us more efficient when starting a new project by generating a scaffolded project:
- add boilerplate configuration automatically (ansible, docker-compose, circleci, linters)
- generate the folder/files boilerplate for both front end and backend
- make the code base easier to navigate with a conventional tooling and approach between projects
- configure the testing tools and make them ready for when you need them.
Chosen Stack
The current MVP covers the most used technologies which are:
- DevOps: Ansible, docker-compose, CircleCI, Codemagic
- Backend: Node + Express + TypeORM, Symfony, FastAPI
- Web: React, NextJS
- Mobile: Flutter, React Native
- Miscellaneous: Cypress, Jest
More languages/tools will come in the future.
You can quickly use the generator by following the quickstart guide
Advanced Usage
You can also run the generator manually which let you pick what individual template you want to add.
Run yo @thetribe/project:root
to generate a bare root project and then
add more components to your project
Add more components
You can add more components to an existing project with the following commands:
yo @thetribe/project:express [name]
yo @thetribe/project:fast-api [name]
yo @thetribe/project:flutter-mobile [name]
yo @thetribe/project:next-js [name]
yo @thetribe/project:react [name]
yo @thetribe/project:react-admin [name]
yo @thetribe/project:react-native-mobile [name]
yo @thetribe/project:symfony [name]
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